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10 Celestine prophecies read: 1. All coincidences – not an accident. People who understand this will make up – critical mass. When the critical mass is enough, people understand the meaning of life and make many discoveries. We must be very take coincidences (accidents) seriously. These coincidences make us realize what is hiding behind the events of our lives some spiritual power. 2. Humanity will rethink historical process and its errors. Realizing that material development has reached its peak, threatening the whole world, the process exploring the world will be directed in a different direction. Second revelation gives this awareness a real content. We understand that everything our focus was on material survival. We knew the world insofar as it was necessary for our safety, now with awareness of the action of spiritual forces, we are approaching the true comprehension of the world. 3. There will come a new understanding of the physical of the world. By the end of the millennium, people will discover energy that is the basis of all bodies, including ours. Beauty and energy come from one source. The material world is built from pure energy that is able to respond to our thoughts and feelings. 4. The struggle for energy is the goal of every person. Everyone takes and gives energy. The 4th prophecy states that people must learn to be energized from different sources and also rationally share it with others. Fourth revelation explains the habit of people to take energy from others, suppressing them, enslaving their mind. This is a crime to commit us causes a lack of self energy that we feel like decline in vitality. The struggle for energy is a struggle for power and for. 5. The fifth revelation teaches how to receive energy from the environment. of the world. To do this, you need to love everything that surrounds you, let love enter you. That is, to achieve harmony. Disadvantage vitality can be replenished without taking energy from other people, connecting to other sources of energy. The universe will give us everything in what do we need if we can open ourselves to her, feeling love for everything, feeling like a part of the universe, experiencing beauty, harmony to everything around. 6. Before reaching a state harmony with the world and master a special state of consciousness (this condition is familiar to us from the instantaneous glimpses in which we clearly see that we are going through life, guided by mysterious coincidences) we must understand our essence. It says about four energy extraction methods: scarecrow (energy extraction by intimidation), “investigator” (energy selection by critique), “closed” (selection of energy by the method of self-closure, causing to itself interest), “poor thing” (energy selection, causing self-pity). Having told a person aloud about his method of energy selection, he ceases them to use. After analyzing your energy selection method and stopping use it, we open ourselves access to unlimited energy Universe and to spiritual growth. 7. All answers to our questions come from other people. The main thing is to understand that a person is really ready to tell you something. This will be a message to you. Revelation teaches us to remember that things that are striking and thoughts that come to mind, dreams can be sent to us as answers to our questions. In order not to miss them, we must take a position observer. When a thought comes to our head, it’s necessary always ask yourself: why did she come. Bad thoughts need stop when they appear, and develop good ones. Then bad thoughts will cease to appear to us. 8. Talk about relationships parents and children. The 8th revelation is the counterweight to the 6th. There It says how to build relationships not only with children, but also with other people. You need to both share energy and avoid excessive dependence on others. Give energy to children constantly not demanding anything in return. Children should be involved in the conversation, especially when it comes to them. And there should be just as many children how much you can cover with constant attention and care, not in by no means more. One adult – one child. Speak the truth to the children. It happens that a person with a clarified consciousness enters the path of evolution, but is unable to advance along it. He is hindered by dependence on another person, because energy from He replaces the universe with human energy. 9. The Ninth Revelation shows how human civilization will change in the next millennia. The purpose of life of any person will be his own evolution. Man will live among the ancient forests, however, close to filled with perfect technology, cities. Humanity is consciously reduce the birth rate, so that there is enough room for everyone. Human will understand that chance is a guide to action. Is our mission – due to connection with a higher source of energy (love), increase the level of energy in yourself and further. With his the increase will increase the level of vibrations of the atoms of which they are composed our bodies, leaving entire groups of people reaching of a certain level, will suddenly become invisible to those whose level of vibration is not yet so high. It will be a sign that we cross the border between this world and where we came from and where we will go after death. Need to get rid out of fear. Our goal is finding heaven on Earth. 10. All of us We are here to bring the earthly dimension into harmony with heavenly spheres. Synchronism (random events) and intuition opens up unprecedented prospects here on Earth prosperity. Celestine Prophecies “Celestine Prophecies” – a unique book published worldwide in millions of copies and become a real sensation. This is the result of many years. intellectual quest, which gave the key to spiritual self-knowledge person. In fact, “Celestine Prophecies” is an unusual textbook enlightenment of consciousness, allowing you to reach a new level of development reality. James Redfield did the impossible – in his he formulated the essence of a special perception of feelings and phenomena that increasingly determine our life, created a new mythology of the third millennium.
Universe Life Evolution