The gods speak Russian!

A photo from open sources

We are used to the fact that the main world language is English, and our native Russian has only recently been engaged in that borrowed a word from there, a word from here. But is it? Graduate of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Leningrad State University, linguist, author of several sensational books Alexander Dragunkin claims that everything was like just the opposite. Moreover, he came to the conclusion that Old Russian language was the proto-language of the whole earth! The English are descendants Russians? – It all started with English, which I taught for many years, – told MK in St. Petersburg the background of his Discovery Alexander Dragunkin. – The further, the more I do not arranged the method of his teaching – and implicitly appeared some new ideas. In 1998, I sat down to write my first book – English manual. I stopped going to the office closed at home and on the most primitive computer in a month tapped SOMETHING from which he was stunned. In that work, I suggested my way quick memorization of English words – by analogy with Russian. AND, developing it, stumbled upon the evidence: English words are not just like the Russians – they are of Russian origin! – you can you prove it? – Of course. Just remember three first simple basic rules of philology. First: vowels in a word you can ignore, the most important thing is the backbone of consonants. Second: consonants are very clearly grouped by place of education in mouth – for example, L, P, H are formed by different movements of the tongue, but in the same part of the palate. Try to pronounce them – and yourself make sure. There are several such consonant chains: b-m-b-p-f, l-r-s-t-d-n, h-ts-k-g-zh, vrh, s-ts-h (dj). When the word borrowed, possible replacement of letters in accordance with these chains. And the third rule: when moving from one language to another, the word can only be shortened, and more often it disappears first syllable. “Now for the examples.” – You are welcome. English the word GIRL (girl – girl) in his homeland is not It has. But in Old Russian was a wonderful word, which called young women – GoRlitsa! The backbone of the consonants is the same, and English the word is shorter – so who took the word from whom? One more example – English REVOLT. Let’s say you don’t know what it means – now and see who stole from whom. Any Latinist will tell you that RE – prefix, VOL – root and “mysterious T”. Where did it come from Western philologists do not even speak. But I’m a simple person: let’s suppose an idiotic version – that the British took this word from they distorted someone over time. Then, if RE is a prefix, meaning “repetition,” and the British took this prefix from someone, then in a thousand years it could only become shorter (recall philological law). So, we can assume that initially she was longer. So, in the whole world there is only one prefix, which meant the same thing, but was longer – the Russian PERE-! L and P �- interchangeable consonants from the same chain. Rewrite the word in Russian – PERE-VOR-oT. REVOLT in translation means “coup, riot “- so who borrowed from whom? And” mysterious T “, on which all English linguists stumble, turns out to be the most common Russian suffix. There are an incredible amount of such examples. – And with what By the way, the British living on an island far from our vast homeland, add in Russian words – they did not have their own? – The British may well be the descendants of the ancient Rus. there is completely official data (which, however, often are silent) that the Saxons – the ancestors of the British – did not come from somewhere, but from the Volga river. In the scientific world, this is an axiom. Saxons – it is the plural of the word sak. That is, they were on the Volga SAKami. Further, according to the law on the shortening of the word when switching to another language – we conclude that this word could be originally longer. I don’t see another explanation of the origin of the word SAKI, except from truncated RUSAKI. Mat was not invented by the Tatars – Well, what about other languages? You do not claim to know everything languages ​​in the world? – I do not say so. But I know many languages. I can communicate calmly in English, French, Italian, German, Swedish, Polish. I know Japanese, but I don’t speak. IN He studied ancient Chinese University, in his youth he was seriously engaged Hindi. Therefore, I can compare. Here is an example. Take latin the word SECRET (secret, something hidden). The whole world is staring at it a word, but its origin is unknown. Moreover, it does not decomposed into components – there is no prefix, no suffix. Some see the same “mysterious suffix T”. The most dashing western philologists distinguish the CR root – this is the Latin CER, “see”. But why on earth is the “secret” that what is hidden is based on root to “see”? This is absurd! I do it differently – I impudent and write the same Old Russian letters – СКРЫТ. And I get the complete similarity of meaning, explicit prefix C, beautiful root and our native suffix. Remember that vowels for philology are completely irrelevant. Or another word “harem”. The fact that the Russian princes before the Romanovs had whole crowds Concubines – a historical fact. Now, if I have many beautiful wives, where will i keep them? In the best rooms that are in Russia CHOROMs were called – remember chains of alternating consonants – so where did the word harem come from? – So it’s all with us. borrowed, and not we from strangers? – Naturally! I have denied even the prevailing “Tatar” theory of the origin of the Russian mat. – There were no Tatars? – It wasn’t – this is only our invention. I can demonstrate. We have the word star – this is a star, yes. Zvez – it is a distorted “light.” That is, a star is what is light-it. A if we follow this pattern of word formation, as it will be called, what is “writing”? That is one word. Next – where did the word come from “stick”? It was originally called phalka because it Fucked, shoved. The English stick (stack, stick) is clearly our tyk, “poke”. – Well, mate is not evidence that Old Russian is the proto-language of the whole world. – Well, here’s another one: the names all sacred religious books are of Russian origin. – even Koran? – Yes. In the Arab world, it is believed that this word does not have etymology. But she is. The Qur’an is known to be revelations the Prophet Muhammad, collected by the scribe Zeid – and SAVED by him! The Qur’an is Co-Keep. Jewish Torah is even easier: this is a book about CREATIONS – The Torah is T (v) ora. With the Bible a little different – you need know that it is written on paper, and paper is made from cotton. Slavic cotton is called BaVeLna – BiBLe. The Bible is just a stack of paper! About the Indian Vedas, I don’t I say: here the origin of the word to know is obvious. Each of These explanations can be disputed separately, but the interesting thing is that all names have the correct interpretation only through the Russian language. “Well, what about the names of the gods and ministers?” – Allah … Assuming that this word is not Arabic and over time has lost the first consonant, then only one word remains, which also corresponds to meaning – WALLAH – WOLCH, and the Magi were priests. Is there some more Russian root MOT, from which the word “pray” appeared. MOL – the same as MUL – MULLA, who asks God. In English Priest PRieST – in Russian letters I do not believe that can there are so many random coincidences. That the words are similar and have the same meaning is half the battle. But note: in all cases when a word cannot be found in its “native” language origin, in Russian it acquires a completely logical etymology – and all its riddles, it’s not clear where the suffixes come from, which are not can explain traditional philology, become completely the normal parts of the word are in Russian! Our language astonishing. He brings us to the bottom of the world – I’m sure he was created artificially, and the matrix of the universe is encrypted in it. what is hell and paradise – Have you been able to decrypt anything? – Very interesting stuff. For example, only in Russian the world around a person was described using one syllable with a root BL (given the chain of alternation of consonants). What was around ancient man? BoR, MORE, FIELD, BOLOTO, PAIR (as before called air) and so on. The whole animal world is described by geometrical feature only in Russian: in other languages these are words taken out of context, in ours they add up to the system. Living creatures are described using three roots, which are body forms. For example, all the Krugloe is described using KR / GL root and its derivatives – GoLova, GLAZ, GorLo, Koleno, Shin. Further – only in Russian, a person was isolated from the rest of the animal world according to the main attribute – reason. Mind is located in the head, which used to have another name – PEOPLE. How we were singled out of the world – they called us a man! – So what, from the language itself did our ancestors receive knowledge of the world? – Our ancestors everyone knew, because everything was described in the language simply. Paradise is nothing but a trimmed EDGE, where everything is cool and cool. Hell is just what’s UNDER us. Recall the word “star” – light – yes – long before telescopes, people who spoke Russian knew that stars are not just holes in the sky, but that which shines emits light! – You said that the language was created artificially. But why bother him was to create? After all, love could well be expressed in quantity killed mammoths. – The Russian language also answers this question. Remember Tyutchev’s famous phrase: “A thought uttered is a lie”? what the poet wanted to say? I will show you. There are three verbs in Russian, meaning the process of speech – speak, say, utter (or state). But what’s interesting, only in Russian there are three verbs, meaning lies, have the same roots: say – lie, lay out / lay out – lie / lie, say – distort. Language was created initially not for the exchange of information, but as a tool for it distortion, the way of influence. Now, of course, we already use it for communication. However, be sure – of all the peoples of the world, only we We speak the most direct descendant of the parent language. – And who is it? created? – Those who created humanity. These words are considered borrowed by the Russian language in recent centuries. However Alexander Dragunkin is convinced of their Russian “origin”. Galaxy – from the Russian dialect “GaLaGa” (fog) ToLlar – from DoLa KALKULATOR – FROM SKOLKo LaBoratoria – From RaBota (L and P alternate) LeDi – from LaDa (Old Russian Goddess) HoTel (hotel) – from HaTa NeGR �- from NON-BEAUTIFUL ELEMENT – from NONGREADABLE SMOG – from MGla GLOBUS – from KOLOBOK (G and K alternate)


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