Artifact hundreds of thousands of years from Indonesia – more one insoluble riddle

An artifact of hundreds of thousands of years from Indonesia is another unsolvable mystery.A photo from open sources

Artifacts that amaze our imagination with their antiquity and along with the technical, space and other information, which are many tens, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years ago it simply could not be, in our opinion, a lot.

Some of them are world famous, for example, the London hammer, which is one hundred million years old, or the imprint of an old-fashioned sandal half a billion, other people know much less. However any such artifacts turn our story upside down, then have everything put in place: that we are not the only civilization, that was on earth, and that man arose and lived on this planet millions of years ago. However, all this does not want to admit orthodox science tied to the well-being of its academics and money, but not in the search for truth.

To artifacts of the second significance, that is, not very famous, however, from this no less interesting and valuable, can be attributed two mysterious stone that archaeologists found in 1992 in Kapang (Indonesia), and specifically – in one of the caves of Mount Satan. These stones interesting in that they are engraved in the form of our solar system. On the stone, a picture transmitted by space USSR ship “Pioneer 10”, which was launched in 1972.

A photo from open sources

The engraving depicts the solar system with its planets, a man with a raised hand and next to him a woman. It’s not even surprising that stone drawing in many respects matches the drawing, transmitted from the Soviet satellite, this artifact, as determined scientists, hundreds of thousands of years old. Where in those distant times could people know all this information and, most importantly, why did they need it?

This may well be just a star map of aliens or “page” of the ancient library of a highly developed civilization, which existed long before ours.

You can, of course, argue hoarsely about the authenticity of this artifact, possible fakes, and so on, if such finds there were, say, a dozen, otherwise there are a lot of them, and the authenticity of the most The well-known has already been proven and proven. And things are still there, no one just not going to review the history of our earth, but even officially recognize all these priceless archaeological finds. That is how we live…

Ancient artifacts stones solar system

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