A photo from open sources
We live in a very interesting time, therefore, by definition Tyutchev – blessed because they visited this world in his minutes fatal. The era is changing, historical development is accelerating, global changes are taking place literally in all areas of life.
And the foreboding of the end of the world is constantly floating in the air. Only no one really knows what it is. For example, in his own way interpreted by another “pulled” from non-existence prophet – a monk St. Malachi, who lived in 1092-1148 and wrote a manuscript – prophecies of the popes. Dove is murderously apt and loyal characteristics to all the Popes, who will rule throughout human history after him, this priest called and the last pontiff, namely Pope Peter II (the first Pope considered the apostle Peter). With the last pontiff of St. Malachi connects the fall of Rome and the beginning of the Apocalypse.
The most interesting thing is that the current Roman Pope Francis, turns out to have the true name given to him at birth, – Peter…
In the proposed video you can find out in more detail who was St. Malachi, how is his unique the manuscript-prophecy has been preserved, moreover, it has become the property publicity, although the Vatican strictly and zealously keeps even less frank secrets.
See also a small video – presentation practical philosopher, researcher of the laws of spiritual life person, the author of several series of books, of which the most known to readers all over the world the twelve-volume Diagnosis karma “, S.N. Lazareva. He also reports on the last pontiff and the last president of the United States, however, his forecast for the future humanity is completely different.
A photo from open sources
Sergey Nikolaevich – one of those researchers information and energy field, both of an individual person, and of humanity as a whole, who always spoke very carefully about doomsday, even if, in his opinion, the Apocalypse for our civilization and was possible. Possible, emphasized Lazarev, is not yet required, humanity is capable of changing everything in an instant and turn history in a different direction. According to Sergey Nikolaevich, we Now we are experiencing a period of crisis before the formation of another bright and spiritual society, and the peak of this change will have for 2016. From the beginning of the twenties stabilization will begin, and with the beginning of the thirties – it’s already the heyday. And the dominant Russia will play a role in this whole process.
Life Doomsday USA