An imprint of the human foot was found on the island of Crete, nearly six million years old

The footprint of a man nearly six million years old has been found on the island of CreteA photo from open sources

Archaeologists have found a unique imprint of the human leg, age which, according to the analysis, is neither much nor few, 5.7 million years. Such a finding casts doubt on the former Representation of the science of the origin of man.

It was previously believed that intelligent people first appeared in Africa and only then settled throughout the earth. However former evidence of the appearance of people on the African continent is not exceed 3 million years, in addition, it is worth considering that the current a human footprint was not found in Africa, so long considered the cradle of mankind, and on an island that in ancient times adjoined to Europe.

A photo from open sources

Scientists determined the age of the found footprint of a person thanks to foraminifera – the simplest unicellular living in those time. It is known that 6 million years ago the Mediterranean Sea dried out, however, not for long. It was at that time that an ancient man managed (so successfully) to fall into a small sandbank that his trace preserved to this day. Archaeologists have no doubt trace origin: they have evidence based on comparison with similar finds made earlier. However the current footprint of a person is striking in its antiquity and its European descent.

Interestingly, orthodox science will be able to “digest” or, as it was already more than once or twice, “seditious information” will fail again somewhere in the abyss, without having seen the light and not reflected in any modern textbook? For example, the imprint of a sandal found in 1922 by geologist John Reid in Nevada and who like it turned out to be 200 million years old, did not inspire academic scientists revise history, rather the opposite – they immediately attacked researcher, and the find itself was explained by the “game of nature.” Quite it may be that in Crete nature again allowed itself “joke” …

Africa Islands

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