Archaeologists have found where the entrance to hell is. Door to hell was on the surface of the earth.

A photo from open sources Photo from discоvery.cоm Italian archaeologists have found the entrance to the kingdom of the dead. Italian archaeologists said they found a portal leading to the kingdom of the dead, also known as the gates of Pluto (lord of the underworld in Roman mythology), reports Discovery. About the find was announced in March at a conference in Istanbul. Discovery was made during excavations of the ruins of the ancient Phrygian city of Hierapolis on southwest Turkey group led by a professor of classical Archeology at the University of Salento Francesco d’Andria. Professor said that archaeologists have found a “gateway to hell” through reconstruction Pluto’s Gate thermal spring route was considered an entry point to the kingdom of the dead. The ancients described this place as filled poisonous air cave large enough to go there through the fenced entrance a person could get. “This space filled with fog so dense that it is impossible to see the earth. Any animal that gets inside dies instantly, – wrote Ancient Greek historian Strabo. – I threw sparrows there, they let out their last breath and fell dead. “Today from the sanctuary Pluto preserved remains of the temple, pool and located on top steps. “People could observe the sacred rites from the steps, but not could approach the gate. Before them could only stand priests, “explained the Italian archaeologist. Functioning until IV c. AD the temple was an important pilgrimage site of the late antiquity. To find out the future, pilgrims bathed in pool and slept next to the gate. Couples coming from under the ground could cause hallucinations. During the excavation, scientists were able to verify Strabo’s rightness: several birds died before their eyes, too approaching the “gates to hell.”


Pluto time

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