Atlantis was in place of Russia?

The ancient Greek thinker Plato (427-347 BC) in his works Timaeus and Critius described life and structure the legendary and mysterious country with its capital on the island of Atlantis, located in the Atlantic Ocean more than 11.6 thousand years ago back. There are other ancient sources telling about this country. Description of the capital and state is amazing modern people with the grandeur and splendor of the temples created, palaces, ring canals, irrigation systems, high level development for that time. Photos from open sources

Plato writes that the god of the seas Poseidon by lot (between the gods) received the inheritance of the island of Atlantis (Poseidonis) and populated it with his children from mortal Cleito, making them kings. He brought the island to order. In the dialogue “Timaeus” Plato notes the peculiarity of the legendary countries: “On this island called Atlantis, arose the great and astonishing union of kings whose power extended to the whole island, to many other islands and to part of the mainland, and moreover, on this side of the strait they captured Libya to Egypt and part of Europe before Tyrrhenia “… No war has been reported since the process joining could be on a contractual basis. Supposedly the capital of Tirrenia was in the area of ​​the modern city of Grenoble (southeast of France), where there were tombs of the rulers of this country. The Critias dialogue says that the capital on the island of Atlantis had a harbor, which housed 1,200 ships. Acropolis with a temple Poseidon and the royal palace was surrounded by three wide concentric canals that constitute the inner harbor. Central the island of the city was surrounded by stone walls, and the bridges connecting them had towers and gates. The stone for the walls was three colors (white, red, black), which was mined there in the dungeons. On the stone walls around the outer earthen ring of the atlas channel applied copper in molten form. The wall of the inner shaft is covered cast from tin, and the wall of the Acropolis – an orichalcum emitting “fiery shine”. This shows that the bowels of the island and other places were developed intensively. At the same time, they created various urban and other more important underground utilities, habitation and underground moves that went in different directions over long distances, including including to the African and American continents. In dialogs Plato says that much was brought into the island from subject countries, but most of the necessities of life were provided by the island itself – any types of fossils of solid and fusible metals, including what is now known only by name: crystalline nugget orichalcum extracted from the bowels of the island. No today consensus on the whereabouts of this island and other lands, part of Atlantis. There is also no clarity on boundaries An Athenian state that waged wars with Atlantis. IN numerous works of researchers expressed a wide range opinions on the location of the legendary island and its original sacred capital created by Poseidon. All of them are basically become attached to the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. The capital itself Atlantis researchers located in many places in the Atlantic, from Mexico to Africa and from the existing equator to Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia. Suggestions were also made about possible location of the capital within the Mediterranean Sea and in other limits of the earth. Atlantis was mainly searched at the bottom of the ocean and seas, although it is well known that according to Plato, the state also located on the continental parts of the earth (on Northwest Africa, called Libya), Europe, in opposite continent (America). On these lands somewhere preserved material remnants of ancient civilization, discovery which will provide an answer to many questions, including The exact location of Atlantis. In the meantime, we can assume following: in 9564 BC powerful earthquake and eruption an underwater volcano destroyed the island of Atlantis (Poseidonis), which plunged into the ocean, creating huge waves and rains that flooded lowlands of the Earth, leaving a memory in the minds of people as a World the flood. Of the impending disaster, the best part of the people was warned by the Higher Forces in advance, which allowed them in a timely manner to evacuate secretly, to the remote places of his vast empire, in neighboring and distant countries where they left a historical record memory (Africa, Egypt, northern elevated regions of Russia, India, China, etc.). Part of it could go into pre-created underground cities similar to where the Tamils ​​came from (Indians and Sri Lanka), holding on to the tail of a bull and each other. The heirs Atlantis survived under the control of the Masters of Northern Shambhala as note