When a few years ago I tried to understand the reasons increasing weather anomalies on our planet then a short search, I came to the conclusion that the site ZetaTalk.com gives us these reasons, while the official earth theory Global warming does not give these reasons. A photo from open sources At first I was very upset: if the non-human mind gave clear and precise explanations, then from the side of earthly science was heard only incoherent baby talk. Is the inhuman mind so much higher human, how do the zetas themselves like to say this? However with over time, as an in-depth study of the content of the site ZetaTalk.com, the zetas themselves convinced me otherwise. Online ZetaTalk.com has Sitchin and Velikovsky articles on two earth scientists, one of which is based on a huge historical and scientific material proved that the Earth periodically undergoes giant natural disasters caused by cosmic causes, and another discovered this reason – the huge planet Nibiru, which arrives in the solar system once every 3600 years. It would seem that – the triumph of earthly science, which goes to the level of developed intelligent civilizations of the galaxy? No matter how. In the only scientific biographies of Velikovsky Ion Degen “Immanuel Velikovsky” [2] it is well shown to what persecution and ostracism Velikovsky was from the official academic science of the United States throughout his scientific life, starting in 1950, when his first work “Worlds in a collision.” [1] And this despite the enthusiastic reception by the reading public of all his books, each of which has become nationwide bestseller. What about Sitchin? Author of a great series books “Chronicles of the Earth” continues to live and work today, but official academic science pretends that its simply not exist. And if there is no Sitchin, then there is no planet open to them. Nibiru. But if Nibiru can still be hidden (because I haven’t yet visible in the sky with the naked eye), then where to go every month waking up more and more volcanoes, increasing daily earthquakes, unimaginable weather anomalies, weakening magnetic field, magnetic poles rapidly changing their location, 4 times its diameter gap in the Earth’s magnetic field, an increase in the frequency of Schumann and a slowdown in the rotation of the Earth? Can give the answer to these questions are academic “blind leaders of the blind”? And where Do they lead us all? Christ, as we recall, they crucified, Bruno burned, Gerber’s gravodynamics replaced by an absurd theory Einstein’s relativity, Weinik’s books were burned (and Weinik’s whole life I was surprised how they did not burn him), Velikovsky was defamed and slandered, and Sitchin was silent. And we are surprised that happening on earth right now? When I read Velikovsky’s book, Worlds in collision “and compared his theory with the theories of Sitchin and the Zetas, then I set out my conclusions in the 4th chapter of “Strategy. Books of the Second” – “Velikovsky. Global warming or global catastrophe?” Then the theory of periodic pole shifts on Earth became reinforced by the following nodal points: The Zetas (1995) – IRAS (1983) – Sitchin (1976) – Velikovsky (1950). This is already solid a chronological chain of mutually reinforcing data and theories. But was Velikovsky the first to hypothesize periodically cataclysms repeated on Earth related to pole shifts? It turns out no. This hypothesis was first expressed by the famous Russian writer-theosophist Elena Petrovna Blavatsky in a book The Secret Doctrine (1888). Here is what she writes: “It is drowning Great Atlantis is the most interesting. This is the Cataclysm about which ancient records, such as in the Book of Enoch, say: “The ends of the earth have opened”; and around which so much was built legends and allegories about Vaivasvat, Xisufra, Noah, Deucalion and all tutti quanti of the saved Chosen. Tradition without taking in consideration of the difference between sideral and geological phenomena, indifferently calls both “Floods.” However there is a huge difference. The cataclysm that destroyed the vast mainland, the greatest the remainder of which is now Australia, has taken effect underground cramps and openings of the ocean floor. The one that put the end to his successor, the Fourth Continent, was due to successive violations in the rotation of the axis. “[3, 365] In another location: “Occult data show that even from time the proper establishment of calculations by the zodiac in Egypt the poles were thrice moved. “[3, 410] In another place Blavatsky leads quote from an ancient Vedic text: “Only a handful of these Elected, Whose divine mentors retired to the Sacred Island ” where does the last Savior come from, “she kept one now half of humanity from its extermination of the other half [as humanity is entering now – EPB]. It [humanity] split up. Two-thirds of it began to be ruled by lower dynasties, the material Spirits of the Earth that have taken possession of readily accessible bodies; one third remained faithful and connected with the emerging Fifth Race – Divine Incarnations. When the Poles moved [to fourth time], it did not affect those who were guarded and who separated from the Fourth Race. Like the Lemurians – alone лишь несчастные Атланты погибли, и <<�больше их невидели>>!