Futurology in most countries of the world has long become discipline that has found practical application. To consultations leading futuristic companies actively seek futurists align your own business with long-term forecasts.
It was close collaboration with futurologists that helped Shell, in particular, to achieve leadership in the oil sector, and Google – get ahead of Apple in the mobile OS market. Long-term success of any the company is based in no small part on the fact that it will get ahead social and technological progress in their field.
10 predictions for the next decade from futurologists Silicon Valley
Institute for another seminar held this month in San Jose the Future – a futurological congress attended as futurologists and businessmen alike. According to its results were determined the next trends that will determine the technological program for the next decade.
1. In the next 10 years, the Internet will appear new generations.
A photo from open sources
It’s no secret that the original concept of the Internet considered it as a kind of free zone that would not be exposed the influence of neither commercial structures nor the state as a whole. IN as a result, the world received a centralized and highly vulnerable system.
However, in the next decade the situation may change. Already now there is an active development of technological solutions that will bring the Internet closer to the original concept. Projects like Hyperboria, Tor, Meshnet and others got active development after scandals with wiretapping and total espionage. Now they are gaining momentum, so in a few years the old model Internet may be superseded by a new one.
2. Wikipedia for Manufacturers appears.
The Wikipedia network encyclopedia at some point destroyed The concept of a monopoly on information. Now we can expect that a similar project will appear that will organize all the data about all types of production that exist today. how the consequence, the monopolies of giants of the international level will come to an end, because any user will be able to access the Internet and reproduce any production chain. Already at this stage there are all prerequisites for this – the network is actively developing factories, research platforms, communities, engaged in the production of components.
3. 3D printing will revolutionize the construction industry.
A photo from open sources
The rapid development of 3D printing will literally turn an idea of construction and production in general. Houses that will “print”, will differ externally from existing ones on this stage, recalling rather the “city of the future” of the fantastic films. The construction process itself will become less time-consuming, as well as significantly diversifies form factors and forces to reconsider materials used.
4. The idea of the penitentiary system will change.
The main focus will be occupational therapy. Prisoners can develop your own business, conduct research, etc.
5. Sharing of material goods and any resources will become the norm.
Recently, a huge number of startups have appeared, which are based on the so-called “joint use of resources. “In other words, if one person has a certain resource, and another person is willing to pay to get it for temporary use, then these two people can to cooperate and get mutual benefits.
Housing rented with AirBnB, a car that rented in services like Mobility or ZipCar – all this first examples of a new trend. In the near future this direction will develop, which is very natural, considering that in Consistent with the latest research, both people and business Usually uses its own resources only 1/10.
6. Public relations will be based on a model Pay Forward.
A photo from open sources
The same “suspended” coffee in coffee houses that I paid for the previous visitor is her. Now there are many social startups that seek to drive users on gratuitous kindness. It is still unknown how this model will be work in the case of the acquisition of more expensive goods, but she continues to actively develop.
7. Remote work will become the norm.
The number of freelancers continues to increase every day. According to Futurologists predicted that personal presence could soon become completely optional, and the distance between people is finally lose value. Fortunately, developing technologies will be contribute.
8. A global map of microflora of the Earth will appear and at the root will change our understanding of the role and functions of the ecosystem.
In the event that the development of a project called Earth Microbiome Project will be successful, a person’s idea of the relationship that exists between different levels of life on our the planet will change radically. The connection of man with the ecosystem will be revised, as a result of which inevitable changes await most branches of knowledge. Will be actively pursued research to make the process possible ecosystem management at the bacterial level.
9. With the help of Big Data technologies there will be an opportunity modeling reality and predicting all social processes.
A photo from open sources
Thanks to the development of technology, humanity will learn to work out social processes, in particular crises, in virtuality, that will help to avoid them in reality. Mass gamification will give the ability to design reality, pre-calculating the possibility of negative phenomena in society and in politics.
10. Creating a neurocard helps expand opportunities brain.
That the capabilities of the human brain today are actually poorly understood, they have already said repeatedly. But only in the near future can we expect the development of technology in this industry. In particular, the creation of a detailed neurocard will give the ability to stimulate brain activity, as a result of which the capabilities of the human brain will expand tremendously.