the sages of the Himalayas and Tibet (Prince E. Thomas. “Shambhala – an oasis light “. M., 1992). Legends of the East report that the island of Atlantis located in the middle of the Atlantic (Ethiopian) ocean, on which repeatedly arose and perished civilization. After each catastrophes, the island decreased in size, and with the last, third disaster, he went under water. After the death of the island of Atlantis, vast territories of the empire did not die. Continued their the functioning of the administrative capital in Taimyr and many confederation. The center of the empire moved to northern parts of Eurasia (present-day Russia), where later formed powerful states that left a mention in Chinese and other sources of the East, including ancient legends of India such as Mahabharata. Atlantis Island itself submerged slowly under water. Its high places in the form individual islands continued to exist until the first millenniums of a new era, about which quite a lot in the scientific literature evidence, and ancient maps indicate their location. 12 thousand years ago the north geographic pole of the Earth (with small area of ​​glaciation) was located in North America at the borders of Alaska with Canada (see “Paradoxes of the poles of the Earth and climate”). The waters of the North Ocean were then free of ice, and the climate there was warm, especially off the coast of Siberia. Plato puts the island Atlantis in the Atlantic behind the Hercules Pillars. He writes that on this island is easily accessible from the mainland. There were others behind him islands beyond which the opposite mainland (America) was located, surrounding this sea. Atlantis, as an empire, exceeded its sizes Libya (north-west Africa) and Asia (Asia Minor) together taken. Legends that have come down to us testify that Atlantis, described by Plato, after the annexation of neighboring nations and of countries became an empire of 15 confederations, including lands located around the modern North Pole. Here also included African Libya, Spain, North America, Greenland, Scandinavia (northern), the northern part of the existing Russia, where its southern border passed along Ladoga, Dmitrovskaya ridge, Southern Urals, northern Baikal, Magadan. Seven Capitals Confederations were located on the territory of Russia: in Chukotka, in Yakutia (at the mouth of Aldan), at Norilsk (Lake Lama), in the Urals, Yamal, Pechora, Valdai. Other Confederate capitals were in the northern part Scandinavia, in Morocco, in the USA (two), in Canada (three). Capital Poseidonis Island (Atlantis) was located in the area of ​​existing the seamounts of Rokkevey and Yakutat at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, to east of bermuda. Major port cities of Atlantes were in the Canary and Azores, in the southwestern part Greenland, in the north of Scandinavia, near Taimyr and on a number of islands Of the Arctic Ocean, in Siberia. Some of them are offshore offshore. Traces of their findings are not difficult identify with modern engineering and technology. However besides There was also a holy capital in the Atlantic Ocean. administrative capital for governing a vast country that originally located in the Central Urals (near Nizhny Tagil), and then in the northeast of Taimyr. Legends of the East report that the administrative capital of Atlantis was located in the eastern part empire on the hills, off the coast of the Borean Sea (Laptev Sea). She It was called the “city of the Golden Gate.” The city was built with beautiful temples, palaces, with greatness worthy of the capital. This the city was the residence of emperors, whose power extended not only to the whole continent, but also to numerous small and large islands. Chronicle of teachers of the East contains the names of all the rulers of Atlantis, and in it, as important event, it is mentioned that the emperor of Atlantis Tatslav was given a divine messenger from heaven a fragment of a miraculous stone, which was functional cultural state, civilization. Emperor Taczlava is buried in Taimyr, and the stone was later transported south to storage warehouse. The management of Atlantis was fair and beneficial. Arts and sciences flourished. Rulers taking advantage secret knowledge, reached truly extraordinary results. The disk of the Sun was the only emblem worthy to depict the head of the Divine, and this image was in each the house. The Atlanteans had a written language. Material for writing served thin metal sheets whose surface resembled white china. They could reproduce and reproduce images and texts. There was a system of education and upbringing. Every educated man knew in general terms medicine and methods of treatment with magnetism. Legends say that the Atlanteans knew the methods of evocation (by their desire) rain and water sources from the bowels of the earth. During his the highest