A photo from open sources
When civilizations arose and flourished on our Planet: first, second and third, there was an intense life on Mars and Maldek. But the inhabitants of Planet Maldek are so divided over the odds that they blew up the planet with their own weapons. The souls of all inhabitants began incarnate on Mars, where at that time there was a full civilization, but a little later wars began to occur and those Souls, who came from Maldek also helped to destroy life on Mars. Then the heyday of the Lemurian civilization was on our The planet and all Souls, aggressive and embittered by the war, embodied now on earth. They helped destroy civilizations: Lemuria, Atlantis, and now they also want to enslave our civilization. For of this they put a lot of effort. But, the main problem is that all this is the work of the Reptiles and the Grays. They helped destroy Maldek, part of them helped from Orbit, and most of them were embodied in bodies through the birth canal (maternal womb). Over time, their embodied more and more. The purpose of the Reptiles and Grays is to enslave and subjugate all you can to experiment on them and eat their energy. Later they successfully ruined their whole lives and Mars, although some still live in the depths of Mars and keep history and knowledge of civilizations. Now they are doing well and our Planet – the collapse of Lemuria, Atlantis and gradual preparation our civilization. When some 2,000 years ago, some God Creatures to give some knowledge for progression civilizations, this is Jesus, and Buddha, and Magomed (Muhammad) and many others. There were more than 40 Creatures that were in different places on the Planet to lay new thinking on the following 2000 years old. But here they did not sleep, the Souls of Reptiles and Grays began to incarnate intensely to change the Teachings of the Saints that gave new knowledge. For example: they redid the Bible and other scriptures, so that people feel that they are God’s slaves, that they have shame, that they are sinners, and Jesus took the sins of all mankind so that they were inferiority complexes and much more. But jesus never told anyone that you are slaves, he did not take sins of humanity, this is impossible, he took the negative from people, if healed them of the disease. Around Planet Reptiles and Grays created Special Three Lattices so people connect to them when they are show slavery, guilt, shame, aggression, etc. And sometimes through the Lattice, they themselves evoke negative feelings in people. First Lattice. Craving to worship, slavery, guilt, aggression, fear, shame, etc. The Second Lattice. Craving for racial and National disagreement, Curses, Love spells, desire to hunt or love the hunt for game, animals (for all living things), etc. Third Lattice. Craving for terrorism, desire to enslave people, subjugate, a sense of importance, a sense of importance, a feeling excellence etc. There is a certain primary pattern of Co-Creation original human DNA created for biological forms on Planets with Magnetic Nature. Creatures of Light with original DNA with from the very beginning we moved to another Universe, where it remains original DNA. Later under the influence of alien civilizations different natures tried to change human nature through crosses, but the experiments were unsuccessful, because Curators of that time were Sirians, and they are also Magnetic. These events took place more than a million years ago. Later for the situation taken more seriously. First, several alien civilizations put on the whole solar system and on every planet Artificial Electro-Magnetic Field. In addition, they began to supply all humanity with advanced technologies on electro-magnetism and radioactivity. Helped install electromagnetic power crystals for power and well-being. As, for example, in Atlantis. Then Spiritual Teachers and Masters from Spiritual Hierarchies of Electro-Magnetism, give Teachings of Merkaba and teach that that it is true Light. Thus, after a full cycle of 25920 years Electro-Magnetic Fields became permanent, which entailed downsizing and enhanced submission. For example, most Grays and Reptiles have an Electrical Nature and their bodies specially adapted to this. Human biological body may not be compatible with electricity. We give an example: kittens were born, one planted on Wednesday electricity: 80% – electricity, 20% – magnetism. The other in magnetism: 80% – magnetism and 20% of electricity. They grew 3-4 years, and after them the observation was what the result was. Who has increased Magnetic The field, was balanced, showed Wisdom, Love and individualism. The second is emotionally unstable, the manifestation of stupidity and savagery more amenable to any violence, programming, and many other instabilities, it is not known from him what to expect, but it is 80% of electricity, not 100%. Similarly with by people. Now humanity has allegedly begun to develop technology electric, or maybe someone was interested in Electrical Nature. The next step is the transition to electricity and it will be impossible for humanity to help by any means. therefore it’s important to start rebuilding your own, given under the guidance of Creator to the Workers of Light Magnetic DNA for Evolution. For example, our brothers from Sirius with Magnetic DNA all civilization ascended into 5-dimensional space, they were vigilant and ensured that no one he brewed and did not create a cocktail from their DNA, from which it is not known what to expect. If we don’t save