Balash Ismayilov – former pilot, lieutenant colonel in retired. Almost all his life he served in the Far East. But this his obvious side of life, and there is also the secret: he is fond of history, but not in the broad sense of the word, but in the narrow. Ismayilova is interested in aircraft of antiquity, he studies them, collects all available information, and if possible travels, to see with your own eyes in various museums those exhibits which attract his attention as a professional pilot.
– How was your hobby born?
– Serving in aviation, I could not help but think about what they were doing people in past centuries, when they just like me, like to fly. FROM From childhood I was interested in ancient legends and myths about man’s flights. The very first was the ancient Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus, I read it at ten years old. If you remember the wax that feathers were fastened in the wings of Icarus, melted from approaching the sun, and Icarus fell. When I was little, I believed in it. When became older, I realized that the end of the myth was clearly not invented by those who stood at its source, because the higher off the earth, the colder. therefore there was no question of any melting of wax. When i’m already began to collect information about ancient aircraft seriously I was surprised to learn that Daedalus is not a mythical character at all, but historical person. He wrote about him in his work “Metamorphoses” Ancient Roman poet Ovid. He spoke of Daedalus as skillful. architect and inventor.
“And then what happened?”
– I sat down at the books, began to study everything that came to hand. IN 80 – 90 years it was rather difficult, garrison libraries were not that poor, but wretched. When the Internet came around, it became much easier. Wandering through its bowels, I came across a message International Academy for the Study of Sanskrit. It spoke of the ancient Indian manuscript “Samaranga Sutradhara,” which referred to numerous human flights with the help of certain devices, which called vimana. This word comes from the Sanskrit concept, meaning “chariot of heaven.” Wimans were made of metal, sheets which are very carefully adjusted to each other, and, judging by text by welding. In motion they were driven “controlled fire from steel tanks. “Their sound was also very noteworthy – it was like the roar of a lion, but about a traveler inside the vimana it was said that he “could move through the air so high that seemed like a pearl in heaven. ”
A photo from open sources
To manage them, you had to know thirty-two “secrets.” Then I found out about another Indian manuscript – Vimanika Shastra. This was a section of the volumetric treatise “Yantrasarvasva” (encyclopedia cars), the author of which is the sage Bharadwajya, about whom mentioned in the Mahabharata. “Vimanika Shastra” was found in 1875 year in one of the Indian temples. According to scientists, this treatise was written in the 4th century BC based on even earlier texts and was a bit of a practical tool for building and exploitation of vimanas. This treatise also described aircraft and instruments on them, only in more detail. By these descriptions can easily recognize the instruments that performed the functions camera, radar, spotlight, etc. Apparently, these devices used the energy of the sun. There are also descriptions of various types weapons with destructive power. Curious that quite a lot of space in the treatise is devoted to the description of the clothes of pilots and even their diet. Wimans have also been described in the more famous Indian epics – in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Only in the last the epic contains forty-one places where they are mentioned. By the way about vimanas are not only mentioned in ancient texts, there are also The image is in the caves of the temple of Elolora in India.
A photo from open sources
– It turns out that in those days, people knew how handle metal at the level of modern technology?
– Yes, it turns out that way. In 1875, it made a splash, especially considering the level of technology of the XIX century and the full the absence of aircraft, which, as they say, is not even in the project It was. Experts recognized the manuscript both that year and nowadays. genuine. As for metal, the treatise was dedicated to him special chapter. Three types of metals were mentioned: maurthvika and somaka. It was also said about alloys that could withstand very high temperatures. Another chapter was devoted to optics – mirrors and lenses that could be mounted on board vimanas for visual observation. There were seven of them. One was called “Pingula Mirror” and was intended to protect the eyes of pilots from blinding “devilish rays” of the enemy. By the way, sources the energies that set the vimanas in motion were also seven, and they can be was to use as if in turn, switching the engine from one energy to another. There were four types of vimanas themselves: Rukma Vimana, Sundara Wyman, Tripur Wyman and Shakun Wyman. First two have conical shape and three “tiers”, in the second – a room for passengers. Tripura Wyman – a larger “plane”, which is still to can also be used as an underwater vehicle. Shakuna Wimana – the most difficult in technical and constructive terms. All four types had a vertical take-off and could, among other things, soar in the air like airships and make a zigzag flight. It is curious that in the treatise there is not only a description of “aircraft”, but also safety precautions – precautions for long flights, measures of protection against lightning and storms, etc. On their vimanas the ancient Indians flew not only over India, but throughout Asia and, according to ancient texts, even over the ocean.
