Bill Gates warns of a pandemic capable of kill tens of millions

Bill Gates warns of a pandemic that could kill tens of millions.A photo from open sources

Famous American businessman and public figure Bill Gates reminds the world of a flu pandemic that claimed lives in 1918 about 100 million people.

A century ago, a third fell ill with this infectious disease the world’s population. The epidemic was so strong that spread across the US in just 5 weeks, and a year later the virus 500 million inhabitants of the Earth were infected.

Of course, medicine has since taken a significant step forward, however, do not forget that the world has also become much more globalized. A lot of people travel all the time from one countries to another, from continent to continent, crossing the oceans and carrying with it various dangerous bacteria and microorganisms. Bill Gates, with the help of healthcare professionals, determined that these days a similar outbreak of influenza may not be less, and even more deadly and large-scale.

Researchers determine that today the virus will kill 33 million a person in just 6 months and is unlikely to stop after that. Gates even created a simulation that demonstrates a hypothetical the spread of the epidemic in the first six months. By including video below, you can see what parts of the planet will suffer from the disease first.

Despite the fact that new infections appear constantly, it’s influenza is considered the main candidate for a new pandemic. Especially pessimistic scientists say that sooner or later such a catastrophe will certainly happen, and is recommended to the world politicians get ready for it as seriously as for the world the war. By the way, every year 291-646 thousand earthlings die from influenza – and this is considered the norm.

Recall that most recently, Gates allocated $ 12 million to get a universal flu vaccine, but this is still a question only about finding specialists who will be within a few years to create a similar immunobiological drug.

How bill gates care about our health is estimated by different people

Peculiar to Bill Gates warning conspiracy theorists who consider American billionaire conductor of the Illuminati policy, and therefore his current they regarded “care” as another impact on the consciousness of earthlings in order to intimidate and subordinate their will to a handful of world the elite.

At all, religious people, in turn, emphasize, there is God’s will, and no one will be able to change the course of world history, in including preventing mass epidemics, if needed To the Almighty.

Finally, psychics believe that such statements instill fear in the souls of people, and fear attracts everything negative into human life. From here we can make a simple conclusion: Bill Gates in its “care for the near” renders the world a disservice, especially making such public statements. If he needs something like that humanitarian activity, then it must be done secretly, not scream about it all over the world, as if advertising how good he is and caring unlike other billionaires.

Bill Gates Viruses Life Epidemics

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