Doomsday approaching for US? Sensational statement by Japanese seismologists

Doomsday is approaching for the US? Sensational statement by Japanese seismologistsA photo from open sources

University of Tokyo Seismology Center Gives Sensational News – next year may be the last for the United States America.

Moreover, it is quite possible to trust the forecasts of scientists of this Center: they accurately predicted earthquakes that occurred this year in China, India, Iran, and the Mexican government even warned of strong destructive shocks, which basically happened here in September.

So, according to the calculations of Japanese seismologists, in 2018-2019 a chain of volcanoes, the so-called Ring of Fire, is activated (see diagram below). It can threaten serious earthquakes and the effects of awakened volcanoes a number of countries – and the main danger is seismic activity this period for the Americas.

And although the Ring of Fire covers a vast territory, from New Zealand and all the way to Mexico, the worst natural disasters in next year will happen, according to the Tokyo Center for Seismology, in North America where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are like They say they will reach their maximum rated power.

A photo from open sources

With such a warning study, scientists turned to the UN. However, experience shows that governments of countries where cataclysms of this kind are supposed to do little to rescue of the population, not to mention the destruction. This is understandable: hope for a better outcome, lack of funds for warning catastrophes, passivity of people who are in no hurry to leave incidents places, and many other factors just don’t allow you to take advantage such forecasts even 50 percent, not to mention more, on what scientists are counting. It’s all one useless foresight future great oracles. Another famous American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce complained that his warnings about upcoming disasters no one takes seriously, and if perceive, then people do nothing to avoid impending dangers – they simply are not capable of such actions or something is holding them back, perhaps an already accomplished future, which resists change in every way …

However, Japanese seismologists warn that the current the activity of the earth’s crust beneath Mexico is only a forerunner to more powerful earthquakes that will occur on this continent in in the near future, most likely, next year. In that case a number of countries that the Ring of Fire captures, and in the first the turn of the United States will simply be wiped off the face of the earth.

It seems that neither the UN nor the United States will respond to this warning. Casey was right about that …

Volcanoes Earthquakes Mexico USA Edgar Cayce

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