Ancient Roman found under parking cemetery

Under parking in Leicester, England, archaeologists have discovered ancient roman burial which has no apparent religious differences. The age of burial is estimated at 1700 years.

A photo from open sources

The find includes many graves and the remains of 13 people – women and men of different ages. According to archaeologists from University of Leicester, a burial site appeared around 300 years before AD “Just recently we finished the excavation, and the results are now processed and systematized so that they can work with and other specialists, “said John Thomas, an archaeologist and project Manager. Recently, archaeologists often find the remains of ancient people in parking lots. In February of this year under another parking lot in Leicester found the remains that are, quite possibly belong to the missing and slandered king of England Richard III. Later, under the parking in Scotland, found the remains medieval knight and even his family crypt. “The unusual thing is that these 13 graves that we found during recent excavations, demonstrate the diversity of burial traditions. Graves are located both in the direction from east to west, and from north to south, – said Thomas. – Many were buried with personal belongings: with rings, barrettes, buckles and spiked boots. “In the pagan tradition the grave should be located from north to south, and the body lies on its side. The head was chopped off and placed at the feet next to two clay pitchers that were intended for the afterlife. “Therefore the burial found is very similar to pagan, “said Thomas. Nearby discovered a characteristic Christian burial – buried face east, on his left hand is an agate ring. On the ring engraved with the letters “IX” – apparently an early Christian symbol, which means the initials of Jesus Christ in Greek. “If this is confirmed, then we found early evidence of the faith of that period, – added Thomas. According to the scientist, such a burial speaks of the diversity of the religious life of the inhabitants of Leicester at that time. Also on one of the streets in Leicester, archaeologists discovered a moat XVII century that could serve as a city defense in times English Revolution. Research continues, and archaeologists together with other scientists will study human remains, to be more precise determine their age, gender and cause of death. “Maybe, a study of the remains will help us learn more about the diet time, and the state of the bones can say a lot about lifestyle people of the past, “writes Thomas.

Sergey Vasilenkov

Life time

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