peak, the city of Golden Gate numbered about two million inhabitants, and in general the population of all of Atlantis reached two billion people. Atlanta reached high development of engineering and technology in the field of obtaining sources energy, various types of materials, in the creation of land, water and air transport. Like the Greek gods of Olympus, they were the food of the gods is known – ragweed, nectar, and also healing mineral food. The legendary ragweed is a white crystalline mineral, and Nectar is a dark, resinous mass. In the bowels they are located beside. Both minerals are bred by juices, water. Atlanta mined for palaces and temples brilliant nugget crystalline orichalcum light gray (silver) color. Deposits of these minerals are available both in Russia and elsewhere on the planet. They deduced new species of plants and animals. Offshore parts of the Laptev Sea under a layer of silt rest in unbroken the condition of the Atlantean ships, the holds of which are filled with outlandish goods of that civilization. Some types of their ships, according to legends were large (up to 100 m long and 50 m wide), in shape resembling turtles, and could swim, gliding, along given program, enveloping obstacles. In such places for some reason shipwrecks often occur. Sailors are one such place called the “ship graveyard”. Treasures await in Taimyr their researchers (on land and on the shelf of the sea), where, possibly, valuable material evidence of past civilizations are found. The port city was also located on the shelf part. Confirmation of it traces of stone structures (including underground). Trade routes from China ran through these places and India to Europe until the XVI century. AD In these places are marked manifestations of anomalies in ancient underground structures (in Taimyr, Urals, by the White Sea, in Morocco, Canada, by the mountains of Rokkevey and Yakutat, on the islands of the Arctic Ocean, etc.). Many buildings are under a layer of silt or cultivated soil in the hills and hills like pyramids, temples and cities of Central and South America (Aztecs, Mayans, Incas). Pyramids and mounds of Atlantes were made of multi-layer durable stone. Some of them only partially covered and can be seen in southern Canada near Lake. Winnipeg, in Karelia, on the islands of Franz Joseph, in the other northern the islands. Even in Morocco, several decades ago, Rif Ridge mountain archaeologists discovered an underground rocky a city whose age is 12 thousand years. Total length of it tunnels over 32 km. And this is only a small part of the large underground systems in the Atlas mountains of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia. The rest is still to open. One of the three main spoken and written languages ​​of the Atlantis Empire was the language on the basis of which Sanskrit and Slavic languages ​​were formed. This proto-Slavic language had the greatest use in the territories from Scandinavia to the river. Yenisei, in northwestern Africa (near the Atlas Mountains), in Greenland, which was then free of ice. The Atlantean language with the smallest strain preserved in the north-west of Ukraine, on the border with Poland. Other spoken languages ​​of Atlantis preserved in southern Africa (north of Botswana), in the northwest of Venezuela (South America). Near 4 thousand years ago due to the submerged lands of the North Ocean, the mountain ranges of Mendeleev and Lomonosov, there was a relocation northern peoples southward. After which the peoples of Atlantis began to create new state formations on new lands, including and Scythian kingdoms. Pre-Slavic language for them has become the connecting language of communication, especially within the framework of the Scythian empire, stretching from the Balkans to the Indigirka. Research revealed:

  • borders of the whole empire with the indication of the capitals of 15 confederations;

  • location of the island (Sacred) capital of Atlantis, who died 12 thousand years ago, and the administrative capital of the empire in Taimyr, where are the tombs of most emperors;

  • places of the main cities and ports of the empire;

  • places of rocky palace and religious buildings and tombs rulers;

  • direct connection of the Slavic spoken language (s) and Sanskrit with the main Proto-Slavic state language of the empire Atlantis.

  • Information about Atlantis is contained in closed bookstores East, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Russia, America.

  • All these studies were conducted by public enthusiasts. beginnings. Further practical research is required. at the state and interstate levels with financial support from governments of interested states.

Atlantis Africa Water Greenland Egypt Life India Stones China Climate Pyramid Island Russia Siberia Shambhala

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