Famous sorceress predicts: in 10 years Western Europe will change a lot

The famous sorceress predicts: in 10 years, Western Europe will change greatlyA photo from open sources

We less and less believe in all kinds of clairvoyants and sorcerers, because their prophecies, especially about the end of the world, do not come true. However, some predictions seem so obvious that even you wonder: it has long been known to all. For example, that Western Europe is gradually dying and, most likely, in 10 years just will not be in the understanding that we put in it now.

This is what the winner of the “Battle of psychics” says the witch Natalia Banteeva, who remarks with a grin:

Is too much importance attached today the issue of preserving the European Union? But the problem is not a split The EU, and in general – in the dying of Europe as such. Ten years later Western Europe, advanced and civilized, what we her present now, just will not. The current “European values ​​”with imposing on the whole world, for example, not only equality women, but also homosexuality, will sink into oblivion. They will be replaced by a completely different mentality, since the Europeans by then will turn into states with Muslim traditions, where women must wear hijabs, and men in order to have several wives (about current debauchery with many lovers and lovers have to forget), have to work from morning to in the evening.

Indeed, why do modern European politicians talk about anything, but not about the fact that in five to ten years in In Western Europe, the majority of the population will be Muslims who, ultimately come to power and establish such an order which today we can observe, say, in Saudi Arabia

Europe is dying, says Natalya Banteeva, everyone what is happening in it today is the real agony before death. Everything has long been predetermined by the Higher powers, and therefore attempts today’s politicians save something seem not only meaningless, but also funny: you look at least at how it done – it seems that the ruling elite of the West Europe is crazy. And this is agony …

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