Cheops Pyramid tells us the date of approach Nibiru?

The Cheops Pyramid tells us the date of approaching Nibiru?A photo from open sources

The Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Cheops, is one of wonders of the world, but at the same time a megalithic anomaly, the great a mystery puzzling many researchers throughout human history.

Christian mystic and numerologist David Mead made a statement that he understands some architectural code that is contained in the pyramid of Cheops. In his opinion, all the pyramids contain certain warnings for posterity, that is, for us. And one of the main warnings – a global catastrophe that awaits humanity September 23, 2017.

Recall that conspiracy theorists have long been exaggerating this mystical a series of numbers – 239, which in recent years is increasingly flickering (as by chance) in films, reporting, advertising, photographs, published by world media.

A photo from open sources

At the expense of this mysterious sequence of numbers, there is a series theories, but they all boil down to the fact that September 23 should be something cardinal happen. However, this date is repeated every year, why does the same David Mead point to September of this year? The thing is that the upcoming date corresponds to one of the verses Revelation, which describes the Apocalypse as follows:

And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed in the sun; under her feet is the moon, and on her head is a crown of twelve stars. She had in her womb, and screamed from pain and torment birth.

Interpreters of this verse explain what it says about Virgo constellation, and above her imaginary head is just September 23 This year, twelve of the brightest stars and planets will take shape. The orientation of the main galleries and mines of the Great Pyramid of Giza, as known, aimed at the cult in ancient Egypt, stars and the planet. That is, it was known for a long time, and David’s special merit There is no mid in this.

A photo from open sources

However, the Christian mystic and numerologist managed to pinpoint directions on which they will “look” on September 23 of this year Ascending and Descending Galleries of the Cheops Pyramid.

A photo from open sources

And they will “look” exactly at the brightest star of the constellation Leo – Regulus, and also on the “Planet of the Messiah” – Jupiter, and thus it turns out that at the end of September of this year the only time in in the foreseeable astrological period of time the picture described in Revelation. In heaven, the Virgin will appear to us with a diadem of twelve stars and planets, the brightest of which is Regulus, and it is on it that the main corridor of the Cheops pyramid will point on this day. Jupiter at this moment will come out of the imaginary belly of Virgo, and on this is also indicated by the Great Pyramid. That is, all this unique the combination will occur at the end of 5777 on the calendar Jews, which corresponds to the Revelation of the Apocalypse, and according to our Calendar – September 23, 2017.

A photo from open sources

As David Mead says, even that great civilization that built the pyramids, hardly possessed a time machine to look into our world and see a universal catastrophe here. Rather of all, the ancients simply knew about the existence of some cosmic object and its orbit, date of approach of this mysterious body for us to The earth. Perhaps this is the mystical planet Nibiru, oh the existence of which today in all seriousness for some reason even NASA employees spoke. Is all this for good reason? ..

Nibiru Time Pyramids Jupiter

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