A photo from open sources
The story of the “mysterious pipes of Mount Baigong” is one of unsolved mysteries of the last decade. Incredible find made by a group of enthusiasts in China roam the pages news, but still not subjected to serious scientific to study. Because of this version about the origin of strange objects arise one after another and as if competing in incredibility.
“Ancient water supply”, “device for draining the lake” and even “launch pad for alien spaceships” – each chooses what he likes best. And for the most enterprising the inhabitants of the surrounding settlements, the mysterious pipes of Baigong – just attraction for tourists, accompanied by which you can do well make money.
The mystery of the three caves
For the first time the general public learned about the pipes of Mount Baigong relatively recently, in June 2002. Then in one of the Chinese newspapers appeared reporting that in the province Qinghai (Central China) a find was made, allegedly posing under doubt the whole of human history.
A photo from open sources
As it turned out later, the find was made a little earlier, but for a while no one paid attention to her. Group American scientists engaged in the search for Mount Baigong dinosaur remains. And suddenly I came across several caves, in which was a strange object that attracted their attention.
These were two pipes, as if made of rusty iron. Both had about 40 centimeters in diameter. One went to cave passing from the top of the mountain. The second came from the bottom of the cave somewhere below. All this gave the impression of the remains of some ancient system or mechanism. Of the three caves found by researchers Baigong, the two were collapsed, so it’s not yet known what hiding in them.
Found pipes are located in the third, largest cave, which, however, is also not too large: 2 meters wide, 6 meters in depth. Later around 12 more were discovered around her. (and according to other sources, even several dozen) other pipes, diameter from 2 to 4.5 centimeters. According to eyewitnesses, they intertwined into a complex system, which indicates extremely high level of technology from their creators.
A photo from open sources
Toson Lake is 80 meters from Baigong Mountain. On his the shore closest to the mountain also found many pipes similar to those what’s in the cave. Their diameter varies from a few centimeters to a couple of millimeters (the smallest is not thicker than a toothpick). Find the pipes supposedly in the lake itself – both at the bottom, and sticking out on surface.
Legacy of unknown times
Mount Baigong is located in a fairly uninhabited area. Moreover deserted not only by Chinese standards. From the nearest town Delinha, with a population of 100 thousand people, it is separated by 40 kilometers. Because nothing surprising
the real thing is that the mysterious pipes remained for a long time hidden from the eyes of men. However, they continue to pay little attention after their discovery. So far no one truly scientific study of a mysterious phenomenon. ABOUT Baigong pipes are not written in scientific journals, and the main source information remains the media, mainly retyping each other. This, of course, gives scope to the authors. the most incredible assumptions.
A photo from open sources
Some are sure that pipes are the remains of an ancient water supply system. Rumors came from somewhere that once on the top of Mount Baigong there was a pyramid with a height of about 50-60 meters. On one of her faces were three triangular shafts, as well as several wells going to the foot of the mountain. The pyramid allegedly located some kind of complex mechanism, to which through a complex system of pipes and water came from Lake Tawson. However, assuming that this so then who built this strange object and what was it destination?
The version that this engineering miracle was built by the ancient Chinese, disappears immediately. The inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom are the authors of many inventions, and one of them is bureaucracy. Imagine that such large-scale and, without exaggeration, the great construction did not find display in no ancient Chinese source, simply impossible. After any large construction, they would inevitably be preserved documents. And the emperor, in whose reign this happened, would make sure that his great deed was not forgotten descendants.
Maybe the building was a secret? Who knows, suddenly someone from ancient rulers put some experiments there? May be, tried to get the “pills of immortality” that the Chinese dreamed about since ancient times, or was preparing a superweapon to defeat enemies?
A photo from open sources
Even so, it is not clear why such a grandiose only a few pipes survived – and no trace mechanisms, instruments or laboratories. Yes, and similar iron pipes the ancient Chinese were not able to do.
Supporters of absolutely fantastic versions announced pipes Baigong with footprints of landing pad for spaceships aliens. True, they have not yet decided why pipes were used – for pumping either water or air. It is clear that it is impossible to prove such an assumption. How not to still and at least approximate dating – when are these artifacts.
Radioactive roots
In order to seriously talk about who created the mountain pipes Baigong, detailed chemical analysis required the material from which they are made. So far, one of the few who did it, – Chinese scientist Liu Shaolin.
However, he only spoke about the results of his research reporters, but with fellow scientists they have not yet shared. By according to Liu Shaolin, the pipes consist mainly of iron oxides, calcium and silicon. Interestingly, approximately 8% of the composition of the Chinese “unidentifiable.”
Based on the data of Liu Shaolin, the Baigong pipe is most likely they are quite ordinary, although original in form calcite formation. Most likely, these are the so-called pseudomorphosis. They are obtained when the mineral gradually replaces a shape of an organic object (e.g., a shell clam).
This is how the petrification process takes place, thanks to which we the appearance of many ancient inhabitants of the Earth is known. In this case, apparently, calcite did not replace the remains of ancient organisms, but ordinary tree roots sprouted through the thickness of the rock. That old mighty trees are capable of this, everyone knows, whoever once been in the mountains. And the largest “pipe” in diameter, rather total, is a petrified tree trunk.
These conclusions are confirmed by the data obtained after studying Baigong tubes using an atomic spectroscope in 2003. Chinese scientists found obvious traces of organics and even Visible annual rings. However, this does not mean that the question of the pipes of Mount Baigong is completely closed.
In 2007, researchers at the Chinese Administration for earthquakes announced that, according to them, some pipes quite radioactive. What can it mean and how so maybe – another mystery. Which we may know answer in the future.
Pipes from America
Objects like the pipes of Mount Baigong are also found in other corners of the world. But there they have long been studied and uniquely identified as geological formations. One of these objects is the famous “Navajo sandstone” in the south of the USA.
A photo from open sources
This rock that every tourist in America wants to see literally pierced by “pipes” with a diameter from fractions of a centimeter to half a meter. A quick glance at them is quite clearly visible “iron walls” of these pipes up to 2 centimeters thick.
This is actually just a game of nature. Sandstone Navajo extremely rich in iron. The decomposition of iron spar (mineral siderite) and gives such strange shapes that look like rings or pipes.
Cylindrical formations similar to Baigong pipes can also see in the american state of louisiana on the east bank Mississippi. Cylinders reaching a length of about a meter and 70 centimeters in diameter, are iron-substituted roots ancient pines.
Water Time Ancient artifacts China Cave Pyramids