Archaeologists will study the ancient complex next to the city of ur

A photo from open sources

A group of archaeologists from the University of Manchester reported on the beginning of excavations in Iraq of a huge ancient complex, age which may be 4 thousand years. Scientists to his research started after an unusual structure was discovered on satellite image.

According to the researchers, the structure was a administrative center, located in one of the oldest cities of the world. The complex found in Tel Khyber was pretty big by the standards of the time. It was a rectangle with sides of 50 and 80 m, which approximately corresponds to the area football field. The complex was surrounded by a large courtyard, which is now turned into a desert.

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Archaeologists have already managed to make some interesting finds. One of them is a clay tablet 9 cm high, on which, as researchers believe, a man is heading to the temple long clothes. British archaeologists conduct excavations in southern Iraq for the first time since the 80s of the last century. The excavation site is 20 km from the Sumerian city of Ur, where in the 1920s famous English archaeologist Leonard Woolley discovered the famous “Royal Tombs”. The recently discovered complex, archaeologists dated 2 thousand years BC, the time of the fall of the last Sumerian dynasty.


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