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The Year of the Green Wooden Horse will begin on January 31, 2014 and will end on February 18, 2015. A horse is a wayward animal characterized by an independent character and capable of bold and decisive actions. At the same time, the Wooden Horse is the most rational and balanced of all the Horses, as she has a mind always prevails over emotions. Therefore, the goals that sets in front of you the Wooden Horse, always very realistic, and she seeks them with her inherent passion, obsession and assertiveness. So, in 2014, Horses have a chance to catch for tail bird of luck first of all people having strong-willed character with stamina, determination, and at the same time time, characterized by directness and honesty.
Rat Rats this year will have to quickly fingering to catch the fast-moving Horse. TO fortunately, hard work and activity are characteristic features of the Rat, therefore she will spend the year very fruitfully and will achieve much. That at first it will be difficult, in the course of time it will become overgrown with various profitable bonuses and easy-to-go details. There will be assistants and money, and time, and health. In his personal life, the year will impose on the Rat great responsibility to loved ones. Rat in general when others signs will have fun and relax, will weigh morality their actions, their compliance with its own internal standards decency. She will not leave relatives, loved ones or even those in trouble who is just pretty to her. This will significantly strengthen those alliances in of which there is no particular love: they will be held on empathy, care and common goals. In the beginning of spring, many Rats are waiting for marriage. IN Rat is waiting for a lot of work and plenty of work. In the first half a year you need to be careful and not rush forward so that it others have noticed. In summer and autumn, competitors and envious people will become more active, but the Rat will already have a lot of strength to defeat them. In summer many Rats will change jobs for the better or go up. Health is best done in spring: effective strengthening immunity and the fight against bad habits. Bull The horse helps, but does not patronize the Bull. She refers to him. as an equal: does not patronize and does not give gifts. She gives him a chance and then the result depends on the actions of the Bull himself. The bull is persistent and strong. If he is interested in what this year offers him, then Achieve a lot, if not, then he will be the only one who does not will move back and not be a loser, but just stay in side. In the personal life, the first half of the year will be important. In love The bull is waiting for happy meetings and a new romance with a wonderful by man. At the beginning of the year, family people will have misunderstandings with partner, they will have to look for an approach to each other, but already to April-May, everything will calm down. In the work of the Bull, success in employment, career growth or a successful business. Summer especially generously on financial luck. If the Bull is not interested in a career, he all the same, it won’t be left without a gift: colleagues and superiors. In spring you need to take care of peace of mind – the risk of depression increases. And the second half of the summer is traumatic. IN at the same time, the Bull may not encounter an injury, but a disease, the reason for which is his indiscretion and negligence on attitude to health. Tiger Horse respects the Tiger, but treats him with some caution. Therefore, arrange tricks she will not be to him, but she won’t give much advance either. Year it turns out to be nervous, twitchy for the Tiger: it’s kind of visible Opportunities, but small, not corresponding to those invested in them efforts, or completely unattainable. There is a tiger to throw out energy, but he may not receive anything in return. And only the end of the year will be prolific for success for those who have shown flexibility and found compromise with the Horse, partially abandoning the usual view of world. For personal life, the year is bad. At the beginning of the year, many Tigers part with a partner. Understanding the family Tigers and harmony in relationships only at the end of summer, but single people and they won’t build lasting relationships this year. They will be be interested, but not taken seriously. The work will happen about the same. An active, noisy Tiger will be noticed, but cheat with bonuses. A lot of work depends on the beginning of the year – in February-March, the Tiger will face a serious choice and from its decision it depends on how things go during the year. The financial year is uneven – from takeoffs at the beginning and end of the year to failures in April-May and in August-September. That there were no health problems, the Tiger cannot run the disease. This year, any untreated on time the disease will become chronic. Old ones will also remind of themselves. ailments. Rabbit This is the dual year for the Rabbit. With one hand, they are not friends with the Horse, on the other, Tree – related Rabbit element. Many people of this sign will be able to find their benefits. even where fate did not count on them. For this Rabbit you need not to rush into battle, but to be a guide, mediator, carrier the right information for other people. His awareness is the most great dignity. At the beginning of the year, Rabbit will seek in love indifferent to him and, most likely, an unsuitable person. Then – seek solace from those who love him, but whom he does not love myself. And only the second half of the summer will give him mutual love and good relationship with the right person. In late autumn, paired quarrels will begin. At the same time, those