The winner of the “Battle of psychics” gives a forecast for 2013 year
Alexander Litvin – one of the most famous psychics Russia, a specialist in energy and its impact on our lives, the winner of the Battle of Psychics – 6 tells us what awaits us in 2013 year
Photos from open sources
2013 is the year of activation of water energy, and our life will be pass under the influence of this element. Under her influence, the pace of life will decrease, we will begin to “slow down”, reduce speed. it a time of calm, measured movement.
The energy of the water will increase, which means it’s worth the wait breakthrough of dams, floods, floods, typhoons, etc. But before total 2013 is the year of fresh water. It will be associated with them disaster. Due to the fact that this activation will happen to a large extent, the groundwater level will increase, the earth will become more mobile. Ductile. May occur landslides, soil failures, soil movements. Special control needed for various structures – dams, etc.
Photos from open sources
Alexander LITVIN. Photo: From a personal archive.
The Crimean catastrophe of last year is a kind of bell, to protect us from more serious disasters. The control
for hydraulic structures. Because Water is such all-penetrating substance, then this will lead to other consequences – deterioration of visibility in the atmosphere. Such phenomena are always reflected. in transport, and even more so in aviation. Therefore, I expect in 2013 a large number of flight delays due to weather conditions, in this situations a large role will be assigned to weather services. Of course this will affect seafarers as icebergs may appear even where they have never been. That is, in those latitudes where they are not it happens. Or some ship will strike you.
As for weather conditions – I expect a snowy, damp winter, with fogs. Poor visibility. Heavy snowfall will bring additional load on buildings, roofs. There is a high probability roof collapse, icicles, snow blocks, etc. Water affects for transport – including by rail. maybe destruction of the railway web and supporting structures. But this is temporary phenomenon.
Such natural conditions will affect the psycho-emotional state of people. People will become slow, will be present some retardation of consciousness. We will switch more on logical activity. 2013 is the year of logic, calculation.
Calculation will become dominant in the field of personal relations. IN 2013 year will be a huge number of marriages of convenience. Will be not only ordinary human qualities, mind, intellect are taken into account, attractiveness of the partner, but also its material component. Success, business card.
The second point is that we will become less trusted in each other. This is a factor. not very good anymore. Suspicion of people will lead to the fact that expect the destruction of many unions. Patient leads imagination, sick curiosity that we will satisfy – to glance. In 2012, a huge number of marriages broke up. Splash of divorces, and marriages that broke up lasted 20-25 years. In 2013 there will be a distrust of each other friend, but at the same time gaps will be an order of magnitude smaller. People will be strive to ensure that everything remains in place.
Since we are even distrustful of each other, we stop trust many government institutions, for example, the banking sector. But it may end in disaster, it’s not only in our country, but generally in the northern hemisphere. It can result in serious crisis. A crisis can be triggered by a group of people which can really influence the situation, creating an impact on public opinion, dumping misinformation. It will be easy for us cheat based on misinformation. Somewhere someone is something .. enough crisis year, but not earlier than May.
But at the same time, I can’t call this year critical for our countries. Nature has made it so that now we are NOT at the epicenter events. In general, the situation is quite favorable for us.
If in 2010 they actively fought, openly, then 2013 will be The year of the war is undercover, inconspicuous, conspiratorial. Spyware year. Special services will be activated. The fight without a pump, hidden detailed, hidden from the press.
In 22013, very serious discoveries are expected in the field of medicine, new treatments have been discovered, at least created prototypes of some drugs of the future. Serious will be received data, statistics in the hydrosphere. There will be new stars in the sphere exact sciences, the new world chess champion.
Of the sad events – next year may be the last in the career of famous political leaders. The point will be set to physical level. At least two prominent politicians will leave for another world. I am talking about the limits of the northern hemisphere.
Transport accidents will be related to weather conditions. But also with the fact that people at high speeds will not be in time respond correctly. This year does not imply work on large speeds in time pressure. This year requires a decrease in speed, requires attention. Moreover, in the most literal sense of the word – control over high-speed mode is very important. Speeding even by 20 km per hour is extremely negative. This is not a race time. This time calm, measured movement.
If we talk about various areas of professional activity, then in more successful industries it is medicine. Doctors will be more effective, attentive, accurate. This applies to doctors therapeutic profile, pediatricians. Not surgeons. Good time for those involved in computing – various financial areas. Researchers are different. And one more thing – they will be very good representatives of internal affairs bodies work as investigators, field investigators, etc. many of them will reveal crimes that were committed many years ago. Another thing is whether they make public the results of your work? Revealed crimes based on analytics. The pharmaceutical industry is on the rise.
February will be rather problematic months in terms of health and November – we will be prone to depression, spleen, bad mood. In general, this year the level will decrease cardiovascular disease, but the level of disease, associated with the spine, especially its cervical spine, on the contrary, will be high enough. There is a risk of gastrointestinal infections and poisoning – in 2013 there will be a phenomenon in which dramatically reduce the shelf life of many products. That is, if in under normal conditions, the product is valid for 30 days, now this the term is reduced to 15 days. So you need to be very attentive to what is on your desk.
There will be a crisis. Where to invest money? Relatively residents of the metropolis, the situation is the same, regarding residents of small cities – another. For residents of big cities it makes sense to invest in real estate, the best option – trends continue investing in metals, but this trend will continue only until February 2014 Then a sharp devaluation of drags is possible metals.
If you invest in stocks, then these are stocks of companies woodworking industry, pulp, paper. They are now imperceptible, but in the future they will tend to grow. It is better to buy vehicles in January-February, some June days, the most favorable months are October and December.
January 2013 should be working, this is in order to secure a reserve for the summer. I am against long holidays. IN January you need to work to secure a reserve for the summer. Only three months of the year – March, July, November – are good for relaxation. By about displacements in space. January – at home, in February preferable northern direction, in March – eastern sectors – Thailand, China, April is better to spend at home, in May – east. June, July, August – southern directions. September – October – West and southwest. November-December – north and northwest.
Moving south in 2013 will be negative for 90% of the population. Now you can not move to Thailand, India, Egypt. It’s better located closer to home. But if you really want, there’s no strength north, northwest, northeast direction. Southern sectors are quite complex. If you need at sea, then residents I will not please the European part of Russia – only the Baltic is suitable sea, you can go there.
Children who are born this year will be leisurely, slow. And this must be considered by parents – no need “customize” them to the standards of development, these kids will learn the world is gradual. It is necessary to give maximum knowledge, but at the same time reduce feed rate, go into low-frequency speech, then knowledge will be well absorbed. It’s good to teach children how to play chess, checkers – where you need to learn the strategy, logical, the ability to think 5-6 steps forward. Calculation, intuition. Foreign language. Learn from January 2013.
Procedures will have a beneficial effect on the skin. associated with water. But it should be borne in mind that balneological, mud treatment should be taken with caution. Do not allow dehydration. If in this year you decide on plastic surgery, then the most suitable for this time – September and October. That’s when the surgeons will be especially accurate. All types of fitness in 2013 should be preferred. yoga and meditation practices – that allows you to exist in smooth, contemplative mode.
Alexander Litvin was born on July 25, 1960 in the city of Troitsk Chelyabinsk region. By the first education, a doctor, by the second pharmacist, for 15 years led the medical service of the military parts in Chukotka. Having retired at the age of 33, he returned to his native a city where he worked at customs for a long time. To the first two entities added managerial and legal. In 2008 took part in the project “Battle of psychics” on TNT channel and won.
War Water Time Life Health Crisis Russia Psychics