2014 – the year predicted earlier

A photo from open sources

According to the Mayan calendar, the era ended in 2012 Fifth Sun, and the world was supposed to cease to exist. However, as we see, this did not happen. According to some researchers, he had only two years left … The Earth will be “washed away” by acid fog About the disaster that soon to fall on humanity, said American observatory “Chandra”. In 2010, she discovered in space giant cloud of acid fog. Astronomers called its wreaking havoc. 16 million kilometers in size, it’s a cloud destroys everything in its path: stars, planets, asteroids. Now it at the speed of light moves in the direction of the solar system. According to the conclusions of astrophysicists, the cloud generated supermassive black hole in the center of our galaxy. This hole is too far to-swallow the “solar system. But, as it turns out, it’s all capable of causing us trouble. Black holes can create disturbances in the space surrounding them and “spit out” on colossal distances are something like prominences or huge clouds of dust and gas. – The effect of the impact of such a cloud on our the planet and the entire solar system will be akin to if shedding water on a handwritten ink text, says Albert Shervinsky, astrophysicist from the University of Cambridge. – Water will blur the text and turn it into a mess. About the same mess will turn into planets with the sun. According to calculations, Sowing chaos will reach Earth in July 2014 Shervinsky claims that NASA does not disclose all data about this sinister object, so as not to cause a panic. Get away from responses in the US government, saying that the situation so far unclear and requires further study. Volcanoes wake up It seems that the Earth is entering a period of high seismic activity, which peak will fall just in 2014. – Japan earthquake and the eruption of Icelandic volcanoes in 2011 – only the first cycle general increase in seismic activity, warns the president Elchin International Earthquake Prediction Association Khalilov. – Eruptions of Eyyafyatlayokudl and Grimsvotn volcanoes, which brought so much trouble to air carriers – a prelude to eruptions of other volcanoes, and not only in Iceland, – he echoes University of Edinburgh volcanologist Thor Tordarson. Scientists compiled a graph of eruptions of Icelandic volcanoes over 1100 years and revealed a 140-year period during which their rise and fall activity. Relatively calm phase observed during the last fifty years, coming to an end. Soon eruption of the largest Icelandic volcano is expected – Katla. IN the area of ​​its ten-kilometer crater is constantly felt tremors. Only in November 2011 they were recorded over five hundred. Iceland is located in the Mid-Atlantic region ridge and is included in the Atlantic belt of volcanoes. So don’t It is possible that it was the awakening Icelandic volcanoes provoked the eruption of a powerful underwater volcano near Hierro Islands from the Canary Archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. It lasts, gradually intensifying, more than one month. Scientists fear that an earthquake-induced earthquake will shift the tectonic plate, the edge of which is located in the area of ​​the volcano. Such a shift will inevitably cause a giant tsunami that rushes to the shores North America. In recent months, began to show increased activity and volcanoes on the other side of the globe. In Indonesia Gamalama’s volcano suddenly “exploded,” spitting out two-kilometer high tons of ash. In hawaii happened Kilauea volcano eruption. Professionals are watching with alarm the state of the volcano St. Helena in the western United States. Sounding found under it huge cavities filled with molten breed. The worst part is that from this cavity for many kilometers underground channels, also filled with lava, stretch. This whole system channels includes not only cavities under relatively shallow volcanoes but cavities under the largest yellowstone in the world super volcano. If an eruption of any of them begins, it may follow the chain reaction. A simultaneous explosion of dozens volcanoes, including Yellowstone, will lead to disaster with millions of human victims and the change of the entire ecosystem of the planet. Sunstorms will break out As experts expected International Earthquake Prediction Association, 2012 bursts of seismic activity were observed in June and October. The most dangerous is expected in January 2013. Will start soon “wake up” Alpine-Himalayan volcanic belt: here First of all, we are talking about the Italian Vesuvius and Etna. No less Fuji in Japan and Krakatau in danger Indonesia. Particularly alarming forecasts for 2013. Fall on him several solar activity maxima at once: an 11-year cycle, 22 year old, 90-100 year old and 300 year old. All this indicates that we are on the verge of the most powerful solar storms. Already them the approximation is indirectly confirmed by a number of natural anomalies, in particular sharp increase in the drift velocity of the magnetic poles. This, in turn, means that the Earth’s core (about this is also indicated by special NASA research). That is, intensified and the movement of magma flows, provoking eruptions volcanoes and shifts of tectonic plates. According to experts, including the aforementioned E. Khalilov, in 2013 there will be a number powerful earthquakes and destructive phenomena in the atmosphere that can cause numerous casualties among the population, flooding vast territories, as well as the failure of satellite systems communication. Peak volcanic and seismic activity should fall for 2014, which is fraught with a planetary catastrophe: the onset of a “nuclear winter” and a change in atmospheric composition due to a huge amount of ash thrown out by volcanoes, which will lead to death of many plant and animal species inhabiting the planet. Antichrist will come There is a warning about a certain disaster of 2014, which has come down to us from the depths of time. Made him in the 12th century the Irish priest Malachi O’Morger, during his lifetime famous for his prophecies and miracles and after death beheaded saints. Of all the works of St. Malachi to only a manuscript known as the “Prophecy about the popes. “In it, the saint lists all the popes, who will occupy the papal throne after reigning in his time Innocent II. As was customary in ancient times, St. Malachi describes his predictions in allegorical form. Without calling dads by name, he characterizes each with two or three words. Total there should be 112 such pontiffs. The board of the latter will end in 2014, when the end of the world. According to legend, the “Prophecy” was written by Malachi in Rome, where Pope Innocent II ordained him to the bishops. In 1595, found an ancient manuscript in Roman archives and published by the Benedictine monk Arnold de Villon. Around The predictions of St. Malachi have been debated for centuries. Many accuse de Villon of falsification, indicating that characteristics of popes who occupied the papal throne until 1595, more precisely than the characteristics of subsequent ones. Other researchers consider that the characteristics of subsequent popes, although foggy, are still close enough to the truth. Most of all in the “Prophecy” St. Malachi is surprised by the date of the “last” year and the number of popes is 112. Suffice it to say that now the Vatican throne occupies the 111th in a row dad! The previous, 110th pope, St. Malachi characterized by the words “De labore solis”, which is translated from Latin means “From the labors of the sun.” Pope John Paul II, who occupied throne from 1978 to 2005, born on the day of the solar eclipse, 18 May 1920 A solar eclipse was also observed on the day of his funeral. Perhaps also, St. Malachi had in mind that this pontiff, who loved to travel, would go around and light, like the sun, everything corners of the earth. The current pope, Benedict XVI, is called Saint Malachi “De Gloria Olive” – ​​”From the Glory of the Olive.” This feature is not yet quite understandable. Oliva is a symbol of peace, and possibly a prophet thus indicates the pope’s constant calls for peace, which is especially important in our turbulent time, when whole states are collapsing on Middle East. The last, 112th pope, the saint calls “Petrus Romanus “-” Peter the Roman “- and devotes to the times of his reign a few short phrases. According to him, “a terrible judge will be judge the people “, and Rome – the City of the Seven Hills – will be destroyed. Researchers clearly interpret this as an indication of the coming Antichrist and the end of the world. We can only hope that the current dad will safely live to 2015 and already alone this will refute the ancient prophecy. But at the same time will not take place and natural disasters that some scientists predict. Igor Voloznev Secrets of the twentieth century, No. 48, 2012

Water Time Volcanoes Eclipses Earthquakes Iceland End of the World NASA Sun Solar System Black Hole Japan

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