Atlanta Metal Library

Argentinean entrepreneur, ethnologist and collector mysterious facts Janusz Juan Moritz was born in Hungary but a big He spent part of his life in South America. In 1965, in a deserted terrain overseas he discovered a branched underground system communications of unthinkable antiquity, and four years later made this discovery is made public by swearing in the fame of the president of Ecuador.

Metal books

According to an original researcher, this is a giant branching. underground roads and tunnels stretch for thousands of kilometers, passing, besides Argentina, also under the territory of Peru and Ecuador. The walls at the tunnels were smooth and polished, and the ceilings flat and even, as if glazed. Passages led to the vast underground halls.

Metal Library of AtlantesA photo from open sources

In one of the galleries Moritz allegedly discovered twenty-kilogram books made of thin metal sheets measuring 96×48 centimeters. IN scientific circles, these plates were called plaques. The most surprisingly, on each such page were stamped either mysterious signs engraved. Juan Moritz and his fellow researchers such as Stanley Hall, Petronio Jaramillo and world famous Erich von Daniken, tend to suggest that this library of an extinct ancient civilization.

According to other versions, historical books are recorded in metal books prophecies of the Incas or the knowledge of aliens who once flew to the ground. In the center of the library are objects reminiscent of a table and chairs around it, but the material from which they are made nobody knows.

Moritz and Stanley Hall in 1973

A photo from open sources

This is not a stone, not a tree and not metal, but most likely something similar to ceramics or modern composite materials. Similar composites that are particularly resistant to high temperatures and highly durable, used, for example, in aviation and astronautics. But could someone make their analogues for many thousands years ago?

Animals and airplanes

In addition, Juan Moritz discovered many figures in the dungeons. animals made of gold. In this peculiar “zoo” were elephants, crocodiles, monkeys, bison, jaguars are represented. All of them stood along the walls of halls and walkways. On the floors of the tunnels were found many interesting drawings. One of them shows a man, hovering over the planet.

The metal plate allegedly found by Moritz in a cave

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

It turns out, long before the current era of astronautics, people knew about spherical shape of the earth. The other floor figure has a rectangular body and round head. This strange creature is standing on a globe globe. and holds in the “hands” of the moon and the sun. Also found a figure that called a “clown” or “pilot.” On his head is a helmet with headphones, gloves on the hands. To his costume resembling spacesuit, ring and wires attached.

Among the amazing finds of Juan Moritz there is also something quite gold-like model of a supersonic passenger liner “Concord”. One such figure was sent to the museum the Colombian capital of Bogota, while the other remained underground.

Aviation experts who study museum exhibit tend to believe that this is truly an aircraft model. Amazed its geometrically regular wings and high vertical keel. At birds of this kind are not found.

Guajaro Cave

A photo from open sources

The figure of the plane is made of pure gold, which is also quite mysteriously. Indeed, in nature as such pure gold is not meets. Native gold is a natural solid silver solution with a mass fraction of up to 43% in gold and contains impurities copper, iron and other metals. Pure gold these days get using special processing on modern enterprises and equipment. Where did this technology come from? known to representatives of ancient civilization?

A photo from open sources

Another drawing engraved on the tunnel floor depicts fossil pangolin. But dinosaurs lived on our planet 65 million or more years ago. The figure itself dates from about IV-IX thousand BC e. And the tunnels themselves are a hefty mystery. Even in ours time there are no such unique construction technologies underground. Who then could melt in granite strata perfectly smooth tunnels with polished walls intertwining in the likeness of a giant underground metropolis? No wonder researchers sometimes inclined to say that this is the fruit of extraterrestrial technology aliens.

How quarreled Moritz and von Daniken

I must say that Juan Moritz was a great original. He is quite seriously believed that Hungarian roots actually lie at the base each civilization, and, having communicated somewhere in the wilderness with Indians, came to the conclusion that they understand the whole phrases in Hungarian. As for communication with the president Ecuador then it gave him carte blanche for total control over discovery – Moritz could invite an independent researcher and demonstrate photographic evidence opening of an underground communications network.

A photo from open sources

In 1972, Juan Moritz met with Erich von Daniken and introduced him to the secret, showing him the entrance to the cave labyrinths, which supposedly led to a large underground hall. As it appears, von Daniken did not see the legendary metal library, but only tunnels leading to her. Impressive Swiss the researcher shared on the pages of the best-selling book “Gold of the Gods”: “Undoubtedly, this is not about natural formations: underground corridors fold strictly at right angles, they are wide narrow, but the walls everywhere are smooth, as if polished. The ceilings perfectly even and varnished. ”

But one of the potentially most sensational discoveries of the 20th century soon faded. Indeed, in an interview with the German publications “Stern” and SPIEGEL Janusz Juan Moritz suddenly denies ever been in caves with Erich von Daniken. This has undermined confidence in Swiss, who began to suspect that he simply fabricated his incredible facts proving presence on our planet of gods – ancient astronauts. Although it was easy to understand: if von Daniken really deliberately lied, then he would not would leave no coordinates for readers to contact Juan Moritz.

One more step

Despite a completely spoiled relationship with Erich von Danikenom, a book of the supporter of the theory of paleovisitis attracted Juan Moritz new supporters. One of them was American Stanley Hall. Moritz and Hall decided to organize an expedition to the Cueva de Los Teios, where the entrance to the dungeons with metal the library. All they had to do was find a man with a big name for formal expedition leadership.

South American Antiquities Collector Padre Crespi with the Ancients metal plates from his collection fully proves the truth of the words Moritz

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

For the role of such, they chose the American astronaut Nile Armstrong, who, like Hall, was of Scottish descent. The astronaut replied that he was more than willing to join the mission. In those years, a military junta ruled in Ecuador, and the expedition became a joint venture of the Ecuadorian and British Army, which supported by a group of geologists, botanists and other specialists. It is curious that for some time enthusiasts hoped to attract led the expedition of Prince Charles, shortly before archeology degree but scottish factor when choosing a chef ultimately proved to be decisive.

One of the highlights of the expedition was that on August 3 1976 Neil Armstrong really stepped into an ancient tunnel system, having a chance to once again enter the history of mankind. Alas, there were no traces of the metal library. found. But scientists cataloged 400 new varieties plants and found a burial room with a burial place, dated 1500 BC e.

A photo from open sources

Janusz Juan Moritz died in 1991. He always said something about mysterious dungeons. Therefore like-minded people continued searches, each in its own way trying to contribute to them. Count, Pinot Turolla, for example, believes that the metal library is absolute proof of the prophecies of Edgar Cayce.

Stanley Hall for many years trying to find out the exact coordinates of the entrance to caves with a library from Petronio Jaramillo, but he died in 1998 year, taking with you a secret. However, the new Indiana Jones of our of time – Stan Grist believes that the true entrance to the treasured cave hidden under water, and hopes to organize in the Cueva de los Teios region its expedition equipped with the latest technology.


Time Peru Cave Planes

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