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Myopia, or myopia, is becoming widespread today. global epidemic. So, in the USA more than 40% of the population needs glasses. According to forecasts, by the end of this decade, myopic will be about a third of humanity.
Myopia can usually be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Surgery is also possible. Not less, myopic people are more likely than others to suffer from glaucoma, cataracts and retinal detachment. It is strange that, despite the widespread the prevalence of this disease, scientists have not yet established its exact reason. It is generally accepted that modern man spends too much a lot of time near the computer and generally indoors, which provokes the appearance of the disease.
The results of studies among the twins, which were still in the last century, showed: DNA affects the development of myopia person. However, data from four hundred years ago testify that it’s not just genes that matter. Johannes Kepler, the famous astronomer, believed that his vision was weakened as a result of many years of reading books. Modern studies do not contrary to Kepler’s hypothesis: an increase in the incidence of myopathy directly depends on the development of education, as well as the emergence computers.
What can be opposed to the growing epidemic of myopia? Before ophthalmologists have not reached an agreement on this today issue.
As always, the solution to public health problems is that this health is not in the interests of the “powers that be.” For example, the head of the “Institute for Human Self-Healing” M.S. Norbekov, who developed an easy and practically free technique vision restoration, at one time offered it to the leadership of Japan (there are especially many visually impaired people in this country). The Japanese government flatly abandoned this idea for that simple the reason that its implementation (here is a paradox!) can lead to complete restoration of vision in all Japanese, and this will bring down the economy countries. After all, the production of glasses and contact lenses, their trade, the work of various clinics, offices and so on – all this organically woven into the Japanese economy.
The same goes for almost any other country. So wants does the world get rid of myopia? The question is rather rhetorical.
DNA Time Health Economy Epidemics Japan