Do you believe in prophecies? Then this information for you

Do you believe in prophecies? Then this information is for you.A photo from open sources

Today, the Internet is literally “littered” with the prophecies of various sense, moreover, as venerable oracles, such as Nostradamus, Wang, Edgar Cayce, and clairvoyants of a lower rank, to which adjoining numerous psychics, astrologers and others predictors of the future, among which you can even find scientists. The latter, however, do not predict as much as predict the future in the field in which they work, for example, Bill Gates, as an IT specialist, loves speak out about what awaits humanity in this area in ten, twenty, and so on.

Prophets and fortune tellers often guess the events of the future, and then they are exalted on the podium of honor and respect. However, if clairvoyants are mistaken or even fall, as they say, with a finger in heaven, then everyone silently agrees: it happens to the old woman a bitch, they begin to justify their idol, for example, by the fact that the future is multivariate and all that jazz.

But if the future is actually multivariate, as claimed the prophets themselves and progressive researchers of this phenomenon (looking into the future), then why do we remain so strong faith that no matter what clairvoyants say (and of any kind), – will it come true?

Unfulfilled prophecies

Let’s stop at least five prophecies of the great Vanga, which turned out to be unfulfilled, and thank God.

2008: the assassination of four heads of government of the leading countries of the world, as well as the conflict in Hindustan, with which the Third World War will begin war.

2010: The exact start date for World War III is November 2010. of the year. True, Wang made a reservation that it could stretch to October 2014, but clarified that during this world carnage there will be used chemical and nuclear weapons.

2011: death of the entire northern hemisphere due to loss fallout, while against survivors Muslims of Europeans will also use chemical weapons.

2014: the world’s population will be affected by epidemics of new diseases due to the use of chemical weapons.

2016: Europe will become uninhabited.

A photo from open sources

Let us only believe in bright prophecies

According to the famous futurologist and physicist Stanislav Polozov, Wang’s name could well be used by special services that spread not the foresight of a Bulgarian seer, but practically the misinformation they need. This was most likely done through the assistants with whom Vangeline was surrounded. Why and to whom is it necessary – understandably, probably, to everyone. Firstly, such creepy “prophecies” sow panic in society and plunge it into apathy, which very beneficial to the powerful of this world, and secondly, faith in one way or another the event of a huge number of people almost draws him out that multivariate future, about which we spoke above.

A photo from open sources

From this we can draw a very simple conclusion: it is worth believing only in good prophecies, for example, that Russia will become great power and establish a fair, spiritual world on the planet. Such faith on the part of millions (even better – billions) of people one could bring closer and certainly fulfill this bright prediction of great oracles.

But in bad prophecies, especially concerning the Third World war, Apocalypse, doomsday and so on, to believe is simply dangerous, and therefore it is not necessary. May the dark forces and their visionary minions try to undermine society, scare people, cloud them consciousness – do not give in! Suffice it to recall the words of the saints the elders who claimed that about the end of the world, the Apocalypse may to know only the Most High, and no one else. Make from here conclusions…

Vanga War End of the World Edgar Cayce

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