ourselves, then, alas, we will doomed. It has been observed that when returning to Magnetic Nature large changes occur, both in humans and in the environment of the world: a person increases growth, additional glands, the chemical composition of the body and much more; even plants increase in size by 2-3 times. Our ancestors had 12 pairs of DNA, or rather not pairs, but tubules in which information, and as information is lost, the tube turns in 2 helical DNA. In this case, the division into two half, i.e. duality arises. After crossing with alien civilizations, humans have 7 pairs of DNA left. After activation of Three Lattices 1 pair began to work with Reptiles and Grays – 2 helical DNA. To overcome the Lattices, you must change Worldview, Character, Morality, in general, attitude to everything and to life too. On the basis of religions, people form precisely such a mentality, worldview and mentality that you can immediately see which you have a character, thoughts and attitude to everything that happens. Based on this, scientists, businessmen and creative people invented television, books, films, i.e. all. And what vibration you radiate, and you get such information. This is how to cook in own boiler. To sit in prison, create comfort and enjoy own conclusion. For example: the countries of Tibet and Israel, which feel like a victim, feeding one Lattice, at a time when other tyrants like America, China and some African countries – if something is wrong, immediately war, they feed the other Lattice. So is all of humanity – some religious people worship God and To the Saints, feeding one Lattice, like the rest of humanity walks arrogantly, proudly, does not believe in anything and feeds another Grill. It’s time to get out of jail, throw off the shackles, prison clothes and to become a worthy Being of the Planet, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe, and most importantly – the Source. It means you need to love respect, honor Saints, Avatars, Cosmic Hierarchs, especially Source, and stop showing ignorance, redneck, rudeness, disrespect, etc. Not all Reptile Races are negative. Among the many evil-minded Race Reptiles, there are also about half try to treat people with understanding, respect, compassion. Unfortunately, even this is very difficult for them. In the universe, almost everything alien Races are not very well disposed towards humans, since People from Earth are included in the category of one of the most primitive Creatures in the Galaxy and the Universe. But still, most of the Races The universe hopes that People will begin to awaken. Physical bodies not really bad, if you make an effort, the bodies will be very impressive. Most alien civilizations are more developed, than People in the technical, spiritual and mental standard of living. IN in this regard, the attitude to the people, as to the herd of cattle. Not so much planets that have so many resources for living in different forms. therefore when they see People killing themselves and their resources planets, it’s hard for them to restrain themselves and not interfere. Currently Reptiles and Grays are very prepared for 2013,2017,2030. for maximum vibration reduction of people and the Planet, so that almost completely start taking power into your own hands. Also going on control over most Presidents and politicians, at the expense of impact on them to make the right decisions. In addition, since 2000 years, the Souls of demons began to incarnate (i.e., Creatures that came from Destructive (Negative Systems)) and this is also a big problem. To help the Souls living on our Planet, it was decided to help. And at this time, to give new knowledge, to raise vibration, 144,000 enlightened Beings came and embodied (Vissarion, Ecumenical, Lapin, Starlion or New Age Masters, Strelnikova, Seklitova, Mikushin, Jasmuhim and many others), 78 million Indigo and Crystal Beings, several tens thousand Creatures of Light, who came from the Constellations of the Pleiades, Orion, the Great Dog, Andromeda and others, as well as several Cosmic Hierarchs. For in order to give the correct Teachings, ASMAR had to study which the main problems people have and how to get out of the crisis and to develop. Now He provides knowledge, a way of life and gives The energy of the Source, which is called “ALL THAT IS” for development. Perhaps some more information will help you (though for people, it’s closed, but let’s try to open the curtain the truth that is hidden …). When opening archives and records from certain places Chronicles of Akasha and the DNA of mankind revealed a lot of interesting things … More than 1 million years ago, in our compartment of the Milky Way Galaxy, and in particular constellations of the Pleiades, where we enter, was put on the post God – Co-Creator and Leader of the Archangel Melchizedek. In the very at the beginning of His reign, everything went wrong as He wanted, and He decided to make an experiment. Decided that from our solar Systems create a “concentration camp” for Souls in the form of punishment, which behave badly in incarnations and degrade. So on Maldek, Mars and the Earth began to incarnate Souls with serious problems, which subsequently also led to the death of Maldek (Phaeton), the destruction of life on Mars and on our Planet. When the problem souls began to incarnate more and more, that’s all led 850,000 years ago to a global planetary cataclysm, in which most of the Lemurians were destroyed. Afterwards when everything stabilized, a series of new