A photo from open sources
Once in Los Angeles, one antique lover suddenly fell ill with a form of flu unknown to modern doctors. When did sort it out, it turned out that on the eve he bought an old bed era of Louis XIII, in which to this day safely viruses of the so-called “disease of the kings”, widely known in the XVI-XVII centuries. As a result, I had to spend a lot of time and effort to fight this messenger of past centuries … The viability of some types of microbes is truly amazing. Sensational reports of detection and revitalization of microorganisms in a state of suspended animation tens, hundreds, thousands and even millions of years! So, in 1956 there were spores of anthrax, isolated in 1888, are revived. Pasteur. In London, in the largest botanical garden, Kew Gardens, where stored herbarium, regularly replenished since 1640, in lumps soil adhering to the roots of plants, English microbiologist P. Snis managed to detect quite viable spores of a number of microbes. Moreover, they were in the soil that fell into the herbarium for almost 300 years back! According to the scientist, in a ton of dry soil viable spores can persist even for a thousand years. In 1959 German microbiologist G. Dombrowski observed under a microscope the usual picture: in droplets of mineral water, which I studied scientist, there were various microorganisms. He immediately set about to study uninvited guests who could irrevocably pollute new source. However, it soon became clear that these microscopic creatures are not similar to any of the species known at that time. Discovered bacteria Dr. Dombrowski called pseudomonas halocrena, which meant “salt source bacteria.” But where from took these mysterious microorganisms remained unknown. IN 1962 in salt samples taken near the matte workshop near Bad Nauheim springs raised from a depth of 209 meters and then dissolved in nutrient broth, soon grew colonies of microorganisms in which one could recognize all the same pseudomonas halocrena. These bacteria were also found in microscopic examination of dry samples of produced salt. Prisoners in transparent salt crystals, they were ready come back to life after millions of years! In the course of further research in new salt samples taken from a depth of 400-700 meters from other areas of the ancient sea of cechstein, G. Dombrowski were colonies of the same bacteria were again isolated. Were also investigated Rock salt samples from other countries. And again in nutrient broth in all cases developed a viable bacterial Flora. The samples taken in the Saskatchewan region of Canada were discovered and revived bacteria, whose age totaled 360 million years. And from the petrified salt mined in the Irkutsk region, bacteria were isolated at the age of 500-600 million years, living on the dawn of the Paleozoic era! HIDE EVERYWHERE! American microbiologist C. Lipman during the study of the walls of ancient Native American pyramids in Peru, whose age is approximately 4,800 years old, and in coal strata, whose age was estimated at 300 million years, also managed detect completely viable bacteria. Mid 1970s English scientists in the study of the ruins of the Roman fort Vindolanda, dating from about the year 90 AD e. and located near Carlisle, found viable spores microscopic fungi – actinomycetes. Russian scientists during excavations in Yakutia were found in the ancient layers of permafrost by unknown modern science and quite viable bacteria whose age was about 2 million years old. DISEASE FROM UNDER THE EARTH relate to such discoveries? Firstly, they are very clear evidence that many types of microbes have truly amazing resilience and adaptability to adverse environmental changes. Forming disputes, they are like would preserve themselves and are able to withstand the effects of high and low temperatures, pressure, prolonged drying, etc. When falling into favorable conditions, spores germinate and appear vegetative forms of living microbes. In this case, low temperatures in in some cases, contribute to a fairly long preservation even those microorganisms that do not form a spore. But besides everything other things, discoveries of this kind also indicate in connection with this is a very serious danger. The fact is that in our cases of the appearance of such microbes have already been recorded, unexpectedly revived after prolonged hibernation. So, in 1982 in one of the collective farms of the Perm region, one of the cows suddenly fell ill anthrax. At first it was not clear where this one came from. disease and where to look for its source, since cases of the disease even old-timers did not remember anthrax in those places. How then it turned out in the summer on the banks of the Shakva river a group of student archaeologists discovered an ancient settlement. During the excavation appeared the assumption that around the 7th century there was a rage some kind of disease from which many people and animals died. Survivors of the settlement burned their homes and left these places. Near the excavations, the collective farm herd was constantly grazing, and in samples the soil taken there by microbiologists turned out to be anthrax spores, which for thirteen centuries have quietly dozed in the depths land. A curious incident occurred with Alice King, a resident American town of Ripley. From her grandmother she received in inheritance is a magnificent collection of all kinds of fans and fans. Once, preparing for a charity ball, Alice looked through them and opted for an old ostrich feather fan brought back in time from Egypt. After two hours of work turned into an elegant fan, with which Alice went to the ball. But by the morning of the next day, the woman suddenly fell ill. After the examination, the doctors diagnosed with cholera. On the the fan used by the patient found cholera vibrios that have survived for 76 years. Ramon Sanchez, a resident of Ilo in Peru, working on his land site, accidentally discovered the ancient Inca burial. At night he opened a stone sarcophagus, where there was a dried mummy, on which hung the only valuable thing – a gold medallion. Satisfied Sanchez took off an elegant little thing and, deciding that it would be great amulet, hung it on his neck. But the hapless treasure hunter is not managed to keep secret the story of his find and once, slightly after drinking, accidentally let it slip. A photo from open sources Soon Ramon Sanchez, always distinguished good health, suddenly fell ill and began to languish literally on eyes. Doctors determined he had tuberculosis, and he had to lie in the hospital. Rumors about his find by then reached the capital countries, and in place of the tombs of the ancient Incas began intense archaeological excavations. In the course of the study, scientists came to a very interesting discovery that literally shocked lying on a hospital bed treasure seeker. It turned out that in this grave was a woman buried almost a thousand years ago. IN the hot climate of the Atacama Desert her body is dry and good preserved, turning into a mummy. In the course of medical studies in her skin, right lung and other places were discovered bacteria that kept their viability. American microbiologist William Salo identified them as mycobacterium tuberculosis. By the way, this the discovery was another confirmation that tuberculosis existed in Latin America long before the first arrived Europeans. In this regard, the cause of the disease became clear. Peruvian peasant. It is possible that he became infected by inhaling air along with particles of dust raised during the opening of the grave. Or the danger lay in the gold medallion, which he proudly wore. But be that as it may, insidious bacteria have been waiting for their thousand years hours and finally found their victim. Dmitriy MAKUNIN
Viruses Inca Civilization Mummies Peru