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Employees of the American magazine “MIT Technology Review”, dedicated to science and technology, report that the existence of our civilization may be coming to an end. Experts say that in the twenty-first century, artificial intelligence could become so advanced that he can easily raise his hand to his creator, and then dystopia from the popular film franchise “Terminator” will become a terrible reality for us.
Americans predict that by 2022 mental abilities of the most advanced artificial intelligence planet will be approximately ten percent of similar indicators of the human brain. By 2040, computers will be only half as dumb as us, and by 2075 robots will become the same smart, like the scientists who created them, if not smarter, at least the possibilities of their mental apparatus will be many times superior to human. And will such advanced machines agree to fulfill all our whims is a big question.
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British researcher Nick Bostre, a professor at Oxford University, I am convinced that humanity will inevitably bring its death, working hard to create the perfect artificial intelligence. Self-awareness is already inspiring robots, teaching them make decisions independently, engage in creativity and even experience a semblance of feelings. Obviously the best minds of the planet certainly want to get an artificial mind whose mental abilities will not lag behind and be different from human. However where are the guarantees that such a mind wants to be a servant, not master?
The worst thing, according to Bostra, is that human curiosity has always been self-destructive character. The British believes that if scientists have the opportunity to check whether artificial intelligence is capable of aggression, they will certainly provide the robot with the opportunity to show their dark side. And no one will ever abandon such research will, because our civilization can no longer do without help smart machines and will become constantly in need of ever more advanced electronic friends.
Artificial Intelligence Robots