A photo from open sources
It’s no secret to anyone what a brake on modern society represent officials with their main task – to create visibility work and at the same time get the maximum benefit from it. But it seems this the disease of modern society is coming to an end.
How? Scientists predict that computerization of society and the development of artificial intelligence will lead to the fact that officials, as a class, will simply die out – they will not be needed, their will replace computers and cars. Here’s what that says about this, For example, Russian Deputy Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Alexey Kozyrev:
I believe that by about 2025 in our country in government will disappear three main components, which are today a big brake on progress: officials, papers and delays in decision making. Translation of legislation into machine-readable code will allow quickly, without paperwork and human factor to make decisions on any issue. Eliminating only the human factor, you can forever free yourself from such vices of society, like bribery, all kinds of “kickbacks”, red tape, lobbying and so on. In addition, all this will be carried out without papers online, which will eliminate most artificially created delays.
By the way, this, as the researchers predict this phenomenon, will extend to all stages of the governing mechanism society, and therefore, ultimately, should lead to the withering away class of officials in general. After all, artificial intelligence does not need no bribe, no delay in making decisions, he is not prone to failures, say, because of a bad mood, with a hangover, etc.
A photo from open sources
However, skeptics do not share the optimism of supporters artificial intelligence embedded in the control system. By their officials, it’s an indestructible class of human society, therefore, they will do everything possible (and even impossible) to subjugate artificial intelligence. Do not break officials even Stalin managed with his iron will, bestial instinct and fantastic foresight, for which reason it is even called a man from the future.
Well, wait and see …
Artificial Intelligence Russia