A photo from open sources
Parapsychologist and clairvoyant told what awaits residents of the region per year goats Parapsychologist and clairvoyant from Izhevsk Albina Latypova received her gift 23 years ago. In a difficult period of her life, she several days in a row, without looking up from the holy book, I read prayers. And at some point, information about other people. Since then she reads people – at a glance she can understand where and what hurts him, heals with his hands and predicts future.
A photo from open sources
Parapsychologist and clairvoyant
from Izhevsk Albina Latypova
– In general, 2015 will be favorable. He is good for marriage and dating. Defense will actively develop in Russia industry. Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Perm will have an interest in Udmurtia – investors will come to the republic to invest to our enterprises and lands, ”said the seer. About politics and Russia in 2015 should not be afraid of war and fever. A Europe will be shaken, the collapse of the European Union and the collapse are not ruled out Ukraine. All who will contribute to this, with spoiled karma in two years they will be in hospitals with serious illnesses. The danger lurked in a chemical plant in the Donbass – Albina Asafovna says a chemical catastrophe is possible. But Crimea will bloom, and everyone who decides to start a business there will also succeed. Cases of Udmurtia Republic awaiting rearrangement in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and increase in the volume of work in the prosecutor’s office. – The government will do focus on road construction, closer to the end of the year will pay attention the airport. Agriculture and defense will develop industry, an active fight against corruption will begin. Maybe, what at the local government level will be undertaken positive steps in terms of child benefits, – said the witch. Children according to the forecasts of a parapsychologist in 2015 will be at risk. It is mainly about preschool children. The state is waiting for problems with orphanages, boarding schools, kindergartens: some violations will be revealed, high-profile scandals are possible. – Honesty – as the leitmotif of the future of the year. Corruptors and scammers are not lucky, they will be catch at every turn. The human factor will play a role in man-made disasters that Kizner, Mozhge should expect, Sarapulu and Kambarka. About Latypov’s professions and real estate in Year of the blue goat advises those who can not decide profession, retrain as engineers, adjusters, turners, milling machines. Factory professions will become next year as never relevant, and factories in general will actively develop. IN June and July will have to distract from work and get to grips with guard your own home. In Udmurtia thieves will tumble down – housekeepers. On the the real estate market is waiting for price increases, and as a result, the appearance of black realtors and other scammers. About the weather and Weather in 2015 will please, but without differences will not do. In July, in Udmurtia, for example, they promise heat up to 40o. Vacation medium advises to spend in China, Thailand, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Cuba, UAE, Poland, Czechoslovakia, France. Egypt in July and August is waiting for excitement, so those wishing to go there are better choose other months. But from African countries, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Israel and Italy are better off staying away. Not it’s possible that you will be in the midst of a revolution or in the spontaneous disaster. About how to lure luck Albina Asafovna She also shared the secret of how to attract good luck to her. -We must celebrate the New Year in a noisy company. The most important thing is that there was no negative. And to make a wish come true, you need to knock on to the TV three times when the chimes hit, and ask aloud what wish it works! – clairvoyant laughs.