“Eyes of Darkness” is a novel in which the coronavirus Wuhan predicted 40 years ago

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Throughout history, the future has not only been predicted. the prophets. There are many works of art in which the authors described events that then surprisingly “appeared” in real life.

Most literary predictions that appear in books, regarded by scientists and skeptics as a pure coincidence or assumptions. However, some of these “coincidences” are too much mystical, for example, such is the novel “Eyes of Darkness”, in which talked about a biological weapon called Wuhan-400, developed in the Chinese city of Wuhan – the epicenter of the new and mysterious coronavirus.

The forecast came true

Eyes of Darkness is a thriller written in 1980. He created popular American fiction writer Dean Kunz (see photo up). The book is about a Chinese military laboratory, scientists which create a virus as part of a biological weapons program. The laboratory is located in Wuhan, why the virus gets the corresponding name is Wuhan-400.

A photo from open sources

In the novel, a mother named Christina Evans tries to find out if she died her son Danny is in a military conflict or, as tells her foreboding, he is still alive. In the end, she manages to find a son at a military facility where it is kept after accidental infection a virus created in a secret laboratory in Wuhan.

A strange coincidence can be attributed primarily the existence of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in a book – the only modern biosafety laboratory of the fourth level in China, which in 1980 was not at all. Today this a laboratory is used to study various infections, to for example, smallpox or Ebola. It is located just 30 km from Wuhan City, why this circumstance caused a conspiracy the assumption that the virus is a Chinese biological weapons.

Wuhan 400 is an ideal biological weapon. It only affects people. No other living thing can become infected with it or carry the infection. Like syphilis, Wuhan-400 is not able to survive. outside the living human body for more than a minute, which means that it is not can constantly pollute huge territories, like, say, anthrax and other similar microorganisms. Wuhan 400 dies as soon as a person’s body temperature drops below thirty degrees centigrade, the novel says.

Symptoms of the virus described in the Kunz novel are definitely different from the symptoms of a true 2019 nKoV coronavirus if believe official information. For example, it is not known how long real coronavirus can survive outside the human body, contagious whether it is for animals, as transmitted through them. Currently confirmed that 2019-nKoV applies only from person to to a person, although there is a possibility that he can be picked up through contaminated surfaces or food.

Writers and their Prophetic Novels

Given the surprising and even disturbing similarities between Kunz literary virus and real Chinese coronavirus, media tried to offer a logical and rational explanation for this. Some journalists write that this type of “fantastic prophecies “are not uncommon and this coincidence is explained by theory “endless monkey” which by pressing random keys on typewriter keyboard for an infinitely long time, in eventually write a novel (or at least a story).

A photo from open sources

But let’s recall Morgan Robertson’s novel “Vainness” of 1898, in which tells about a huge ocean liner that sank in North Atlantic after collision with an iceberg. There were many surprising similarities between the fictional ship “Titan” and the infamous Titanic, which sank 14 years later, after the release of the novel. If in this case only ship parameters or causes of the disaster. But there’s a lot in the book other matches, for example, the names of passengers and officers, entrepreneurs associated with the creation of the liner, and so on. And if such literary coincidences were singular, otherwise many writers “sinned” this, not only science fiction writers, but the most ordinary prose writers who wrote the most ordinary books that criticism refers to “literary realism.”

Viruses Time China

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