As the Mayans themselves say, the world will not stop exist, other changes will occur

For many years, the Mayans fought the myth of the end of the world, caused by misinterpretation of their ancient calendar. Since date 21 December 2012 is getting closer, this swindle delivers everything more troubles to the Mayan indigenous people, especially in their native Guatemala, turned into a cheap “apocalyptic” bait for tourists. Photo from open sources This week living in Guatemala Mayan people blamed the government and the state funded travel companies in that they “cast in bronze” the myth of the doomsday allegedly predicted on their calendar, in order to obtain income from tourism. The Ministry of Culture of Guatemala arranges in Guatemala city mass event involving more than 90 thousand man under the pretext of celebrating “doomsday”. Leader Oxlaljuj Ajpop (Mayan Association) Felipe Gomez along with others Maya representatives protested the show, which he called “disrespect for the Mayan culture” and called on the Institute of Tourism review the celebration. “We are opposed to deception, lies and distortions of the truth, and turning us into folklor for extraction arrived. They don’t tell the truth about time cycles, ”Gomez said. France Press Agency. In a statement released by Oxlaljuj Ajpop, it says that the end of the Mayan calendar means only that “will happen big changes at the level of personality, family and communities that means harmony between humanity and nature. “Last year Mayan Elder Carlos Barrios interviewed 600 other elders to get the clearest understanding of the situation. Introducing the Organization Mayan and spiritual studies of indigenous peoples in their An online interview with Carlos Barrios stated the following: “Anthropologists visit shrines, read inscriptions, and cook up Mayan stories, but they do not read the signs correctly. This is just their imagination. Others write prophecy in the name of Maya. They say in December 2012, the world will cease to exist. It causes anger in Mayan Elders. The world will not cease to exist. He is being transformed. We are no longer in the world of the Fourth Sun, but also not in the world of the Fifth the sun. We are in between, in transition time. So how are we make the transition, then this is a colossal global funnel – environmental destruction, social chaos, war and what is happening on Earth Change. Humanity will continue to exist, but differently. The basis itself will change. This will give us the opportunity to become more people. “Like so many modern Maya researchers believe that the human race has already passed through various changes during its history on planet Earth. These the changes were difficult many times, but they were followed by quick leaps in understanding and compassion, public progress. Earlier in my book Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance, I wrote: “Doomsday theory is implausible, abused power-hungry rulers who want to keep their peoples in fear. As we saw in the past decade in the United States, the ruling circles constantly use fear to manipulate consciousness of US citizens. This is not a new method, it was used on over the centuries, be it fear of economic ruin, spontaneous disasters, enemies, or fear of God. Fear has been used forever few to control the majority. When the Spaniards conquered Mayan empire, they learned through missionaries that 1698 was the end Mayan time cycle. The Spaniards waited until 1698 to to carry out their invasion, the Mayans took it as a sign and surrendered without resistance. One of the most famous predictions was made. astrologers who predicted in connection with the parade of planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, a huge flood that will be the end of the world on February 20, 1524. We also recently saw media hoax “Y2K” promising “cyber-Armageddon” at the turn millennia. Obviously the world continued to spin in both cases. “The end of the world has been predicted many times and has not yet come since The last time this hysteria swept the world for more than ten years back, due to the change of millennia and the panic of y2k. Last time the end of the world has not come, and will not come next time. But perhaps there is some truth in the statement that we are on the verge a kind of social shift. If you look at the world, you can see undoubted signs confirming this. Celebrating this event, Mayan association Oxlajuj Ajpop holds ceremonies in five cities, which they consider sacred. Gomez says the government It would have been reasonable if it had directed its support to these real celebration. However, it seems unlikely that government tourism department and ministry will replace course.

Time End of the World Sun Mayan Civilization

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