Astrologer Globa predicted the collapse of Ukraine in 2014 year

The astrologer Globa predicted the collapse of Ukraine in 2014A photo from open sources

Pavel Globa March 16, 2009 Pavel Globa predicted an imminent the collapse of Ukraine into three parts, saying that two of them will be part new Russian empire. “Ukraine, which waiting for the collapse into three parts. The collapse will not happen now, but by 2014 year in Ukraine there will be de facto two independent of each other friend of the administration, while maintaining formal integrity territory, in approximately the same format as today in Moldova. The East Ukrainian Federation will not be subordinate to Kiev and de facto will become part of the Russian Empire, Crimea will become Ukrainian Chechnya, “said the astrologer. The economic crisis, which will last until 2020, as a result will redraw the political map of the world and fundamentally change the whole geopolitical balance of power. USA is waiting for heavy times, and Ukraine and the EU will cease to exist. With such The forecast was made by the famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa. On the at a press conference in Moscow, he noted that the US president is waiting the unenviable fate predicted by medieval Russian astrologer. “Back in 1999, I said that the world would face an unprecedented crisis that will begin after the advent of the 44th US President, “said Globa. According to him, an indication of this there is also in the works of the 16th century the Russian astrologer Vasily Nemchin, which indicated the shocks that would come from overseas when in the overseas country the 44th ruler will be in power. His Nemchin called the “black man”. “In 1999, I believed that” black man “was mentioned in an allegorical sense, but it turned out that “black” was used literally. As a result, we made a mistake on a few months since the crisis began shortly before the arrival Obama, but this is an acceptable error, “said the astrologer. Pavel Globa stressed that according to the horoscope, the most difficult for Obama It will be 2011, when his life will be in jeopardy. “I carefully studied the horoscope of Barack Obama and saw that he surprisingly similar to John F. Kennedy’s horoscope, – declared Globa. – He is in particular danger in 2011, but I hope that he will be able to survive. “As the astrologer noted, generally speaking, then, “the United States, as a leading world power, has no great future. “The states will face a great depression. The country will be able to save, but it lose leadership status. At the same time, the hardest time for the USA comes after the departure of Obama, who will not last in the chair President more than one term, “predicts Globa. In his According to the EU, a sadder future awaits. “On the spot a single European Union will appear several associations. Countries Scandinavia and the Baltic states form the Northern Union, which will become the heir to the Hanseatic League. France, Italy and Spain will unite in the South European Union and so on. EU maybe and will remain as an education, but exclusively on paper, “said Globa. According to the astrologer’s forecast, other military and political unions. “Until the end of the crisis, the NATO bloc will not survive, which in the near future will increase somewhat, but then cease exist, “Globa said. The astrologer noted that this year will be for Russia “a year of recognition of its enemies.” By his forecast, “the year of the Yellow Bull is traditionally difficult for Russia. This year the most sworn enemies of Russia, Napoleon and Hitler, were born. It was in the year of the Yellow Bull that the NATO bloc was created. This year Russia will be able to recognize their true enemies in person. “Pavel Globa predicted the soon collapse of Ukraine into three parts, saying that two of them will be included in composition of the new Russian empire. “Ukraine will not survive the crisis, which awaits the decay into three parts. The decay will not happen now, but by 2014 in Ukraine there will be de facto two independent apart administration, while maintaining formal integrity territory, in approximately the same format as today in Moldova. The East Ukrainian Federation will not be subordinate to Kiev and de facto will become part of the Russian Empire, Crimea will become Ukrainian Chechnya, “said the astrologer. According to the forecast of the astrologer, 2014 will be the year when humanity comes close to the beginning of the Third World War II. “The year 2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, and This is a very warlike combination. I fear the beginning of permanent war in the East. God forbid it will be connected with Iran, then when any outcome, we get a real blast absolutely uncontrolled total terrorism. But until 2014 no there will be no war in Russia. There will be an explosion of banditry, but no more, “- Globa said. According to his forecasts, the economic situation in the world in soon will worsen. “For the dollar, the next two years will become very complex although the collapse of the American currency until it happens. The hardest time for the dollar will come in 2017-2018 year. The dollar will finally depreciate, they will to glue the walls in toilets and bathtubs and not know where to put them. IN In this regard, the euro is a more reliable currency, “Globa said and noted that he prefers to keep his savings in