Altai shaman Artem Ignatenko spoke about change of eras

Altai shaman Artem Ignatenko spoke about the change of erasA photo from open sources

Artyom Ignatenko, who is rightly called the Altai shaman, in his vision of the world today doesn’t say anything new: cataclysms that humanity is currently observing the whole planet is a consequence of the unreasonable activity of the people themselves. And yet in his words there is that grain of truth, which for some reason scientists are constantly avoiding, saying almost the same thing. Here this grain is worth a closer look …

There is nothing in my words from shamanism, Artem himself admits, no, it’s rather a science: a person is living more and more according to “concepts”, contrary to the laws of nature, while he is completely dependent on her. Hence all the troubles: nature is just beginning to “resent”. It, Of course, it is said somewhat simplistically, to say the least hard: nature begins to mercilessly correct these violations.

Ignatenko further clarifies that people misunderstand that violation of the laws of nature is only environmental problems, where does more harm to the energy of the Earth, for example, unconventional orientation, promiscuous, disrespectful traditions ancestor and much more that needs to be considered at the level more spiritual than physical.

Speaking in a more understandable language, the Altai shaman clarifies, then on Earth there is a struggle between good and evil, and in the last six years it is so aggravated that it threatens to bring humanity to universal disaster. However, the end of the world, about which there are so many say recently for any reason (in the solar system the planet Nibiru has entered, the Sun itself is cooling, it is approaching the Earth giant asteroid, etc.), will not, light forces will win over the darkness.

The lightest and most powerful energy flow continues Ignatenko, has now been outlined in Russia. This is what gives hope for revival of the Earth, and in the spiritual plane, but not physical abundance, as many want to see. Physical abundance is just a consequence of spiritual wealth, and if we don’t have it now, then only because people are poor in spirit. But a change of ages is coming, that is it is precisely the spiritual era approaching on planet Earth. But is it all living people will be worthy of her – this is a question to which everyone must answer for himself: on which side of the barricade does he want to stay – with light or with darkness …

We also offer you to watch an interesting documentary about the shaman Artyom Ignatenko, in which he wrote everything above explains in more detail and intelligibly. And most importantly – it’s very interesting and informative, and so simple and clear that I wonder give …

Russia time Shamans

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