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Writer, shaman and forecaster from the Russian Altai Andrey Boxers predicts a possible imminent end of the world. In conversation with Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent, he said that in the present moment Earth is ready to destroy humanity. It can each of observe us by the increasing and intensifying natural disasters, incomprehensible trumpet sounds from the sky, mysterious phenomena that many take for signs of the Apocalypse and many other signs approaching planetary catastrophe.
The world is boiling, – the mystic exclaims, – super volcanoes ready to explode and plunge the planet into a long winter, poles Earth is ready for displacement, which again leads to irreversible the consequences, not to mention the processes that we observe on The sun and so on and so forth. And destroys this world not some aliens there, not the mysterious planet Nibiru, but themselves people. Moreover, urge them to change their minds and stop destroying their the house is an idea, as you know, completely empty …
A photo from open sources
Another end of the world, the wise reader will exclaim! How much You can, because not one of these prophecies has come true! TO fortunately – yes, and the next apocalypse horror story could not have been pay attention, but it turns out some strange coincidence.
Literally at the same time, another one spins on the Internet. interesting news – the world elite is intensely preparing to leave The earth.
And the news is this: the leaders of the most influential the world of investment companies (which – not disclosed) held a consultation meeting with renowned futurologist Douglas Rushkoff. It became known that his report on the technologies of the future, which the scientist prepared for this meeting, none of those gathered interested. But the influential leaders worried next questions:
- where it will be safer to sit out after the climatic (nuclear) disasters: in New Zealand, Alaska, or elsewhere;
- does it make sense to move to other planets or space base;
- how to control slaves after money will depreciate.
A photo from open sources
Douglas also noted that the powers that be are no longer in power to control the processes occurring on Earth and leading to disaster planetary scale. Their huge funds can be aimed only at saving a handful of rich people and their servants, whom, as can be understood from the fears of the elite, they do not know how to make work for yourself when the value system is fundamentally will change.
But the shaman’s statement about the futility of calls for humanity will change and the powerlessness of the elite, something to fix in the current situation is almost the same thing: people gone too far in their technocratic recklessness, and now we are completely in danger of a “reboot”, which, presumably, on The earth was a lot before us. At least today only the stubborn Darwinist may not believe that before our civilization there were others too. And where are they? ..
End of the world