Photo from open sources
American geologists shared with compatriots anxious the news. Experts have determined that for several the next few years, the area near the Hayward Fracture, passing through the bay of San Francisco, will become the epicenter of very intense tremors.
This huge crack in the rocks has a length of over 83 kilometers. In the nearby territory near it live about 2 million people who will certainly become victims of the coming earthquakes, if not evacuated. Most Researchers It is disturbing that a large gas pipeline runs here, which will surely collapse and cause fires.
According to geologist David Schwartzman, who authored this research, Hayward Fault is a “tectonic bomb slow motion “which is bound to explode in the foreseeable future the future.
Powerful earthquakes occur here every 150-160 years, and the last of them was recorded in 1868. From this one can conclude that the next cataclysm could happen in the bay area tomorrow already. However, a possible delay of 10 years is no consolation large for residents of this seismically dangerous area.
However, such disappointing forecasts for the United States recently appear so often (Yellowstone Super Volcano, fault San Andreas, threatening to wipe out North America) that Americans are already accustomed to such natural horror stories. For them now it’s far more important to reason with the current government to establish relations with Russia. This is where the main danger lies U.S.A…