From perfectly preserved frescoes, you can study everyday life of ancient egypt Photos from open sources
Usually of general interest is the discovery of the tombs of the pharaohs and high-ranking nobles. However, in ancient Egypt, of course, simple peasants and artisans lived. They were buried in the same way as Pharaohs and nobles, except perhaps in the pyramids. Their simple tombs are also of interest to scientists, although not so big as the burial place of wealthy Egyptians.
However, there are exceptions. Found recently by Japanese archaeologists tomb brewer from Luxor caused a real sensation mainly due to the preserved frescoes on which, historians say you can study the daily life of the ancients Egyptians.
According to chief Egyptian archaeologist Mohammed Ibrahim, the tomb is about three thousand years old. The owner of the tomb lived in an era Ramsesov (19th and 20th dynasties, 1292-1069 BC) and occupied impressive post “maker of beer to the gods of the dead.” He also Managed a large warehouse of foamy drink.
Photos from open sources
Archaeologists now and then stumble upon evidence that the Egyptians brewed beer and idolized a foamy drink. Photo: GLOBAL LOOK PRESS
Tomb of a beer maker for the gods of the dead, according to expedition leader Jiro Kondo, was found during excavations near the tomb of the nobleman who lived during the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III (1388-1351 BC), the grandfather of Tutankhamun.
Egyptian Antiquities Minister Mohammed Ibrahim, writes Guardian, couldn’t hide the excitement when he spoke at a press conference in Cairo on the frescoes adorning the walls of the main hall of the tomb. They are perfectly preserved despite a respectable age of three millennia. Of particular interest to scientists are mainly those depicted in them. religious rituals of the ancient Egyptians. It is possible that the find the tombs of an ordinary brewer will make you take a fresh look at life and life of ordinary Egyptians.
Egypt Life Pharaohs