Photo from open sources
Recently, there has been a debate at the top of the Russian Federation, started by the chairman of the Development Movement, writer and publicist, prominent statesman Yuri Krupnov, who proposed to postpone the capital of Russia to Siberia. This idea was picked up by the writer Limonov, some governors of the Siberian region itself, and today the question of transferring the capital is already being discussed in the media in full seriously.
Disputes do not subside, because many opponents of this global solutions for Russia. But the very fact of the controversy already says that the prophecies are gradually beginning to come true great oracles – Casey and Wangi.
American “sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce predicted to Russia great future, and he saw the center of this new spiritual power it is Siberia. Moreover, he argued that the climate by then will change, and therefore the Siberian region will be more like modern subtropics. And Siberia itself, according to him, will become the center of the spiritual formation of a completely different society, more light and cultural civilization.
Bulgarian blind seer Vanga also called Siberia a place where by 2030 the main granary of the new world will be formed and the center of a renewed Russia, which will lead and lead everything the world community – to a new spiritual life.
Of course, today Siberia is still not one where you can grow bananas and mangoes, however recent climatic surprises indicate that in this world a lot is beginning to change dramatically. And talk about transferring the capital of Russia to Siberia is only the first sign pointing to the prophecies of Wanga and Casey, who really gradually begin to come true …
Vanga Time Russia Siberia Edgar Cayce