A prophecy of Russia that gives hope to the whole world

A prophecy about Russia that gives hope to the whole worldA photo from open sources

English missionary Hudson Taylor dedicated his whole life good goal – to establish contacts between Britain and the Middle Kingdom. The Intra-Chinese Mission founded by him became one of the main driving forces of the second half of the XIX century in the convergence of two peoples, although for Taylor himself this was not an easy task.

Firstly, the Chinese were suspicious of strangers, secondly, the Chinese government also strongly opposed the spread of Western culture and alien to this people spirituality. Suffice it to recall that according to a decree of Beijing in 1900, was killed more than a hundred missionary preachers, including Hudson Taylor.

In Russia, Taylor is better known as a prophet, who in 1889 predicted two great wars (world wars). Then according to this confessor, the world will be swept by numerous rebellions and rebellions, until the most amazing national awakening in Russia will happen. This awakening will gradually spread to European countries, and then all of God’s light, after which Jesus will come to Earth again Christ.

Hudson Taylor’s prediction is still popular among Christians Russia, who believe that his prophecy about Russia gives hope the whole world, which will soon have to change dramatically, becoming spiritual, bright and beautiful. True, the missionary prophet is not clarified when exactly this will happen …

A photo from open sources

China Russia

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