Archaeologists have discovered the skeleton of “Noah”

A photo from open sources

Recently in the basement of the Museum of Elizabeth in Palermo was by chance discovered the 6500-year-old skeleton of Noah. Scientists from the Pennsylvania Museum in Philadelphia literally pulled an ancient out of the closet, a skeleton covered with wax and mud, which was not identification number, and which over the past 85 years kept in the basement. Having studied archival records, specialists managed collect information about the history of the mysterious skeleton nicknamed “Noah”, the first mention of which dates from between 1929 and 1930 years. According to these records, “Noah” was discovered in the city of Ur (modern Iraq) by a team of British archaeologists led by ser Leonard Woolley. Excavations of Woolley known for the discovery of the famous Mesopotamian ‘royal cemeteries “, which included not only hundreds of ancient graves (date of burial – more than 2000 years), but also many cultural artifacts. However, at the excavation site, except the royal burial ground, the archaeologist and his team also discovered more ancient burial places. An example of this is the 6,500-year-old skeleton of Noah. Most likely, the bones of the skeleton were covered with wax even then protect him during transport to London. At a depth of 15 meters from the cultural slice of the ancient city of ur scientists discovered 48 burials dating back to the reign of the Ubaids (approximately 5500 – 4000 BC). The remains of this period were extremely a rare find, therefore it remains a mystery why Woolley decided restore only one of the discovered skeletons. Based lists of artifacts found during excavations from 1929 to 1930 years, half of them were left in Iraq, and the rest were divided between the museums of London and Philadelphia. However, in one of the lists the inventory said that there were two skeletons, as well as that Penn Museum was supposed to have at its disposal one of these two skeletons. When William Hufford (Project Manager, in charge of digitizing museum records) saw this list, he very puzzled, because at that time none of the employees knew where the skeleton handed over to the museum could go. Further Museum database research revealed that an unidentified skeleton was recorded as “unsuitable as of 1990.” To getting to the bottom of this mystery, Hufford began to explore the vast notes left by Woolley himself. Finding additional information, including images of a missing skeleton, Hufford turned for help to Janet Monge (curator of physical anthropology Penn Museum). And although Monge, like Hufford, had never seen this skeleton, she remembered the mysterious box in the basement. When the box was opened, it became clear that the human remains inside the boxes are fully consistent with the descriptions of the skeleton found Woolley. After examining the bones, experts came to the conclusion that the previously given the skeleton was a 50-year-old man, whose height was 178 cm. He got his nickname “Noah” because, as scientists believe, survived the flood that claimed the lives of many people time. New scientific methods that were not previously available archaeologist Woolley, can help scientists reveal much more information about the period of history to which these ancient remains, including – more detailed information about nutrition, heredity, injuries, stress and illness of Noah.

Time Ancient Artifacts

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