From massive earthen pyramids in China and buried cities civilization of the Indus Valley to the majestic structures of Chichen Itza, Stonehenge, Easter Island and many places in Central and South America, the world is dotted with inexplicable structures and artifacts disappeared civilizations.
Probably the strangest anomaly itself is the existence of such civilizations. Why, appearing as if from out of nowhere, humanity has made a huge leap from the primitive communities of hunters and gatherers to the greatness of Ancient Egypt, Sumer, Incas, Olmecs and Chinese? Historical evidence (at least, in the traditional interpretation) do not give an answer to this question.
Historians refuse to seriously consider much of what these civilizations themselves said about themselves, and conservative archaeologists and anthropologists too firmly believe in proliferation evolutionary paradigm on the history of human culture to think about the true purpose of the ancient monoliths and artifacts. But despite these obstacles, ancient chronicles, monoliths and artifacts make it clear enough that all of these civilizations considered themselves heirs to the more ancient and much more high culture. This culture, lost in the mists of antiquity, existed in the golden age when the “gods” lived among people and directed their affairs when the great miracles of technology were performed, morality was in decline, and monstrous wars were fought with using terrifying weapons, and finally, when the cataclysm is judgment “gods,” or God — nearly destroyed mankind.
What written evidence, artifacts and monoliths is it about speech? Graham Hancock described many of them in his book Traces of the Gods. Although it’s not possible to list everything here, something needs to be mentioned. as evidence of the technological excellence of paleo-civilization. One artifact not noted by Hancock deserves special attention. This is a skull “carved” from a single piece of mountain crystal, which was discovered by the daughter of a British archaeologist F.A. Mitchell-Hedgss during archaeological excavations in the British Honduras in the 1920s. Like the Great Pyramid at Giza, he represents one of the most ancient, perfect and abnormal artifacts all over the world. He was found in Lubantum, a city Mayan center, founded in the VIII-IX century BC. e.
In the 1960s, Anna Mitchell-Hedges proposed a skull for study. the famous art critic Frank Dorland, who played central role in authenticating the icon of the Kazan God Mothers. Dorland immediately recognized the problem that distinguished this artifact from most other works of art: “We don’t there was no legend, nor myth, nor records, nor even references to which we could lean on. “In other words, the Mayans kept a mysterious silence about this amazing work of art – of course if it was so, as the skull found some very unusual properties that puzzled Dorland.
Photos from open sources of
Armed with a microscope, Dorland discovered complex and very unusual optical characteristics of the artifact. From the palatine arch skull to the back of the head passes a wide plane, similar to a prism, under angle of 45 °. This plane can direct light from inside the skull into its eye sockets.
If the skull was placed on a stone altar with internal illumination and the hole made in the stone under the artifact, his eye sockets as if flared up in flames. Near the prismatic surface inclined at an angle of 45 °, there is a natural ribbon prism. This channel, stretching more than six inches in continuous quartz crystal, free of veils and inclusions. Typed text, viewed through a ribbon prism, not only clearly visible, but also remains not distorted and only slightly enlarged.
Behind the man-made prism is a convex-concave surface, which collects light and reflects it through a prism into the eye sockets. The nape of the skull is shaped like an elegant chamber lens collecting light from everywhere behind and also reflecting it into the eye sockets.
This sophisticated optics is of great interest because directly related to possible technology Pyramid construction. Faced with outstanding optical characteristics when studying an artifact that is supposedly was only an example of religious art, Dorland decided to hold further experiments with the skull at the Hewlett-Packard laboratories in Santa Clare, California.
There, the mysterious nature of the anomaly only intensified. Techniques from Hewlett-Packard laboratories conducted a bottom of important experiment with crystal skull. Submerging it in a cuvette with benzyl alcohol and examined in polarized light, they determined that the artifact was cut out irrespective of the crystallographic axis and represented a whole crystal. X-Y axis orientation and veils identified in polarized snow showed that jaw. which now is a separate fragment, was originally cut from the same crystal crystal … One employee said: “We don’t no way to determine his age … ”
Even among people who are familiar with crystal and its properties, many questions remained unanswered. Thanks to the jewelry work and gorgeous polished, the skull looks brand new, by laboratory experts agreed that even having received crystal of this size, leading modern manufacturers crystalline components could not create an instance of a similar quality.
