2015 will be longer in time previous

A photo from open sources

Many online companies in order to make sure that the time for atomic clock stays in sync with real rotation time Earth, in 2015 decided to conduct a series of experiments. At this moment the rotation of our planet every day slows down by two thousandths of a second. However the atomic clock that is now with billionths of a second can show real time, never changed their pace. The result is that an atomic clock much more true than the rotation of our planet …. The question arises, what time do we live? To somehow synchronize this an important unit for us, like time, International Service experts Earth’s rotation (IERS) decided to synchronize the progress of the atomic clock and real rotation of the earth. For this purpose in 2015 they officially planned to add a “superfluous” second of time on June 30 (11:59. 59). Adding a second is not a new phenomenon. This practice has received popularity since 1972. Previously accumulated extra seconds checked with the “brain” of that time – the computer, although they did not betray distribution of time to excess publicity. Last fix in This area happened in 2012. It was then added an extra second to the usual calendar for many, and this created certain problems for computers from companies like Reddit, LinkedIn, Gizmodo, and Foursquare. We tried this problem google employees – they decided to add every day to during the year, one millisecond per day to the clock of their computers. Thus, the corporation’s employees killed two with one shot. hares. On the one hand, they made the “jump in time” not noticeable not only for users, but also for a computer system! Not despite the fact that many programmers do not pay attention to seconds missed, for many computer programs this is real problem! Experts believe that the weakest link can be frequently visited sites for which even such a slight jump in time can have disastrous consequences. The rotation of the Earth from the point of view of mathematics is imperfect, and every several years the time by which we live needs a certain adjustment, and therefore from time to time the extra is added a leap second is usually in June or December. Here why June 30 of this year will instead of 86,400 seconds last 86,401 give me a sec.


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