people who managed each other is bored, and whose union rests only on habit. IN Rabbit will achieve much if he understands well what it is he who wants to achieve. Financially, the year will also be good, money will come easier than last year. Also throughout the year there will be several big expenses – fortunately, predictable for Good Rabbit. Health will be good. You need to take care of him in the fall, during this period, the Rabbit will increase exposure to colds. Dragon For the Dragon, the year will be happy, easy and complete. various pleasant events. The dragon will be lucky even in those collective affairs, where the rest will fail. Year will offer The dragon has many seductive perspectives to choose from, it can choose from many successful occupations those that he especially soul. The main thing is to quickly make a choice, because with all that offers the Horse, the Dragon can not cope. Dragons will be driven to love They will be very popular, they will want to date many, and Dragon’s increased intuition this year will help him make the right choice. A year is good for creating a family, and for vivid novels without obligations. In the fall there is a risk of breaking those relationships that Dragon appreciates. In the work, the Dragon is lucky. His will be promoted, he will develop successfully business. There will be few competitors, and not because the Dragon will defeat them, but because in his field of activity there will be crises in which only he can survive and increase wealth. He will have much money. But you can’t brag about them – the risk of robberies increases, especially since the summer. Dragon’s health will be good if he adhere to the regime and proper nutrition. Snake Year will be difficult for the Snake for many reasons. First, the Horse itself does not like the Snake and gives it less chance than other signs. Secondly, the Snake acts slowly waiting for a good moment, and the year Suitable for quick and bold action. Therefore many snakes will lose. But a year will develop their best qualities: they you need to be twice prudent and insightful to get around all the trouble. In love, the first half of the year will be difficult. Snake Feels tired of the routine. She will start in every way provoke a partner to jealousy. And that, in turn, instead of in order to understand her signals correctly and add to the relationship romance, it will nag, itch, set ultimatums, educate and even able to break off relationships. Vivid love experiences await Snake in the second half of the year, especially in late summer and early fall. IN snakes will want to break up, but their own ambition next to insufficient energy for success, bad the attitude of colleagues and the circumstances themselves. The best that can do Snake – improve your skills as a specialist and become respected professional. No need to rush to the heights. Let be Concerned about the career race, the signs themselves turn to the Snake for her wise help. This year’s illness may be enough serious, so the Snake needs to go through a complete examination in spring and autumn. Horse For Horse year will be successful, but above all – important and interesting. Horse naturally and at ease acts in the style that is needed this year for success. But, on the other hand, the Horse does not give itself gifts, but rather, or experiencing people of this sign on strength, or puts in difficult circumstances to reveal them best features. Well, the sheer abundance of open possibilities will force Horses are nervous. Most of the confusion will be in personal life. The horse will rush from one decision to another, tear in love triangles, to love a person indifferent to her and not notice how they love her. In summer, these throwings will end important event: marriage or divorce. In work, the main thing for the Horse is to find a good business partner, not one who is similar to her in everything, but one who complements her business features with her own. The horse will take key position or place in the business, it will depend on it many work processes. The financial situation is good, but Horse carelessness will push her to dispose of incorrectly with your money. Health will not require special cares. Exception – sexually transmitted diseases that can get Horse rushing about in partnership. Goat horse favors his younger ungulate “cousin.” She will cook a goat some nice gifts. But the petty and critical character of the Goat complicate at least one area of life – relationships with surrounding. The goat will achieve everything by herself, by the end of the year, will not change his mind and will not behave softer. Of course, character Goats will complicate her personal life and some areas of activity. The beginning of the year will bring a scam to many Goats. Love relationship yet they can stand the test, but family ones are unlikely. Too much her partner will be offended by Kozu. Summer is a good time, which give Kose spa novels. Critical, smart goat will not then pull them into later life, and finish with the rest, easy and painless. The end of the year is especially good. Kozu is waiting for a meeting with the person with whom she will then develop strong and good relations. At the very beginning of the year, some Goats will face troubles at work. But starting in April, their career will be develop brilliantly. They will have many opportunities to get boost or make a business successful. Summer will be filled with chores. Autumn is in conflict with colleagues. The end of the year is very good for career, and financially. Goat’s health is not in danger. Year is very good for treatment, including surgery. Therefore, if Kose has something to treat, it is better to do it in the year of the Horse. Monkey Horse does not like Monkey. She won’t give her any good