A photo from open sources
Iranian Consul General Seyyed Golamrez Meiguni deciphered Arabic inscription on the helmet of Ivan the Terrible, exhibited in Astrakhan Museum of Military Glory. The diplomat claims that inscription made on the upper horizontal belt of the royal helmet translates from one rare Arabic dialect as “Allah Muhammad”.
These words may be a shortened version of a known expression. “Great is Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.” “We are considering a translation Iranian consul as a version that certainly requires verification linguists, orientalists. One of the reasons why such an inscription could be on the helmet of the Orthodox Russian Tsar, can serve the assumption that the headdress was donated to the father of Ivan the Terrible Turkish sultan for his son. After all, in the second horizontal belt a helmet the inscription is already made in the Slavic language – “The helmet of Prince Ivan Vasilyevich, Grand Duke the son of Vasily Ivanovich, Lord All Autocrat’s Russia, “explained a senior researcher at ITAR-TASS. Museum Elena Arutyunova.
A world-class relic was brought to Russia from the Royal Stockholm Armory specifically for the 450th anniversary of inclusion Astrakhan into the Russian state with the strong hand of Ivan IV. Earlier, the helmet was exhibited in the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin. There are several versions of how the helmet of Ivan the Terrible got into collection of the Royal Armory of Stockholm. Maybe he was captured in Moscow during the Time of Troubles 1611-1612 and together with others treasures sent to Warsaw, to King Sigismund. Then, in 1655 the year when Polish troops suffered during the war with Sweden defeat, he could be taken out by the Swedes from Warsaw as own trophy. In 1663, the helmet was first mentioned in inventory book of the Royal Armory in Stockholm.