…” [3,407] Таким образом, теория периодическихpole shifts confirmed by the ancient authoritative texts of the Vedas, which Blavatsky found and published. It’s amazing that deceleration of the Earth’s rotation, which precedes the rotation and the pole shift that Velikovsky and the zetas describe, also recorded in ancient texts. Here is a direct quote from ancient source, which leads Blavatsky: “When The wheel rotates at normal speed, its extreme points [poles] agree with its middle circle [equator] when does it rotates more slowly and oscillates in all directions, occur great shocks on the surface of the earth. Water rushing along towards two ends, and new lands rise in the middle Belt [equatorial land], while those at the ends enter Pralaya, due to flooding. “[3, 376]. But for comparison quote from ZetaTalk.com: “People are familiar with children toys – spinning tops made of a spinning ball relative to the axis resting on the tip of the needle. Getting strong rotational momentum, they are held upright and don’t tip over until friction makes the toy slow down rotation, but when slowing to a stop and falling to the side, the top the top makes a noticeable swing. The reasons for this fluctuation are unlikely whether it is worth discussing. When the axis is vertical and balanced the tip of the top cannot rest on the tip of the needle be balanced for sure. The spinning top maintains this position only due to rotation, as it distributes any inhomogeneities mass or gravity of the entire top of the ball in all directions evenly and fast. When the rotation of the top begins to slow down, it the distribution is delayed and a side slope appears. Heavy part of the ball pulls it to the side, but since the rotation is right there transfers this part of the top to the opposite side of the ball, her roll arises in this direction. When the rotation is quiet it will be seen how the top begins to tilt from one side to another until the slope is large enough and slow down the rotation of the top of the toy so that it just fell on its side. The analogy of the end of the rotation of the top can be compared with the description that the Egyptian chronicler captures in the past pole shift, during the Exodus of the Jews. Clay on a pottery wheel with the very beginning is unevenly distributed, and when the potter begins molded by her hands, it becomes noticeable as she moves from one side of the circle to the other. What did this chronicler see so that he could Should such a description arise? He did not see that morning and evening The sun regularly went too far south. Otherwise it would appear a statement like this – ‘Verily, the Sun is hiding on South ‘. He did not see the sun from morning to evening regularly crossed the sky at an unusually small angle. Otherwise, another would have appeared a statement like this – ‘Verily, the Sun is leaving early, for it has risen early. ‘ Bible predicted for the Earth reeling, like a drunkard – this is a very noticeable effect that lasts for a short period of time over the course of hours. Will u The earth is so unusually strong that it will deflect your North Pole from one side to the other during the day? Consider that the Earth is, in fact, a spinning top top. Consider that part of the globe where it is located North Pole, has an uneven mass or weight, as this part of the globe is pushed to the side. In our analogy with with the top of the top, this part moves during rotation so that deviates in opposite directions, especially when pushing power is increasing. Although such a wobble develops at the top side to side when it slows down due to braking the action of gravity on the heavy part of the top of the ball during reeling Earth does not respond to this gravity very noticeably. She is reacting on the magnetic orientation of the dominant Sun. After rejection Of the North Pole, so there is an overshoot of alignment through the equilibrium position due to the developed inertia producing effect opposite to that expected by those who carefully observe beyond the pole oscillations, in which the North Pole describes a figure in the form of 8, when