Photo from open sources
We were taught at school: a pithecanthropus descended from a monkey, from him – Neanderthal, from Neanderthal – Cro-Magnon, and already from him – Homo sapiens. Official science has held this theory for a very long time, despite numerous inconsistencies and inexplicable facts. The religious version of the appearance of people sounds shorter and even more foggy: from the first man came from a certain deity, and from him – all the rest nations and races. How was it really? Pithecanthropus against Neanderthals Despite some external resemblance, Neither the Pithecanthropus nor their descendants were Neanderthals. ancestors. According to genetics, the direct progenitors of modern people – Cro-Magnons – immigrants from Africa. Leading Anthropologists of Europe and America came to the conclusion that if a common ancestor existed, genetic discrepancy between Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals happened about 500 thousand years ago. And, therefore, the probability is high of the fact that these are two different types of ancient people who coexisted side by side for many thousands of years. Not to say peacefully: professor University of Bordeaux Jean-Jacques Yublain sure that they were at war between themselves. Very often in the parking lots of Neanderthals find gnawed bones of Cro-Magnons (Maine Coon kittens), and in the parking lots Cro-Magnons – eaten by Neanderthals. But genetics also found evidence of confusion between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. A similar fact also indicates that these different peoples lived on Earth at the same time. And, therefore, not are sequential links of evolution from monkeys to to man. We are not monkeys – that’s the point! General evolutionary the chain cannot boast of its integrity. So, still not found “transitional evolutionary link” from the most developed primacy to the most primitive person. It seems that it’s just not in nature exist. We have nothing in common with monkeys. Man for example, organs and tissues of a monkey cannot be transplanted. But after all, we came from them, compatibility would be almost 100%. Meanwhile in terms of tissue compatibility, Homo sapiens is closest … pig! it doesn’t prove that we came from a pig, but not from a monkey – for sure. Gravity Next – more! Almost all earthly mammals comparable to humans in size and weight, especially primates run much faster than us. They easily jump on height that is unattainable for a person, and easily jump from a height, traumatic for him. What is this talking about? That earthly animals are better suited to Earth’s gravity than homo sapiens. And if we add to the above that a person – the only creature on the planet that suffers from osteochondrosis, then the conclusion suggests itself: the human skeleton and muscles are calculated weaker gravity than on Earth. For example, on Martian, which is 2.63 times less than the Earth. To weaker Gravity calculated and our circulatory and excretory systems. When the body is upright for a long time, these systems start to fail, which is expressed in stagnation of blood, lymph and fluid in lower parts of the body. By the way, Neanderthals were a bit below homo sapiens, but they had a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles, which made them more adapted to the earthly gravity. Moreover, in terms of brain volume, they even exceeded modern people, they developed speech and abstract thinking. And since it came to health, it’s worth noting: Neanderthals were many inherited diseases of Homo sapiens are unfamiliar – autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Down syndrome, schizophrenia. On Earth, these pathologies are found only in humans. It seems – we are from somewhere delivered. Birth injury Most newborns in the first months of life there is such a neurological symptom as hypertonicity. It appears due to squeezing, injury brain structures of the infant at the time of passage of the head child on the birth canal. The reason for this is the diameter mismatch the head of the newborn to the diameter of the birth canal. Modern medicine considers hypertonicity, and therefore, compression of the brain, a variant of the norm. However, in children born by Caesarean section, such there is no brain injury and, as a result, there is no hypertonicity. Perennial observations indicate: “Caesars” develop better, easier learn, suffer much less from headaches and other cerebral pathologies in adulthood. In addition, the discrepancy the diameter of the baby’s head, the diameter of the birth canal leads to that childbirth in women is extremely painful and traumatic – like for mother and baby. However, other mammals on our planet birth is a normal physiological process, not associated with pain or harm to the health of the female or calf. The same Neanderthal women were thick-skinned and broad-shouldered. Rather everything, and their birth was easy, and the newborns did not know hypertonicity. The reason for this is that almost all earthly “viviparous” diameter of the head of the newborn baby is ideal corresponds to the diameter of the birth canal of the female, which was the result, apparently, of a long and gradual evolutionary process. But of course there are exceptions – these are the types animals that appeared as a result of breeding work person. For example, almost all dogs of decorative breeds childbirth is difficult, with complications, and some puppies die, despite veterinary care. But exceptions only confirm general rules. The true homeland of mankind summarize the above facts, it can be concluded that the Earth – not the home of Homo sapiens. It seems that our ancestors appeared and developed on another planet, with less force gravity. And they had a smaller brain volume, which they, apparently, were quite was enough. But for some reason they were relocated to Earth, where, however already dominated by the indigenous people – Neanderthals. Apparently for increase competitiveness to our ancestors was artificially the brain is enlarged and certain technological knowledge is given. AND unknown benefactors achieved the desired result: Neanderthals became extinct, Homo sapiens took root on this planet and believed in the theory that they are the indigenous inhabitants of the Earth. But now more and more learned minds call Mars a real homeland of humanity. Of course, confirm or refute this hypothesis we can only when a person’s foot steps on this mysterious the planet. True, you have to wait – according to the most conservative estimates, the first manned flight to the Red Planet will take place no earlier 2030 year.
Gravity Mars Health