A photo from open sources Astrologer Pavel Globa in the NTV studio gave forecast for the near and distant future. According to the astrologer, which refers to Nostradamus, in the middle of the XXI century is expected globally warming that will cause coastal flooding territories in Europe. Pavel Globa, astrologer: “Russia will be in the field favorable climate. I don’t know if bananas and pineapples, whether there will be crocodiles and hippos in the Ob river basin, I doubt it. For several decades – this is unlikely, but what will be much warmer – that’s yes. “In addition, Globa predicts the emergence of a new generation that will be very different from the current “office plankton.” Pavel Globa: “Generation of people sane, “know-how generation”, I call them. This people projects. This will be very popular. Not a generation like we are called office plankton – crisis, creative and others managers who don’t do a damn thing. This is a thing of the past, but people who have the know-how who carry breakthroughs technological, scientific, inventors – here they will be demanded. “The astrologer gave a prediction to a closer the prospect is the next, 2015, which, according to the eastern the calendar is the year of the Goat. Pavel Globa: “The Year of the Goat is with us considered a very moody year. Moody goat – today will say one, tomorrow another. Therefore, you need to wait in the media for a lot of fakes, a lot of such empty PR moves and those soap bubbles that bursting fast. ”
Pavel Globa Russia