opportunities, no nice gifts. But monkeys are deep it doesn’t matter: she cleverly avoids trouble and doesn’t even notice them, and the rest will be of no interest to her. She is not interested in change and achievement. She will rest. She will not be offended by the fact that someone will get more benefits and success than her. She has a very philosophical attitude to the benefits that can offer Horse. In love, the Monkey will become for many a real “fatal passion. “She will regretfully end those relationships that seem uninteresting to her, at the beginning of the year, and dives headlong into love affairs where hearts will be broken. Stills them unless the arrival of autumn: in September-October, the Monkey will feel a craving for stability. In the work, the Monkey could achieve something if I didn’t jump from work to work. It’s hard for her to agree with some conditions, then with others. As a result, only creative people working for themselves, and the rest will expand in a year knowledge and master new areas of activity, but special social it will not bring benefits to them yet. To promote Monkey health it is worth relaxing in a sanatorium, dispensary, visiting exercise therapy, in general – promote health under the supervision of specialists. Rooster life The rooster largely depends on himself. The horse loves active people, and the Rooster is very active. He would seem to be well fit into the rhythm of this year. But not everyone will do it. To some Roosters will be prevented by their conceit. They will want to be active. only where they consider it right, and will dismiss many truly promising opportunities. Success will come only to those Roosters who are able to take into account the situation around yourself. It will also be good for those who already have a good backlog in the year Horses will harvest. In the personal life of the Rooster, everything will start provoke. He will intervene with advice in the life of the partner, and he will will openly ignore them. But the Rooster is unlikely to think about how good his advice is. He will become depressed due to the fact that He was not appreciated. In the first half of the year, a break in relations is likely. A if the Rooster wants to fix them, or is he lonely and dreams of love, then July-September is a good time. In the work of a rooster waiting conflicts and risks. They will begin right from January. And here, too, Rooster he doesn’t want to see his mistakes, but prefers to change at the end of spring job or profession. But some Roosters working more or less alone or with your own business, you are lucky to attack real “gold mine”. Their self-confidence and selfishness only help not to stray from the right path. Roosters will have health good, and this is entirely his merit: he will take care of health. The vulnerability of the body are internal organs. Dog Year for the Dog will be simple, even and calm. She well understands everything that happens around, the energy of the year to her close. She will not worry about anything, she will avoid the fuss and a waste of energy, and will be able to choose those delicious “bones”, which she likes. Not envious by nature, Dog is not will be upset that he will not be able to take everything for himself. She is not will strain and work at the peak of its capabilities. Her and so there will be enough goods. In love, those Dogs will be happier which at the beginning of the year there is no loved one. Dogs will be very attractive to others, and they can easily choose worthy partner. Dogs in love will also be nice, they have couples will have a lot of love. But if the Dog has a family and feelings in it has already subsided, giving way to habit, it will be in a situation love triangle. In work, the Dog will be lucky. Waiting for her promotion, successful business, respect for colleagues and superiors. If The dog feels that in its business has reached the ceiling, it successfully change occupation. The financial situation will be good. But save up money will be difficult: they will mainly be spent on useful large purchases. When assessing a health situation, a weak spot organism in Dogs – GIT. The dog must arrange the right healthy food, if you do not want problems by the middle of the year. Boar Boars per year Horses will be serious about changing own life. Their innate business acumen will tell them that year can be very beneficial. And the Boar, sparing no strength, will rush to win new positions, and fate will help him in this. Most boars, even the laziest ones, will be by the end of the year more successful in all areas of life than at the beginning of the year. If the boar too lazy to do something, luck will come to them by itself – although, Of course, less than for decisive and purposeful people. IN Love Boar will strive for stability. He will stop love affair on the side, if any. He will try build strong, lasting relationships. Although life will throw him tests, the couple will come out of them with honor and will become even stronger. For Careers are especially fruitful in the first half. Boars will not just to raise and in every way to allocate – they can give him authority, which are high not only for his position, but also for higher posts. He can jump over several steps. social ladder. Of course, such successes will bring improvement. with finances. In the second half of the year, Boars will think about the discovery own business, individual work will be more productive than work for hire. As for health, the weak point in the body of the Boar – flexibility. There will be problems with the spine, joints and lower back. It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor and determine the diagnosis. Timely treatment started will save Boar from problems.
Time Money Dragons Life Health Snakes Rats Dogs