euros, although used to trust Swiss francs. According to the forecast of an astrologer, prices for oil in the coming years will decline. “Cost of a barrel of oil will reach $ 30, but will not go below. But after 2016, the price of oil will begin to rise, and this will help Russia overcome the crisis world leader, “he said. Assessing the likelihood of natural cataclysms and technological disasters, Pavel Globa emphasized that this year will be a year of increased risk, and warned against flying in the second half of summer. “Many disasters occur close in time to eclipses. Last year eclipse happened in August before the start of the military conflict in South Ossetia, which can also be regarded as a disaster. In July three eclipses await us this year, in this respect the year “fruitful”, so the likelihood of man-made disasters is dramatic increases, “said the astrologer.” Most likely, in July-August should expect a surge in air crashes, so I would advise refrain from flying in all directions. In December and January next year, the danger of earthquakes will increase sharply, especially in Pacific “, – concluded Globa. According to his forecasts, the world threatened by economic and geopolitical shocks until the end of 2020 years: all states will survive difficult times, however, according to the end of difficult years, Russia will turn into a powerful empire and will be the new world leader. According to Globa, who emphasized that over the years of astrological practice, up to 85% of it predictions, “over the next three years the whole world expects difficult time, from the point of view of astrology, this is due to the constellation in the opposition of Saturn and Uranus. This constellation, repeated in stories, each time brings global political and social cataclysms. “According to the astrologer, Russia, together with the whole world will survive three turns of the global crisis, and its peak will fall on 2014-2015 years. “The first wave of the crisis will last until 2012, and her peak will be in the summer of 2010. This year will be achieved stagnation, some stability, when many people think that the crisis reached its bottom and will soon begin to rise. However, it is not. IN 2010, the dashing 1990s will return to Russia. The country expects a surge banditry, massive redistribution of property, criminal showdown on city streets, “he predicts. Nevertheless, according to astrologer, as a result of such events, the collapse of the country will not happen, civil war will not begin, there will be no hunger riots. “After In 2011, the crisis will decline and end in 2012. But it will be only his first wave. In 2014, the second wave of the crisis will begin, even more powerful and destructive, “said Globa. However, he noticed that 2014 is very interesting from the point of view of historical parallels and astrology. “Still Anna Akhmatova in I noticed in my time that the most terrible cataclysms fall on anniversaries of the birth and death of Mikhail Lermontov. In the centenary of his day The birth of the First World War. One hundred years after his death – The Great Patriotic War. In the year of the 150th anniversary of the death of the poet the Soviet Union collapsed. And the 200th anniversary of Lermontov’s birthday brings something terrible to the country. But this, of course, is not quite astrological observation. From the point of view of astrology, it is in In 2014, many planetary constellations are approaching a critical point, ” – noted Globa. According to his forecast, for Russia the period 2014-2016 will be a time of great change with big shocks. “The third wave of the crisis, which will take place in 2017-2020, will not the most difficult, but the factors of human fatigue from life will affect under constant stress. I am very afraid of this wave. Only to the end of 2020, all of humanity with this crisis that will receive the name “Second Great Depression” finally says goodbye, “- assures the astrologer. “I connect the end of the crisis with the neighborhood of Jupiter and Saturn, which happens every 20 years and marks the positive change. Given the fact that Jupiter will come closer to Saturn in the first degree of Aquarius – the constellation associated with Russia, indicates that what exactly is Russia, which by that time will revive its imperial power, there is the greatest chance of becoming a new world leader, “- said Globa. According to him, the post-crisis thirty years of 2020-2050 will be the time of the revival of Russia. At the same time, Pavel Globa referred to the works of the medieval Russian astrologer Vasily Nemchin, who lived even before Nostradamus. “He will come to power in Russia in 2020-2021 powerful, new personality that Nemchin called the “Horseman on White Kone. “In scale, this ruler will be comparable to Peter I. He will be tall. What does “white horse” mean, I do not know. But perhaps he will be born in the year of the horse, “said Globa. “The new leader will not rule long, but will leave an outstanding mark. His will be replaced by another great ruler with whom will be associated revival of Russian culture. Nemchin called him “The Great Potter.” And the revival of Russia will last at least 30 years, “- concluded Pavel Globa.

Astrologers Barack Obama War Time Life Eclipse Earthquake Crisis Crimea NATO Pavel Globa Russia Saturn USA Ukraine Jupiter

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