Ancient elongated skulls do not belong to people

Elongated Skull Peru - Red HairPhotos from open sources of

Are you ready to face evidence that will directly contradict the version of “world history” that you taught in to school? In recent years, hundreds of extremely strange skulls have been discovered all over the planet. Scientific tests that have been conducted on some of them, convincingly prove that these ancient elongated skulls do not belong to humans. Many of us are not able to accept what you are going to look, because it is too radical for them. But true is that ancient texts tell us about these “hybrid creatures” for thousands of years. There are even some ancient Native American traditions that claim that these creatures lived in North America before the Indians appeared there. On the in fact, there is even one ancient Native American tradition of a war between a tribe of Indians and a race of red-haired cannibal giants. Bible calls these hybrids “Nephilim”, and over time there is evidence that the described giants are very, very really. As shown below, in Peru, in particular on the peninsula Paracas, researchers find some very large elongated skulls that are extremely ancient. On my page in Facebook, Brian Forster posted a photo of one of these ancient skulls on which red still survived hair…

Another instance with red hair was discovered recently. But this was the skull of a young child. This photo is also located Brian Forster’s Facebook page …

Baby Elongated Skull From PeruPhotos from open sources of

Elongated skulls are much, much larger than ordinary ones. human. Targeted deformation can change shape skull, but it can not increase its volume. In addition, these skulls have quite a few other important physical characteristics, distinguishing them from normal human skulls. Brian forster discusses some of these key differences in a five minute video at the beginning of the material …

Many of us are not able to accept what you are going to look, because it is too radical for them. But true is that ancient texts tell us about these “hybrid creatures” for thousands of years. There are even some ancient Native American traditions that claim that these creatures lived in North America before the Indians appeared there. On the in fact, there is even one ancient Native American tradition of a war between a tribe of Indians and a race of red-haired cannibal giants. Bible calls these hybrids “Nephilim”, and over time there is evidence that the described giants are very, very really. As shown below, in Peru, in particular on the peninsula Paracas, researchers find some very large elongated skulls that are extremely ancient. On my page in Facebook, Brian Forster posted a photo of one of these ancient skulls on which red still survived hair…

Another instance with red hair was discovered recently. But this was the skull of a young child. This photo is also located Brian Forster’s Facebook page …

Baby Elongated Skull From PeruPhotos from open sources of

Elongated skulls are much, much larger than ordinary ones. human. Targeted deformation can change shape skull, but it can not increase its volume. In addition, these skulls have quite a few other important physical characteristics, distinguishing them from normal human skulls. Brian forster discusses some of these key differences in a five minute video at the beginning of the material …


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