The results boil down to the following: we have amenable dating a human skull carved from a solid crystal xpyerajw with conventional and ribbon prisms “carved” inside skulls using technology inaccessible to modern souls specialists. The artifact was found during excavations of the ancient city Maya, but in this culture there is no mention of such subjects.
However, the secrets of pre-Columbian Central and South America are not end up. The books of von Danicsn and Hancock have detailed descriptions of the Nazca Plateau in southern Peru. There are in the plain gigapt drawings of spiders, monkeys and hummingbirds; they are so big that they can only be seen entirely from a height.
A photo from open sources
Of particular interest is the spider pattern:
Recent studies by Dr. Phyllis Pitluga, senior aoronoma from the Chicago planet Adler, showed that the spider, like the pyramids on the Giza plateau in Egypt, was conceived as a ground mapping constellations of Orion. Is it possible that the inclusion of a “heavenly plane” in ancient and mysterious monuments in different parts of the world and special attention to the three stars of the Orion Belt (represented on the Nazca Plateau narrow body of a spider) can be part of a worldwide scientific heritage left by a vanished civilization in a very distant era?
The drawings on the Nazca Plateau are not the only mysterious place in New World. Further north, northeast of the city of Mexico City, is the ancient city of Teotihuacan.
A photo from open sources
Here, like Giza, astronomical knowledge appeared as if from out of nowhere. Hancock notes that, according to ethnologist Stensbury Eger, the main street of the city could symbolize the Milky Way.
In fact, Eger went even further and saw images specific stars and planets on many pyramids, barrows and other structures located on both sides of the axis of the Street of the Dead, like motionless satellites. In final form, his theory came down to the fact that Teotihuacan was a map of the sky: “-He reproduced on earth a supposed plan of the heavenly world, where deities and spirits of the dead inhabited.
Determined to test this hypothesis, American engineer Hugh Harleston Jr. made a trip to Teotihuacan. After thorough surveying the terrain he came to even more astounding conclusion:
Harleston’s studies have shown the existence of a complex mathematical relationship between structures located along Streets of the Dead (and even beyond). This relationship leads to the extraordinary conclusion that Teotihuacan was built as accurate model of the solar system. Anyway, if the center line Ke-zalcoatl’s temple denotes the position of the Sun, then architectural landmarks located north of it along the axis of the Street of the Dead, in scale correspond to correct orbital distances inner planets, asteroid belts, Jupiter, Saturn (represented by the pyramid of the Sun) and Uranus (represented by pyramid of the moon). The orbits of Neptune and Pluto do not yet correspond excavated mounds a few kilometers to the north.
But why is this so unusual?
If these correspondences are not random, they at least indicate that there was a highly developed observational in Teotihuacan astronomy, the level of which has only recently been achieved modern science. Uranus remained unknown to European astronomers until 1787, Neptune – until 1846, and Plowon – until 1930. C on the other hand, even the most conservative estimates of age Teotihuacapa suggest that the main elements of its architectural plan (including the Citadel, Street of the Dead, and the pyramids of the Sun and Moon) date back at least to the epoch of the life of Christ. Not one known the civilization of this era in the Old or New World is presumably not possessed knowledge of the outer planets of the solar system, not to mention already about the exact information about their orbital distance in relation to each other and to the sun.
Probably, given the sophistication of astronomical knowledge in Giza and Teotihuacan, it’s more accurate to talk about re-discoveries, committed by modern science.
There are other unusual parallels between the ancient civilizations of the Old and New Worlds.
Joseph Farrell
Ancient artifacts Egypt China Moon Neptune Peru Pyramids Sun Solar System Mayan Civilization