American oligarchs purposefully transform planet population in biological robots

American oligarchs purposefully turn the world's population into biological robots.A photo from open sources

This conclusion was reached by US journalist Janet Pelan, who stated that due to the massive use of modified products by 2025 every second child on the planet will be born moronic.

A journalist, followed by progressive American scientists, for example Stephanie Seneff say the main role in this black Monsanto, the most zealously distributing company, played GMO products. Especially terrible was the one she developed in these Roundup herbicide, from which all cultivated plants died, except genetically deficient.

The management of Monsanto over the years assured the gullible Earthlings, that this herbicide is harmless to humans. But today already Glyphosate containing Roundup has been proven to genetically modified products that are not afraid of him and absorb into themselves, getting into the human body, destroys the most important intestinal bacteria. And this leads to terrible diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s syndrome, not to mention obesity, depression and many other side effects that today covered all western countries.

But the worst, says Rim Leybou, MD, glyphosate causes autism in offspring. In her opinion, American the oligarchs were well aware of this, moreover, most likely specially launched Roundup herbicide into production and gave the go-ahead to mass use it. They do not need people, but biological robots that will easily obey and unquestioningly execute the simplest physical work is the lot of slaves.

Almost back in the seventies of the last century US leadership has launched a large-scale biological war against planet Earth population. And today this war is only gaining revolutions …

War Plants Robots USA

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