– In other countries, they also found similar texts?
– Similar texts were found in Pakistani Mohenjo-Daro, on Easter Island in China. Chinese documents are very interesting. Them can even be seen as a kind of historical chronicle experimental aviation. The “youngest” dates back to 2000 ad. In one of these documents I read that in 1766 BC Emperor Cheng Tang ordered the construction of a flying car and it was created. However, he later ordered her destroyed. Apparently, he was afraid that the secret of the flight would fall into the hands of others. peoples. Very interesting are the descriptions of the poet Chu Yun, who lived in the 3rd century BC. ad. He described the aircraft on which he personally flew over the Gobi desert. A description of the aircraft is available in oral folklore of the peoples of Nepal. In the Nepalese epics it is said that the secrets of flight were only known called Javanas – fair-skinned people from the east of the Mediterranean. Apparently, we are talking, including, about the ancient Hellenes, in myths which, besides the myth of Icarus, there are other references to flights person with the help of some auxiliary means. There are references about flying on aircraft and in ancient Babylon. IN the ancient Babylonian code of laws of the Chalcate, for example, states that “driving a flying machine is a great privilege. Knowledge of flight – one of the most ancient, they are a gift of the gods of antiquity, designed to save lives. “Mention of flying apparatuses are in the ancient Babylonian “Epic of Ethan”, written two and a half thousand years BC. There really it is said that the Sumerian king flew on the back of a giant eagle. what it was for an eagle – the extinct now giant tamed bird or with the eagle, the authors of the epic compared the plane – is unknown, but another thing is noteworthy: the epic describes what was flying on “eagle” people saw from above. Moreover, it is described as impossible It would describe even from the highest tree or rock: mentioned atmospheric haze, perspective distortion, color mosaic of fields sown by different cultures, river-strings and much another thing that I, the pilot, constantly saw from the cockpit. These descriptions are similar to the verbal portrait of the locality that we made up at the school, flying over various landscapes.
– And what about the legendary Colombian airplane “?
– This is one of the most interesting finds, confirming that in antiquities people knew how to fly. Colombian Airplane Gold four centimeter figure. More precisely, he is not alone, their whole squadron – thirty-three of these figures were found! These findings were made in the XIX century, not only in Colombia, but also in Peru, Costa Rica and Venezuela, which speaks of their wide distribution. Usually they date back to 500 – 800 years before our era however accurately determine the age of gold items known to very difficult, and dating may not be accurate. The figures took their place in museums, and for a long time they were considered zoomorphic images. So it was believed up to the first third of the last century, because people simply had nothing to compare – aircraft not invented! But when they invented, they saw that at least the appearance of these figures is different, but the principle aircraft design with horizontal and vertical tail keel. The most interesting thing is that the first to pay attention to this similarity not a pilot, but jeweler Emmanuel Staub. Skeptics continue to claim that these “airplanes” are nothing but an image extinct animals.
Photos from open sources
They think so because on many “airplanes” are depicted eyes, toothy mouths. However, experts, including the famous American biologist, writer and naturalist, famous for his work in cryptozoology and the bigfoot, Terence Sanderson, who Staub sent a copy of the “airplane”, claiming that they were in no way can not be identified with any of the representatives of science known both fossil and modern fauna of the planet. On that simple based on the fact that not one bird has a vertical tail plumage! Scientists did not calm down on this and decided to bring to business aviation experts. They were sent copies of the figures, and all experts from different countries, not knowing each other, unanimously declared that in front of them are aircraft models. Aviators identified in figures cockpit, fuselage, wings, stabilizers, keel.
– And what was the story with the test figures in wind tunnel?
– In 1956, the “Colombian airplane” and its “brothers” exhibited at the exhibition “Gold of Pre-Columbian America” in the museum Metro in New York. Aircraft designers one American firms immediately drew attention to the deltoid wing of this figure and the vertical plane of the tail. On what I talked about Sanderson. They somehow agreed there with the exhibition management and tested the “airplane” in the wind tunnel. Suddenly it turned out that the “airplane” behaves best on supersonic speeds, the study of which was in full swing. Began to think why, and came to the conclusion that the deltoid wing was “guilty” and high vertical plane of the tail. Were connected specialists from the design bureau of the company, and as a result, the best for that period a supersonic plane. The company was called Lockheed.
