Books paper and electronic: confrontation is growing

Paper and electronic books: the confrontation is growingA photo from open sources

Paper books continue to be huge today. circulations, for example, the circulation of The Lord of the Rings Tolkien exceeded one hundred million copies. And this despite the fact that scientists prophesy paper editions soon end.

Indeed, e-books have many undeniable advantages over paper, even nowadays, not to mention in the near future, because:

  • they cost several orders of magnitude less paper editions;
  • they can be purchased, downloaded and immediately read any time of day, on any day of the week;
  • on the road you can grab a whole library of e-books, yes and you can keep at home hundreds of thousands of copies, and even millions on virtually one computer hard drive;
  • they do not deteriorate over time and do not lose their “appearance” from multiple use; for example, they cannot be torn, spoil with food or some chemicals, they do not burn and do not even gathering dust
  • they can be read in the dark, not including the light, which is especially valuable in on the road or during insomnia;
  • now more and more books appear that exist only in electronic form;
  • finally, they are more environmentally friendly because they do not require destruction of forests for paper production, which is relevant in our age more than.

A photo from open sources

Why, then, e-books are still not pushed out paper? There are also objective reasons for this:

  • the older generation is used to reading books in the traditional execution, not electronic;
  • the dependence of man on the “book interior” is still great cabinets, as an indicator of the intelligence of its owner;
  • there are still many lovers of old books and rare editions, and for them such exclusive copies are specially issued;
  • there are many more free book libraries in the world that contribute to the preservation and prosperity of paper publishers books.

However, the main reason that the e-book is not even the beginning of its triumphal march around the world (and such as analysts say that will certainly happen in the coming decades) is the high cost and unreliability of electronic book readers with an e-ink screen which is practically imitate a paper page and does not strain eyesight, as, say, tablet or smartphone. To buy such an e-book, say from Amazon Kindle, and the corresponding book size (A4), You need to pay a decent amount. But that would be okay: for such devices most often (this is another major drawback e-book) just the E-Ink screen crashes, and replace it with workshop is comparable in price with the purchase of a new gadget.

A photo from open sources

It is no coincidence that the head of the new products development department of the famous Chinese company Xiaomi Li Chuanca at a recent forum stated that he was positive about e-books. Journalists immediately concluded: Xiaomi has long been working on the creation of a cheap, reliable and powerful (memory, battery) electronic books that will create a healthy competition Amazon Kindle and give push for a real breakthrough in this matter. And that’s when gadgets with E-Ink screen will appear in every house, and there will be no less than family members, it’s then, experts say, that will happen a real book revolution. No, paper books in this case too will remain, especially in personal libraries and in library collections, but over time they will play a minor role in educational, cognitive and entertaining process, almost going no.


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