A photo from open sources
Egypt’s economy is in a critical situation. Apparently, the authorities decided that to combat this problem any means are good. Economists estimate that at the surrender of the pyramids and other architectural monuments for rent Egypt’s management may make $ 200 billion, Al Arabia reports. Going to lease the monuments of Ancient Egypt for a period of 3-5 years to the largest foreign travel agencies, the country’s authorities plan to earn several hundred billion dollars. No matter how strange, most officials reacted to this proposal Seriously. True, the final word in this matter remains with Supreme Council for Antiquities. Hire Egypt Authority decisively want all their wealth: the legendary sphinx, the pyramids Giza, architectural complexes in Luxor and Karnak, temples of the pharaoh Ramesses II at Abu Simbel. Despite the fact that the Ministry of preservation of cultural values of Egypt, together with leading archaeologists of the world criticized the bill, the likelihood that unique monuments temporarily cease to belong to Egypt, very high. It is reported that the future tenant will be selected by tender results. Moreover, exactly how are travel companies will have to use the pyramids, not specified anywhere. Some joke that clever businessmen will begin to spend in the pyramids parties, however, most likely, companies simply monopolize the right to sell tickets for excursions to ancient monuments. The financial situation of the Egyptian authorities today critical. The country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves are at the lowest level since the early 2000s. At the same time, unemployment in the country growing steadily. Over the past three months, about 162 lost their jobs 000 Egyptians.
Egypt Pyramids