A photo from open sources
The Prophecy of an American Prominent Statesman XIX centuries of Albert Pike about the world wars, of which there should be three, The discussion on the Internet has been going on for several years. And not subsides, but, on the contrary, grows, because the predictions of this prominent freemason about the first two wars came true with a startling accuracy, and the third, supposedly starting on September 11, 2001 with the largest terrorist act in the United States and whose mission is the clash of the Christian and Muslim worlds, more and more clearly manifested from year to year.
But let’s take it in order. About the First World War Freemason Pike wrote that she would be provoked in order to overthrow royal power in Russia and plunge this power into the madness of a socialist atheism.
World War II, Pike predicts, will happen with the goal of strengthen communism in the world, which will stabilize Christian world and form a Jewish state in Palestine Israel – with an eye on the third world massacre.
And so the third world will come from the East, and it will flare up because of conflict between Muslims and Israelis, and will gradually be drawn into it all leading states of the world. Ultimately, all this will lead to the destruction of Western society (in more detail about all this watch the video below).
As we see, Albert Pike was right, although he wrote about it back in 1971. Today human society is really gradually slipping into the fact that in the current third world war is exhausted morally, spiritually, economically and in culminating in its point to use nuclear weapons. Apply and … perish.
A photo from open sources
But let’s find out how we know about Pike’s prophecies? is he what, left them in writing and published in due time? Alas, this was not. All information about his predictions is drawn from one and the same source – letters from an American freemason to another world masonic leader Giuseppe Mazzini, written in 1871 year and somehow supposedly copied by William Carr – Royal Navy intelligence officer.
Is there any confirmation that such a letter really was (is there a copy of it left made by Carr)? Not one serious the historian will not undertake to confirm this, moreover, until today days, that is, until the 21st century, no one even knew about this message nothing really, and therefore say about the first two world wars, that they represented how to predict the outcome of modern confrontation in the East is not difficult, even without being a prophet. Like to foresee the possibility of using nuclear weapons, after which, of course, collapse (cease to exist) in the first place western world. That is, it more than looks like a fake.
However, many other information tells us that the Masonic lodge was not created by chance, and whether by people at all (see video below). And in this case, the prophetic letter of Albert Soldering may well turn out to be really existing, and all that has been said in it is our near sad future.
But there are other predictions, which are much more optimistic. For example, according to an ancient Vedic prophecy (told about it Hari Krishna Das – caretaker of the Indian Jagannath Temple in the city Puri) in the period 2020-2025 on the site of the former Soviet Union a spiritual empire will be formed, like ancient Tartaria, where the bright souls of the former Vedic civilization will be embodied. How believe the prophets – your business.
For our part, we only note that in this world there is nothing unequivocal, and we never fully comprehend it, but because especially worry about the end of the world, even if it will, not have to. The fact is that the “end of the world” itself can be interpreted and understood in different ways, especially if you believe in parallel worlds, reincarnation, immortality of the soul and so on …
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