he begins to evade magnetic particles, departing from the hose from the North Pole of Planet X, slowly taking her place for a long journey when she goes through the ecliptic. So, the poles are swinging there and here, like a drunkard, and when leveling sometimes happens swinging over an equilibrium position. “[Zetas, Shift Say Poles – “Potter’s Wheel”] As we see, the same phenomenon in the ancient Vedic text is explained at the mythological level, while Zetas – already at the scientific. It is the impossibility of stopping rotation Earth was one of the main arguments for bullying Velikovsky sides of the official academic circles of the US right after his publication of Worlds in Collision in 1950. However here is what writes Sergey Tsebakovsky in the article “The Apocalypse of Immanuel”: “Publishing in the Science News Letter” was just an easy attack. At all the solidity of the magazine had a limited circle of readers, it was read only “their own.” According to the plans of the Harvard headquarters, the main blow was to write an article with a biting heading “Nonsense, doctor Velikovsky! ”, Which the popular magazine undertook to print “Reporter”. The article was prepared by Dr. Cecilia Payne-Gaposhkin, in Shapley’s graduate student, and at that time a Harvard employee observatory. To convince readers of groundless statements Velikovsky, Payne-Gaposhkin turned to the central moment books, which the author called “the most incredible story”, for speech talked about stopping the Sun and Moon in the sky (“And the sun stopped, and the moon stood … and was not in a hurry to the west for almost the whole day ”, Joshua 10:13). Velikovsky recognized the biblical story as true, justifying it by the fact that a comet passing near slowed down Earth rotation. In this case, part of the stones from the head and tail of the comet woke up on Earth, which explains the famous episode that describes the battle of the Israelites with the kings of Canaan at Bethor. Payne-Gaposhkin claimed that such a stop is unthinkable, that all life on Earth would perish, but the seas and oceans, including the air ocean, would be splashed into outer space. that question was a headache for Velikovsky. If with Earth what Payne-Gaposhkin insisted on, his book really became a collection of fables. But by then, after consultations with specialists, he already knew the answer. The thing is that Payne-Gaposhkin did not mention the basic condition: gradual deceleration of rotation. Earth slowed down as it approached large cosmic body! In the latitude of Egypt, where the linear speed Earth is 900 miles per hour, a person would feel the pressure with a force of 150 grams, and the slowdown itself would take place at a speed of 1, 85 cm per second. Hiding the factor from an inexperienced reader gradualness, the author of the article led him to the idea of complete the absurdity of the Velikovsky hypothesis. After all, if racing with such at a speed the plane suddenly made a stop, it would crumble into pieces, and all passengers died. But planes safely land at airfields because they are gradually dropping speed. “As Nibiru approaches Earth, the axial rotation of our the planet is slowly slowing down. Slow down is recorded since 1991. Here is what Simonov V.A. writes in the book “Apocalypse will come tomorrow “:” In 1991, the length of day increased by 1 second, in July 1992, the daily time was adjusted for another 1 second, and in 1993 added as much as 2 seconds .. “[4, 163-164] In 2007, I personally took measurements and came to the conclusion that the sunrise is almost a minute late [Strategy, Book First, Part 4]. It is possible that such a great delay It turned out due to measurement error. However slowdown rotation is absolutely real and any interested reader will be able to verify this by making appropriate measurements in person. To do this, you need to have an accurate watch, be in a place where you can see horizon line and record the time when out of the horizon half of the disk of the sun. According to astronomical rules, this moment and considered the moment of sunrise. Then compare the fixed time with estimated time, which is published here (link is given for Moscow, but there is data on any city in Russia). All the best! Bibliography: 1. Immanuel Velikovsky “Worlds in a collision”, Moscow, “New Planet”, 2002 2. Ion Degen “Immanuel Velikovsky”, Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 1997 3. E.P. Blavatsky “Secret Doctrine “, volume 2, Moscow, EKSMO, 2007 4. V.A. Simonov” Apocalypse will come tomorrow “, Moscow, OLMA-PRESS, 2006 Author: Igor Smorodin 08/10/2009
Time Global Warming Gravity Egypt Life End of the World Moon Moscow Nibiru Russia Aircraft Sun USA