– If some figures were found in Peru, then, maybe it was from such aircraft that the creators were led mysterious lines on the Nazca plateau?
– Many ancient aviation researchers are inclined to this opinion. I also adhere to this point of view. But the most what is surprising about these airplanes is not their aerodynamic properties, but badges that are applied to them. They are strikingly reminiscent of Phoenician writing. This, in my opinion, suggests that people of antiquity had an air intercontinental communication, otherwise how the phoenician in South American subjects writing? And another question torments me: where are the South American could the Indians see the prototypes for their crafts?
– And how can you comment on those found in Egypt images of airplanes and helicopters?
– Only so that at that time people were undoubtedly familiar with aviation. Until in our time a helicopter was invented, the image these aircraft were considered meaningless icons, or rather, not could decrypt. They were discovered in 1848 in the temple of Seti. The first in Abydos. Images of “helicopters” were located directly above the entrance to the temple, almost under the ceiling, at a height about ten meters. In this temple there were very many mysterious images that perplexed Egyptologists. In XIX century they were considered ancient mechanisms, and only in our time, scientists came to the conclusion that this is an image of helicopters, and the data in different angles.
Photos from open sources
Aviators clearly distinguish the fuselage, the main rotor, the blades, tail. Images were found near the helicopters other aircraft surprisingly similar to modern ones supersonic fighters and heavy strategic bombers. It turns out that the ancient Egyptians used military aircraft? By the way, exactly one such question was asked ten years ago by one very solid Arab newspaper Al Sharq al-Ausat when published photos from the temple in Abydos. The hype started, someone even became explain the military successes of Pharaoh Seti the First by the use of aviation, someone shouted that these were all idle inventions. Then weird images began to study the famous Egyptologist Alan Alford. is he made a convincing conclusion that on the wall of the temple are depicted really helicopters, and with such accuracy, like an ancient the artist took pictures from nature. Similar images were found in the Karnak temple. Then one of the Egyptologists remembered one more curious detail: one of the names of the pharaoh of Seti I was “bee”. Why a bee? Maybe because he had something to fly on? Another scandal flared up, an ardent supporter joined in it extraterrestrial origin of ancient Egyptian civilization – worldwide famous ufologist Richard Hoagland. He claims that the Egyptians descended from Martians who once visited the Earth.
– And what opinion are you inclined to?
– I don’t really believe in aliens, it seems to me that these planes, helicopters, colombian, indian, egyptian and others – heritage ancient, perished somewhere terrestrial civilization. On a trip to I don’t really believe in time either. If the Egyptians traveled by car time, which would not even be depicted by modern sea vessels, or ballistic missiles? I like the version of historian William more Deutsch, that Tutankhamun died in a plane crash. About it say damage to his bones. True, Deutsch spoke about air balls, I think that the pharaohs flew on more advanced apparatuses. By the way, many Egyptian mummies had damage bones that can be obtained only by falling from a great height.
– They say that in Egypt they found a “brother” of the Colombian airplane?
– Yes, he was found in the burial of Pas di Ilmen, in the tomb Zadoyaga in 1898. The age of the find is determined by two thousand years with a ponytail. “Airplane” exhibited in Cairo Historical the museum. It is small, about fifteen centimeters long, made of very durable and solid wood. He is very similar to Colombian figures with the same wings and vertical tail fin. Scientist Khalil Messiha in 1969 provided an exact copy of a wooden figurine motor and propeller. As a result, the model was able to develop speed 105 km / h. Then, after the test, the Egyptologists began delving into the storerooms of the museum and found there another fourteen similar ancient Egyptian “airplanes”.
Photos from open sources
– Which of all this can be concluded?
– It is difficult to assume that people who lived at different times and in different places give the same description, conspiring. Apparently aviation of the ancients existed, and I would really like to be dealt with not lone researchers, but special ones were created research institutes. It’s time to see the truth in eyes and admit that we don’t know anything thoroughly from his story.
Valentin SLAVKO.
(Based on materials from the site “Aviators and Their Friends”)
Time Egypt Life India China Peru Birds Aircraft Pharaohs