The Paracas Desert is located on a peninsula in the province of Pisco, on south coast of peru. It was here in 1928 that the Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello made an amazing discovery. He discovered an extensive artfully arranged cemetery, with graves containing the remains of people with the largest elongated skulls in the world! No skull like and never found before. They became known as “skulls.” Paracas. ” Photos from open sources In general, Tello found about 300 of these skulls, which should be about 3000 years old. Recently on one of skulls DNA analysis was performed. Expert Brian Foster gave some preliminary information regarding mysterious skulls. For the most part, elongated skulls are the result of deliberate deformations of the skull by tying or flattening the head and exposure to it for a long time. Such achieved the effect, bandaging the head between two planks, or pulling his head together with a cloth. This method naturally changed shape. skulls, however volume, weight and other characteristic features inherent the human skull remained unchanged.
Photo from open sources However, with the skulls of Paracas otherwise. Their volume is 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier, than ordinary human skulls! This means that the skull Paracas could not be deformed intentionally by the above method, using planks or cloth. In addition, these skulls have only one parietal surface, while human skulls have two (external and internal). And since the features of these skulls are not the result of intentional deformation, then the reason for which skulls are elongated remains a mystery. Huann Navarro is the owner and director of the local Paracas History Museum Museum, whose collection includes 35 skulls of Paracas, allowed take samples from five skulls. The process of obtaining samples (hair, teeth, skin, bones) has been carefully documented using photos and videos. Samples of three skulls were sent to geneticists, however, geneticists did not report any information regarding the origin of the skulls before the completion of genetic testing.
Photo from open sources DNA analysis of one of the skulls was completed and expert Brian Foster talked about preliminary analysis results: “The result revealed mitochondrial DNA with unknown mutation that is not found in any person, primacy or an animal. Perhaps we are dealing with a new humanoid a creature very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals or Denisovans “Brian is not sure if this all fits in with our evolution. He noted that people with such skulls have huge biological differences, and therefore they could hardly be crossed with by people. The result of this analysis will be taken into account when subsequent tests and possibly in the future about Paracas skulls will be more is known.
DNA time Peru