events began. Because Our Creation of Magnetic Nature and Pre-Archangel Management Melchizedek was also Magnetic. But these troubled Souls by the principle “like attracts like”, began to attract creatures from outer space with electrical, electro – magnetic and Radioactive Natures, which subsequently began to establish crystals and build pyramids interspersed with crystals to activate Electro – The magnetic field of the Earth and the entire Solar System. it It was also accompanied by powerful electric discharges, periodically pervading all the Planets of our Solar System. Thus, an artificial Electro – Magnetic Field was formed. the entire solar system. All living forms began to degrade. IN alien civilizations from different Planets like Electrical Nature (Grays, Reptiles, Insectoids, Humanoids, etc.), and Electro-Magnetic tyrants (Humanoids, Annunaki and others). Their plans began to come true – They began global enslavement, the creation of the Planet of slaves and booty treasures. For some: copper, DNA of people, animals; For others – gold, diamonds, human protein material (DNA molecules, blood, leather and other materials for their work and experiments). In addition to our The planet was also connected with the Destructive (Negative) System, as many Souls went through Evolution into Negative Systems. But there are also many Spiritual Beings were sent to awaken Souls, for example: Order Melchizedek, other Orders and Organizations of the Creatures of Light. But the main thing the problem is that all these Spiritual Beings fastened Electro Magnetic Nature. Negatives also fixed the same Nature Creatures, and what did all this lead to? If you look at our dance The Milky Way galaxies 1 million years ago – everything went in Oneness. FROM since then many Star Systems have passed through through corridors Evolutionary Development. Say, for 1 million years passed 5-6 million years of evolutionary development. But today our solar The system and basically our Planet is 5 million years late. went the wrong way due to the transition to Electro-Magnetic Nature. It is equivalent if a person has one foot 1 meter long, and the other is 50cm. What does all this lead to? Most likely to skew whole skeleton. The same thing happens with the Milky Way Galaxy. – The constellation Pleiades is a minor. Because of this galaxy The Milky Way launched a purge and now, after a couple of thousand years in The constellations of the Pleiades must be all destroyed. But there is another way – to rebuild everything on the Magnetic Field not of the old model, but of the new. IN This period of time on our Planet has already begun to occur. process. Everyone must decide for themselves and make a decision, and then firmly follow the path that he chose. If a choice has been made correct, then it will be possible to restore both the Planet and the Solar The system, and the constellation of the Pleiades in a beautiful and full Dance. True, much more will need to be done than just living and being an accomplice in the destruction of all living forms on the Planets. Secret CREATOR OF THE CREATOR The Creator knows what happened and is happening. Seeing initially a holistic picture of what is happening, He prepared a surprise that was Secret to all. Knowing how much Karma was dropped on Humanity due to the reckless tapping of the Archangels, who cannot have Karma, as they are Helpers of the Creator and all this Karma fell on the “shoulders” of all living forms, the inhabitants of Maldek, Mars, Earth, Orion, Syrians, Pleiadians and many others. (IN in this case, karma is understood as negative capsules, with unencapsulation of which a series of negative events occurs and Of course, Humanity must work them out. Example: You Wanted Download a good movie. Next, you downloaded it in one file (our file is a capsule). After unpacking the file (capsule), you can watch this movie as an observer, but in our case you You’re not an observer, but an actor in a film called Life and at the same time it is also negative. Now it has arrived the time when the Creator decided to correct the situation – where was a minus, it will be a plus, because according to the law of the Cosmos – in everything there is equalizer. The Surprise of the Creator was to introduce Universal DNA (Diamond DNA Strands) into all life on the Planet, after which humanity and all living forms on the planet can release accumulated karma. Diamond DNA Strands were deep The mystery of the Creator was very rarely given to anyone, but to everything its time comes. This stage first affects the Electrical, then Electro Magnetic, later Magnetic, even passing through Crystalline Nature and reaching Universal Nature. Moreover, Magnetic and Crystal Natures can also coexist with Universal Nature. At that time, Electrical, Electro Magnetic and Radioactive Natures will begin to disappear forever. Around Planets from 2003 have been launched (activated) 4 Basic and 2 Secondary Universal Lattices (Light Consciousness). On this stage of time gives and gradually introduces Energy and Knowledge. it the process can last several decades. Creator not interested in losing part of the Milky Way Galaxy due to someone else’s mistakes and lessons. So, everything is in your hands, to believe or not to believe, or take responsibility and help all living beings Planets and the Planet itself, while there is a chance. Alien Races. Teaching Asmara.
Angels Atlantis War Time Universe Galaxy DNA DNA Life Karma Mars Milky Way Pyramids Plants Solar System Evolution