In September 2003, the researcher of ancient civilizations, Andrei Polyakov made an expedition to Mount Ararat, where biblical Noah’s ark rests in tradition. Photos and videos of giant education in the form of a ship, then the whole world flew around. Over the next ten years Polyakov conducted several successful expeditions, which indirectly confirm his version of the existence of parallel civilization “giants” in the antediluvian times. However the key to the clue to Noah’s ark, according to the researcher, may be in another mountain region of Ararat, which is located in Siberia … Photos from open sources – Andrey, the last two years only on your official website appeared mean information about your life in the remote Siberian taiga. Almost nothing in them it’s about sensational findings … A.P .: In fact, we published several articles about our interim stages. When we arrived in the Old Believer village with a mysterious called the Tayats, the locals explained to me and my loved ones that they do not want increased interest from the pilgrims and tourists. Even one small note provoked an amateur expedition to the object of our interest – the stone city, which we called the Tayat pillars. I had to explain that these people they have nothing to do with me. Interestingly, their leader, representing himself as a great traveler, brought a group on a regular bus.
Photo from open sources But time goes on. Tayat today interested in the influx of civilized tourists. And we are ready in help this. – How did you get the idea to go to the taiga for such a long time? A.P .: A few years ago, an old friend came to me in Moscow Vladimir Yankovsky, who changed political and administrative a career in life in a cozy taiga village. He knew about my expeditions. to Ararat, to Nakhichevan and to Lake Baikal, and told me that they were the mountains contain many legends. They seemed interesting to me, although not indisputable. Honestly, it wasn’t my plan to go in the taiga. But once Vladimir Mikhailovich posted his last argument. “Do you know that the real Ararat is next to village of Karatuz? “he asked pointedly. As confirmations Yankovsky showed me a map where it really was indicated mountain with that name. I had to change my plans. But I I perfectly understood that one could not find anything in one swoop. Then it was decided to go to Siberia for three years.
Photo from open sources – It was difficult to get used to life in the village? A.P .: It was fundamentally new only climate. We have a summer house in the suburbs and a family estate under Kaluga. Both there and there had to work on the ground. It was all by the way. Of course, at home, life was more comfortable. And in Tayyats we bought a cross Old Believer house, which only according to the documents was 70 years old. Put things in order, planted a garden. They began to communicate a lot with the residents, and shoot everything around. Tayat located on the banks of the powerful Kazyr River, in a valley surrounded by mountains. You can compare with the Alps, only much more beautiful.
The stone city. Photo courtesy of Svetlana Melnikova Photos from open sources
– The locals are somewhat different from others people? A.P .: Tayat about 200 years ago founded by the Old Believers who came here from the European part Of Russia. Judging by the legends, the leaders led the pioneers into unique places that will become the foundation of the new world. Until the 1990s the Old Believers, as they should be, lived as isolated as possible. But gradually civilization reached here, which in many ways broke the age-old way. In addition, he laid eyes on fertile lands Norilsk Nickel, which broke a huge utility household. But in 1993, it was curtailed. Those who got involved in monetary relations, unexpectedly found themselves without work. It is in this the first followers of Vissarion, to whom at first they were wary, but then an interesting thing happened the bow between the representatives of the old and the new faith. Interesting that and those and others do not drink, do not smoke and do not swear. All this, multiplied by hard work, made this village unique.
A photo from open sources
Probably, there are no such number of new houses in the whole Krasnoyarsk edge. Interestingly, the third wave is representatives of the wealthy layers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia, which they found here peace of mind. Many call the Tayyats the new Ruble, but to me it seems more correct to call them Paradise on Earth. Especially that six kilometers from the village is the tract Burundat, where there was a female Old Believer monastery up to the 1970s. I was in many holy places on Earth, but this place is simply amazing! – Who founded the monastery? A.P .: By legend, there lived a hermit monk. But during the civil war to he was joined by the widows of white officers killed by the Reds. They lived completely at his hands. They prayed a lot. To them from time to time in The 1930s were visited by representatives from the NKVD, but did not touch hermits, who, according to the stories, paid off small jewels. The writer Alexey hunted for old books Cherkasov. One of the novices is still alive. But lives in the village Molinovka next to the Thaw.
A photo from open sources
“Is there anything left of the monastery?” A.P .: No. Only time-worn crosses with graveyard. When I saw them, something turned upside down in my soul. I’m all I didn’t sleep at night, and in the morning I decided to commemorate the great women worship cross. We installed it collegially. A year later did the tablet “Keepers of Holiness from grateful descendants.” – But let’s get back to the goal of your expedition … AP: But we didn’t go far from her. Purpose of all without exception our expeditions – preserving the memory of our legendary ancestors – from Noah to the hermits of Burundat, monastery which, by the way, was at the foot of the mountains on which stone city.
A photo from open sources
– Is this an artificial formation? AP: When we got there for the first time, opinions divided up. Some believed that he appeared not without outside help. Others are sure that this is a natural formation. – you personally What is your point of view? A.P .: Natural. But … There is something there that interests me greatly. If my guesses are confirmed, then we will get the key to solving many secrets antiquities around which disputes have been going on for millennia. I think this year we will be able to achieve our goal. – IN At the beginning of the conversation, you mentioned Ararat. He is somehow connected with a stone city? Who and when gave the name to this grief?
A photo from open sources
A.P .: I think that all this is interconnected. At Local historians have four versions of the origin of the name Ararat, but they all, in my opinion, have no real the soil. Back in the 1960s, a Krasnoyarsk journalist conducted investigation. He himself was almost confused in his conclusions, but he clearly traced the idea that the name existed before the arrival migrants here. – What is your point of view on this about? A.P .: I think the name is very ancient. In the Old Testament, as you know, Noah moored at Ararat to the mountains. Armenians call Ararat Masis. Some Armenian scholars claim that their ethnic group was formed as a result of the merger of the indigenous a population whose representatives were tall with white hair and blue eyes, and an alien tribe.
It’s about a certain civilization, known by different names, representatives of which settled a conditional strip in the Bronze Age from modern Vladivostok to the Carpathians. Therefore, what Ararat was primary, and which is secondary – an unanswered question. By the way, in Khakassia there is also a mountain of the same name. Also in these Siberian places there are many places with Sanskrit origin.
A photo from open sources
– Maybe Noah’s ark is worth looking in Siberia, and not in Turkey? A.P .: The fact is that antediluvian civilization was very developed. She possessed powerful a fleet whose gigantic ships plowed the seas and oceans. Noah hired a shipbuilder to build the ark, but it was built on special drawings and special technology. Therefore after the World Flood legendary ship could easily survive in the vicinity Turkish Ararat.
A photo from open sources
And in Siberia some other ancient ship might have remained, built on the same principles. But the essence of Ararat is not to be on the ark, and in the symbol of the salvation of mankind. And if once around one Ararat was first born, and then reborn our civilization, why does not another Ararat have a new one, more perfect civilization? Time Life Russia Siberia